TI Down For Maintenance October 10th

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I just noticed the Zovall's post on the front page:

"Talk Irvine will down for maintenance beginning Thursday (10/10) around 5pm.  Anticipated down time is ~48 hours"

So what will TI members do for those extra 48 hrs?
Tyler Durden said:
irvinehomeowner said:
You can follow me on Twitter.

You have 4 total tweets!

I think it's only 3.

And I was kidding about following me... I just set that up to see how Twitter works. Nothing really to tweet about when all the action is here on TI.

But maybe during the downtime I'll throw out random tweets to satisfy my TI addiction.
You're either a FB or a Twitter person. There isn't really a true hybrid of the two yet seen in the wild. Although Twitters got significant spam issues (10,000 followers, 3 are real) at least you're not being asked to join a crime syndicate or throw sheep at people as you do on FB.

Oddly enough the value I've found on Twitter is about a 15 to 20 minute gap between news on Twitter and news through the MSM. Heard about Michael Jackson's death 1/2 hour before anyone put it up on line or seen at any MSM venue. Same was true about the SF Airport crash some months back. A person on in my Twitter feed posted a photo of smoke on the runway about 45 minutes before the news began to report it.  Yes, you've got to be careful about what you believe and what you toss as rumor, but those extra minute head starts can come in pretty handy sometimes.

Soylent Green Is People aka @JWInfo
irvinehomeowner said:
Nothing really to tweet about when all the action is here on TI.

Well, I don't want you to think I'm stalking you or anything, but...

I'm surprised you say that because I went to the Redfin Orange County forum yesterday to see what's going on over there. I very rarely visit. But I think I saw you! At least, it's somebody with the exact same name and a familiar tag line. So maybe the action is over there, too.

I was thinking about going over there but I don't know, I just can't get into it. I've posted before under my same name. Not much exciting there for me.
If this 48 hour period was spread out over the weekend, it would be so much easier for the members when traffic is slow and people are away doing other things. I wouldn't give it a second thought on Sat/Sun. But I'm sure I'll be hitting refresh out of habit since it's a weekday. My crystal ball says the 48 hours is buffered to include any unforeseen problems. I bet it will be up and running faster than that. 
SoCal said:
My crystal ball says the 48 hours is buffered to include any unforeseen problems. I bet it will be up and running faster than that. 

Hopefully you are right and we are getting the Disneyland time estimate.
We are back up now.  Sorry for the extended downtime.  I've done some testing and things seem stable but please let me know (admin@talkirvine.com) if you notice any issues. 

I have noticed a formatting issue with the date heading on each post.  I believe that is minor (although quite annoying) and I will tackle it later.

The main reason for the downtime was to import all the content from the old IHB forums into TI.  All of that content is now in the Archive category on the TI homepage.  All of that content will remain Read Only and the users that were imported have had  _IHB appended to their names.  These user accounts are not active (it would be too difficult to try to merge them with the current TI accounts).
Thanks, it was indeed very frustrating.  I hired this task out and had everything done in a test environment to proof it out.  When it came to the live site, it didn't go so well and attempts to fix the issues didn't really address the problem.  A new attempt was made early this am and things seem ok so far (knock on wood).

iacrenter said:
I will do a 48 hour hibernation and when I awake, TI will be right there to welcome me back to my virtual world.

I'm feeling a little groggy now, too much Michael Jackson juice. Good to be back home.
Thanks for your hard work!  :)

admin said:
Thanks, it was indeed very frustrating.  I hired this task out and had everything done in a test environment to proof it out.  When it came to the live site, it didn't go so well and attempts to fix the issues didn't really address the problem.  A new attempt was made early this am and things seem ok so far (knock on wood).


you hired people to work on this PHP?  Should move everything to Java...

Did your test team ever tell you "this is not a bug, it is a feature."