Toll Bros next expansion in Lake Forest

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After Tolls Bro completes the Parkside master community, I was informed from their sales office that they are in the process of building out their next master planned development nearby.
Burn That Belly said:
Which is....... where?

The Nakase nursery site. Educated guess. T.B. wants to build 800 homes there. Evidently, City Councilman Andrew Hamilton accepted over $33k from them.
SoCal said:
Burn That Belly said:
Which is....... where?

The Nakase nursery site. Educated guess. T.B. wants to build 800 homes there. Evidently, City Councilman Andrew Hamilton accepted over $33k from them.

Really, Nursery is finally going away, eh?  Kinda sad, was good to see some open space driving up Bake Pkwy.  I guess everyone has their price.
aquabliss said:
Really, Nursery is finally going away, eh?  Kinda sad, was good to see some open space driving up Bake Pkwy.  I guess everyone has their price.

As of right now, it is still zoned for agriculture. The zoning hasn't been changed to residential yet. However, apparently the head of the city's planning commission is friends with the three council members - Robinson, Voigts, Hamilton - in favor of development.

At a Toll Brothers meeting attended by some members of the public, the builder said they would develop the nursery site save for a 10 acre corner parcel for a new elementary school.
SVUSD is experiencing declining enrollment so Toll Brothers will need to significantly look into their funding plan besides builders fees in lieu of MR. This would continue to populate ETHS which is experiencing quite a revival.
SoCal said:
Burn That Belly said:
Which is....... where?

The Nakase nursery site. Educated guess. T.B. wants to build 800 homes there. Evidently, City Councilman Andrew Hamilton accepted over $33k from them.

They did mention it would be around there. I'm not sure where exactly it will be located.
Kangen.Irvine said:
SVUSD is experiencing declining enrollment

Yeah, I don't believe that. I'm not saying you were never told that. I'm just saying you're being lied to. Which schools in the district, exactly? Example: The principal of THHS confirmed on August 11 that his school is "well over projected enrollment". A record number of students registered this year. That's just one of the schools within the district.

Declining enrollment is just an outdated excuse being used to make further residential development seem palatable to existing residents by those who have something to gain from it. At the current elementary school in question for B.R. (FRE) declining enrollment was true 5 years ago, pre-development. At that time, some teachers were let go and classrooms consolidated or sat empty. This year, they have added new teachers. And anyone who has been there last year and especially this year can attest to what a complete circus it is before and after school.
SoCal said:
Kangen.Irvine said:
SVUSD is experiencing declining enrollment

Yeah, I don't believe that. I'm not saying you were never told that. I'm just saying you're being lied to. Which schools in the district, exactly? Example: The principal of THHS confirmed on August 11 that his school is "well over projected enrollment". A record number of students registered this year. That's just one of the schools within the district.

Declining enrollment is just an outdated excuse being used to make further residential development seem palatable to existing residents by those who have something to gain from it. At the current elementary school in question for B.R. (FRE) declining enrollment was true 5 years ago, pre-development. At that time, some teachers were let go and classrooms consolidated or sat empty. This year, they have added new teachers. And anyone who has been there last year and especially this year can attest to what a complete circus it is before and after school.

I won't disagree with you SoCal, but that's where more families need to show up at school board meetings and make their case. I agree, the growth within the ETHS boundary will be exceptional and Trabuco will add the equivalent of one teacher due to conservative enrollment projections. What the board states is declining numbers in other areas of the district and they won't build a new school when they have closed or repurposed three others.

The biggest problem to getting the much needed school in BR is that the developers pay fees up front instead of MR. This way the district pockets the money and claims they have no long term revenue to use in expansion. The only way I see a new school being built is if TB will pay for it up front. Don't even get me started about the need for a middle school in the same area too.

Bottom line, families must voice their concerns in large numbers at consecutive meetings or BR will still be ignored.