Third murder suicide over finances in So Cal

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Another murder-suicide over finances in the news. In Orlando area not SoCal. Even though the gated community home at 300kish sounds like an insane bargain relative to this area it seems like a stretch on a Lowe's salary unless he was at least a store/department manager.

<a href=",0,7094170.story">4 Dead in Murder Suicide in Orlando Area</a>
Very tragic indeed. Except you would think if a family were struggling with finances, they could step it up and clean their own house instead of paying a cleaning lady to do it.
Tragic. Still, I am not able to understand what goes in the minds of people who kill their own family. How could anyone have the heart to kill the ones they love..

Yes, cleaning lady? after so much in debt?? That is something!
This whole thread is incredibly sad.... I just want to scream and do something that will end the nightmare of this economy. It's affecting so many people , but especially the weakest and most vulnerable. We're lucky so far, but if the decline continues we may very well be joining the many down trodden and desperate.