The Party of Chaos, Rioting, Crime, Conspiracy, Fear, Mendacity, Arrogance

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The Party of Chaos
The Party of Antifa
The Party of Rioting
The Party of Crime
The Party of Saul Alinsky
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The Party of Abortion
The Party of Transgender Insanity
The Party of Obamagate
The Party of Intimidation
The Party of Arrogance
The Party of Hatred For America
The Party of Racial Divisiveness
The Party of Class Warfare
The Party of Thought Control
The Party of Fake News
The Party of Fear

FEAR Climate Change
FEAR Covid 19
FEAR President Trump
FEAR Fox News
FEAR Conservative Speakers

What have Democrats brought our country to, people?

Obama?s fear-mongering
SEP. 16, 2014
11:46 AM
Imagine a child falls down a well. Now imagine I offer to lend the parents my ladder to save her, but only if they promise to paint my house. Would you applaud me for not letting a crisis go to waste? Or would you think I?m a jerk?
I ask because I?m trying to come to terms with Rule No. 1 of the Obama administration.
?Rule 1: Never allow a crisis to go to waste,? White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told the New York Times right after the election. ?They are opportunities to do big things.? Over the weekend, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told members of the European Parliament, ?Never waste a good crisis.? Then President Obama explained in his Saturday radio and Internet address that there is ?great opportunity in the midst of? the ?great crisis? befalling America.
Numerous commentators, including me, have pointed to this never-waste-a-crisis mantra as ideological evidence that Obama?s budget priorities are a great bait-and-switch. He says he wants to fix the financial crisis, but he?s focusing on selling his long-standing liberal agenda on healthcare, energy and education as the way to do it, even though his proposals have absolutely nothing to do with addressing the housing and toxic-debt problems that are the direct causes of our predicament. Indeed, some -- particularly on Wall Street -- would argue that his policies are making the crisis worse.

But the real scandal isn?t those policies, even though they?re bad enough. The real scandal is that this administration thinks crises are opportunities for governmental power-grabs (It seems writer Randolph Bourne was wrong. It is not war, but crisis, that is the health of the state).
Michael Kinsley famously said that a gaffe in Washington is when a politician accidentally tells the truth. As they say, it?s funny because it?s true.
But the White House tactic isn?t funny at all. It?s scary. Its amorality is outweighed only by the grotesque and astoundingly naked cynicism of it all.
Recall that not long ago, the first item on the bill of indictment against the Bush administration was that it was ?exploiting? 9/11 to enact its agenda. Al Gore shrieked that President Bush ?played on our fears? to get his way. In response to nearly every Bush policy proposal, from the Patriot Act to the toppling of Saddam Hussein, critics would caterwaul that Bush was taking advantage of the country?s fear of terrorism.

The Bush administration always denied this, and rightly so. If the president admitted that he was using a national calamity for narrow partisan or ideological advantage, it would be outrageous. Indeed, every time Karl Rove or some other administration official said anything that could be even remotely interpreted as using the war or 9/11 for partisan or ideological gain, the editorial pages and Democratic news-release factories churned into overdrive with righteous indignation.
Well, now we have the president, along with his chief aides, admitting -- boasting! -- that they want to exploit a national emergency for their preexisting agenda, and there?s no scandal. No one even calls it a gaffe. No, they call it leadership.
It?s not leadership. It?s fear-mongering.
Franklin Roosevelt said that all we have to fear is fear itself. Now Barack Obama all but admits that all he has to fear is the loss of fear itself.

In other realms of life, exploiting a crisis for your own purposes is an outrage. If a business uses a hurricane warning, for example, to price-gouge on vital supplies, it is a crime. When a liberal administration does it, it?s taking advantage of a historic opportunity.
Obama?s defenders respond to this argument that Obama?s motives are decent, noble and pure. He wants to help the uninsured and the poorly educated. He wants to make good on his vow to halt those rising oceans.
But this is just a rationalization. Every president thinks his agenda is what?s best for the country; every politician believes his motives are noble. The point is that scaring people about X in order to achieve Y is fundamentally undemocratic.
This was transparently obvious to Bush?s harshest critics, who alleged that 9/11 was merely a convenient crisis for devious neocons who wanted to topple Hussein all along. But it?s now clear that many of these critics simply objected to the agenda, not the alleged tactics. Now that it?s their turn, they see nothing wrong with doing what they so recently condemned.

They even admit it, over and over again.


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Professors are now encouraging more rioting, looting and burning.
One has offered plans on how to topple Washington Monument in the Nation's Capital.  Another is asking faculty members to post bail for looters and arsonists, so they can continue their criminal destruction.

These are the people who are brainwashing America's youth.
Loco_local said:
Trump is the party of fear. Can't wait for the migrant caravan fearmongering to return in the fall. or will it be muslim refugees again

President Trump isn't a "party."  He's President.  You can't get your facts straight because you're a hateful Leftist.

As to illegal immigrants, EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT LEADER said illegal immigration MUST STOP until Donald Trump made a campaign issue out of it.  Then all the Democrat hypocrites did an about face and called their previous demands "racist."

Obama brought in thousands of Muslim refugees and settled them in Minnesota and other regions.  Two congresswomen are now Muslims and they hate America and are trying to destroy it. One said "In your lifetime, America will live under Sharia law."
adventurous said:
Loco_local said:
Trump is the party of fear. Can't wait for the migrant caravan fearmongering to return in the fall. or will it be muslim refugees again
You are an open-border believer?

Yes.  Anyone who wants a visa should get one. I?m against traffickers smuggling people across the border.
Loco_local said:
Yes.  Anyone who wants a visa should get one. I?m against traffickers smuggling people across the border.
Literally, everyone? Al-Qaeda fanatic? Serial murderer? No need to vet out anyone? What kinds of visa? B-1, H-1, I-551?
Loco_local said:
adventurous said:
Loco_local said:
Trump is the party of fear. Can't wait for the migrant caravan fearmongering to return in the fall. or will it be muslim refugees again
You are an open-border believer?

Yes.  Anyone who wants a visa should get one. I?m against traffickers smuggling people across the border.

Just get rid of visas. Too many people overstay them anyway.

And get rid of the police dept too. Minneapolis thinks community based safety programs are the way to go. Cali already is closing prisons (even more now that we're afraid prisoners might get coronavirus), instituted no bail and allows thugs to steal anything under $950 with no more than a misdemeanor fine.

LOL! All those people on next-door yelling, CALL NORDIC! CALL NORDIC! Nordic would be hiding in their cars, afraid to come out.
Ready2Downsize said:
Just get rid of visas. Too many people overstay them anyway.

And get rid of the police dept too. Minneapolis thinks community based safety programs are the way to go. Cali already is closing prisons (even more now that we're afraid prisoners might get coronavirus), instituted no bail and allows thugs to steal anything under $950 with no more than a misdemeanor fine.
Yup. Prop 47 is largely being enjoyed by our criminal fellow citizens.

Ready2Downsize said:
LOL! All those people on next-door yelling, CALL NORDIC! CALL NORDIC! Nordic would be hiding in their cars, afraid to come out.
Like people who blindly supported Prop 47, those in support of disbanding the police will be very surprised when become a victim of a crime
If you didn't hear about all these Obamagate Updates, thank Fake News, including the OC Register, recently turned far left.


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Hollywood is overwhelmingly far Left.  Here are some big Hollywood names you've heard mentioned in the last few years.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? ? Mark 8:36

Phil Spector ? Hollywood record producer whose net worth was $100 million, murdered his girlfriend, doing life in prison

Bernie Madoff ? Wall Street mogul and former NASDAQ Chairman had a net worth of $823 million but engineered a $65 billion Ponzi Scheme and is doing life in prison

Bill Cosby ? Hollywood celebrity and perhaps most beloved person in America, with a net worth of $400 million, drugged and raped dozens of women, doing three to ten years in prison.  Expects to do full ten years rather than say ?sorry? to victims.

Jeffrey Epstein ? Wall Street mogul worth $577 million, molested and raped dozens of young girls and committed suicide while awaiting trial.  Good buddy of Bill Clinton

Harvey Weinstein ?Hollywood film producer worth $300 million, raped numerous aspiring actresses and was sentenced to 23 years in prison, which is a virtual life sentence.  Prominently photographed with Hillary Clinton.
But there are pictures of Trump with Epstein and Weinstein.

StarmanMBA said:
Hollywood is overwhelmingly far Left.  Here are some big Hollywood names you've heard mentioned in the last few years.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? ? Mark 8:36

Phil Spector ? Hollywood record producer whose net worth was $100 million, murdered his girlfriend, doing life in prison

Bernie Madoff ? Wall Street mogul and former NASDAQ Chairman had a net worth of $823 million but engineered a $65 billion Ponzi Scheme and is doing life in prison

Bill Cosby ? Hollywood celebrity and perhaps most beloved person in America, with a net worth of $400 million, drugged and raped dozens of women, doing three to ten years in prison.  Expects to do full ten years rather than say ?sorry? to victims.

Jeffrey Epstein ? Wall Street mogul worth $577 million, molested and raped dozens of young girls and committed suicide while awaiting trial.  Good buddy of Bill Clinton

Harvey Weinstein ?Hollywood film producer worth $300 million, raped numerous aspiring actresses and was sentenced to 23 years in prison, which is a virtual life sentence.  Prominently photographed with Hillary Clinton.
The Party of Leftist Educators

"Whiteness is terrorism" - Johnny E Willlliams, professor of sociology, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut


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Q this! (conspiracy group)

StarmanMBA said:
The Party of Leftist Educators

"Whiteness is terrorism" - Johnny E Willlliams, professor of sociology, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut
Democrats destroy everything they touch.  Look at education.


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Calvin and Hobbes


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10 years in prison for Antifa terrorists, now crying like little, well, you know


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