OMG! WTF happened this weekend? Who pissed in everyones' Cheerios?
First - I have met awgee, and he is anything but angry. In fact, he is probably one of the most cheerful, optimistic, and happy people I have ever met. And, if you have read his posts, and I have for the last year or so, you would know... That on a snarky scale of 1-10, he can be a 10. Truth be told, I kinda like it. The sarcasm can be very thick around here. It doesn't mean that anyone here wishes anyone ill will. And, if you really think that, then you need to read some more and more, to find out what people like awgee are really about.
Second - That has to be NIR's best comment yet. I am sincerely sorry, that there are dipsh*ts in the industry, who have tarnished those who do not deserve it. And, I know that there are or were many that ruined it for the people who believed in fiduciary duty. That is one of the main reasons why I got out. I was the one who listened to the ISMs out there, and advised them away from the toxic garbage. But, there were many people not as savvy as ISM, and they got duped by the strong arming a-holes she speaks of. Most importantly, NIR realizes that awgee means no ill will towards her.
Third - XML, I warned you the sarcasm here can be overwhelming. You better ask NIR what she did to get the thick skin that she has. And, if you don't think that the industry isn't overrun by unscrupulous people, then you are either turning a blind eye or are unaware. I suggest you read the <a href="">Fraud Park</a> post. They screwed over so many lenders, and screwed up so many comps, that it is unreal. Go google Daniel Sadek, and let me know what you find. He is the epitome of the gluttonous greed in the industry. One of 1500 Porsche Carrera GT's was lost, because of his wasteful, can't touch me, arrogant, stupidity. And, you have no idea how many other chop shops spawned from his ways. Yes, there are actually good people in the industry, but unfortunately there were way too many Daniel Sadek's who f*&ked it up for the good ones. This "hatred" isn't directed at the good ones, it is directed at the idiots who never should have been in the business in the first place.
Fourth - Nude, is your sarcasm meter broken? Does it need new batteries? Come on... you of all people here should know that awgee is <em>very </em>sarcastic. Throwing snowballs can be fun, and it needs to be done every once in awhile. And, everyone here has hurled their fair share of snowballs, including myself. Ugh, I may need rotator cuff surgery because of it.
Lastly - This is the intarwebs people! Unless you know the person, and what they <em>mean</em> from their comments, then don't take it personally. This is a forum to learn, grow, and vent. Granted, I vent more on Lansner's blog, but I still vent here. I really miss oc_fliptrack's blog as another venue to vent. And, this is a venue to vent your bearish or bullish opinions. But, get to really know the people here before you make a personal comment about their opinion, or if you don't, then expect a reaction that will show that you don't know them.. I didn't find ISM's comment "to go away" that harsh. That is who she is and how she feels, and I wouldn't expect her to candy coat that. Just because you don't agree with her opinion, it doesn't mean that it was personally for you. And, if you go away because of it, it shows you are the weaker person.
I appreciate everyones' comments, whether I agree with them or not. That is why I like to come here, to read and learn from both sides. If I were ever to take a negative comment towards me seriously, then I wouldn't be here. Blah.... NIR would have been long gone, long ago. But, she didn't leave and she continues to add to the forums. That is what I want to see, and I think she provides an example of someone who can be humble. I, for one can learn from that.
{rant over}
Back to the theme of the thread: "NODs are slowing, the market has hit bottom."