The Investigation

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Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
The show must go on!!

Can't wait for the Orange man to be in orange jumpsuits!  Then it will be a show!

Trump kids should be up next.

Yah Billy Bush we got Trump
Yah Stormy Daniels we got Trump
Yah Paul Manafort we got Trump
Yah George Papadopolous we got Trump
Yah Michael Wolf we got Trump
Yah Omerosa we got Trump
Yah Bob Woodward we got Trump
Yah Roger Stone....oh you get the idea...the show goes on and on but look who?s still standing!
morekaos said:
Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
The show must go on!!

Can't wait for the Orange man to be in orange jumpsuits!  Then it will be a show!

Trump kids should be up next.

Yah Billy Bush we got Trump
Yah Stormy Daniels we got Trump
Yah Paul Manafort we got Trump
Yah George Papadopolous we got Trump
Yah Michael Wolf we got Trump
Yah Omerosa we got Trump
Yah Bob Woodward we got Trump
Yah Roger Stone....oh you get the idea...the show goes on and on but look who?s still standing!

You confuse no with not yet.
I had posed this question in late October ? ?what excuses do the MAGA heads have ready after they get Thrashed in the midterms?  .

Seeing the responses here to the shutdown debacle and the roger stone arrest , looks like few have learnt any lessons yet at all .

Guiding heuristic should be  ? ?don?t care about what SHOULD happen , but try and guesstimate what WILL happen and plan for that ?  . This always works , be it with your $$ , politics or personal lives .... and will give your a lot less heartache down the road . 
Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
The show must go on!!

Can't wait for the Orange man to be in orange jumpsuits!  Then it will be a show!

Trump kids should be up next.

Yah Billy Bush we got Trump
Yah Stormy Daniels we got Trump
Yah Paul Manafort we got Trump
Yah George Papadopolous we got Trump
Yah Michael Wolf we got Trump
Yah Omerosa we got Trump
Yah Bob Woodward we got Trump
Yah Roger Stone....oh you get the idea...the show goes on and on but look who?s still standing!

You confuse no with not yet.

And there goes that Joy Behar wishful thinking again..

morekaos said:
On Tuesday's edition of ABC's 'The View', co-host Joy Behar said the Covington Catholic incident at the Lincoln Memorial this weekend occurred because "we're desperate to get Trump out of office."

WHOOPI GOLDBERG, HOST: Many people admitted they made snap judgments before these other facts came in. But is it that we just instantly say that's what it is based on what we see in that moment and then have to walk stuff back when it turns out we're wrong? Why is that? Why do we keep making the same mistake?

JOY BEHAR: Because we're desperate to get Trump out of office. That's why.

ABBY HUNTSMAN: Not everybody though.

GOLDBERG: What does that have to do --

BEHAR: I think that's the reason. I think the press jumps the gun a lot because we just -- we have so much circumstantial evidence against this guy that we basically are hoping that Cohen has the goods and what have you and so it's wishful thinking.

GOLDBERG: Right, but let's talk about the kids in this particular confrontation since that's the question at hand.
Is this a circus or what?
There are people with lock him up signs and Russian flags waiting for Roger Stone to leave the DC court. There were chants lock him up when he exited the court.
Simple answers to simple questions.  A show about nothing

Is the collusion theory dead?

The last two years often seem like a concerted effort to disprove ?Occam?s Razor,?? the theory that the simplest explanation is usually the right one. As long hoped for links fell through, more complex theories filled the void of collusion. Yet, the simplest explanation still remains most likely, that the Trump campaign, like virtually every reporter and political operative in Washington, wanted to see the WikiLeaks material and any dirt on the Clintons, just as the Clinton campaign paid for any dirt on Trump. The Russian efforts to influence our elections also is neither novel nor new.

Indeed, the United States has engaged in hacking not just our enemies but our allies, as well as intervening in the elections of other countries, just as many of those same countries attempt against us. There is nothing ?tantalizing?? or ?mysterious?? in such an explanation, because it is more factual than aspirational. The boring truth here is that criminal collusion theories are weaker today than they were a year ago. While Mueller has found ample basis to charge people with false statements, the record of these filings shows more confusion than collusion in the Trump campaign.
Might just turn out to be what everyone said it was...a colossal waste of time and money!!

'They have found NO COLLUSION BETWEEN TRUMP AND RUSSIA!': Trump again touts GOP panel findings on Russia probe after complaining media ignored them

President Trump's former lawyer, John Dowd, says he doesn't expect the special counsel to release a report on his findings in the Russia probe
Dowd said he'd be 'shocked' if any of Robert Mueller's conclusions about the president became public: 'I don't think there'll be a report'
President Trump has been touting findings of Senate Intelligence Committee
Chairman Richard Burr said his panel has yet to find evidence of collusion between the president's 2016 campaign and Russia 
'If we write a report based upon the facts that we have, then we don't have anything that would suggest there was collusion,' he said
morekaos said:
Might just turn out to be what everyone said it was...a colossal waste of time and money!!

'They have found NO COLLUSION BETWEEN TRUMP AND RUSSIA!': Trump again touts GOP panel findings on Russia probe after complaining media ignored them

President Trump's former lawyer, John Dowd, says he doesn't expect the special counsel to release a report on his findings in the Russia probe
Dowd said he'd be 'shocked' if any of Robert Mueller's conclusions about the president became public: 'I don't think there'll be a report'
President Trump has been touting findings of Senate Intelligence Committee
Chairman Richard Burr said his panel has yet to find evidence of collusion between the president's 2016 campaign and Russia 
'If we write a report based upon the facts that we have, then we don't have anything that would suggest there was collusion,' he said

Oh good...sourcing is Trump's former counsel. 
Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
Might just turn out to be what everyone said it was...a colossal waste of time and money!!

'They have found NO COLLUSION BETWEEN TRUMP AND RUSSIA!': Trump again touts GOP panel findings on Russia probe after complaining media ignored them

President Trump's former lawyer, John Dowd, says he doesn't expect the special counsel to release a report on his findings in the Russia probe
Dowd said he'd be 'shocked' if any of Robert Mueller's conclusions about the president became public: 'I don't think there'll be a report'
President Trump has been touting findings of Senate Intelligence Committee
Chairman Richard Burr said his panel has yet to find evidence of collusion between the president's 2016 campaign and Russia 
'If we write a report based upon the facts that we have, then we don't have anything that would suggest there was collusion,' he said

Oh good...sourcing is Trump's former counsel. 

Fair enough, I'll use Jim Clapper instead. I'm sure we can agree he just loves Trump!!

Mueller report may be ?anti-climactic,' says ex-intelligence director

...the investigation, when completed, could turn out to be quite anti-climactic and not draw a conclusion about that,? Clapper said Wednesday on CNN.
incoming investigation of the mueller investigation to determine whether mueller was compromised because there must be russia collusion,
Adam Schiff is now hedging his bets, saying the collusion investigation "may not be the final word" on whether Trump colluded with Russia.  LOL!
Well, that didn't work..let's try this instead...

As collusion case collapses, Democrats seek obstruction

For two years, most of the national news media have been building the case that Donald Trump somehow colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. Countless editorials, roundtables, and expert segments all fed the perception that ?Russia collusion,? an imprecise narrative shorthand for a nonexistent offense, would inevitably be proven. The left promised the puppet of Vladimir Putin would get his comeuppance in due time.

The problem is that this was all a lie. The biggest ?bombshell? stories on Russia collusion reported thus far have all been either duds or outright fakes. The special counsel has yet to, and almost certainly will not, file any charges that prove Trump took part in Russia collusion. The overwhelming likelihood is, at worst, the special counsel report will contain unflattering information about the president and some of his close senior advisers.
morekaos said:
Well, that didn't work..let's try this instead...

As collusion case collapses, Democrats seek obstruction

For two years, most of the national news media have been building the case that Donald Trump somehow colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. Countless editorials, roundtables, and expert segments all fed the perception that ?Russia collusion,? an imprecise narrative shorthand for a nonexistent offense, would inevitably be proven. The left promised the puppet of Vladimir Putin would get his comeuppance in due time.

The problem is that this was all a lie. The biggest ?bombshell? stories on Russia collusion reported thus far have all been either duds or outright fakes. The special counsel has yet to, and almost certainly will not, file any charges that prove Trump took part in Russia collusion. The overwhelming likelihood is, at worst, the special counsel report will contain unflattering information about the president and some of his close senior advisers.

LOL...oversight is actual duty of Congress.  Also...GOP spent 30 month investigating Benghazi and 8 years obstructing Obama...they were even glad to admit it. 
Just wait till they start saying ?lock her up ? for AOC

that is the first place these people know to go ... regardless of who the democrat is
Supoena away. The precedent has been set, ignore them.

Eric Holder Is Defying the Law by Resisting Subpoena

When someone receives a subpoena, they can either comply or challenge the subpoena on certain legal grounds or claim the documents are privileged. What they cannot do is ignore the subpoena and that is what Holder did. For months, Holder has ignored the subpoena. When Darryl Issa asked if the documents had been assembled within the Justice Department, Holder refused to answer. In short, he was thumbing his nose at the committee.
[Check out our editorial cartoons on President Obama.]
Contempt is what is called a remedial power. If you fail to comply with a subpoena, you can be jailed until you do comply. You can also be jailed for contempt as a separate offense. Not shockingly, the most corrupt administration since the Nixon administration quickly announced after the contempt vote that it would not prosecute Eric Holder for contempt.
The problem here is that the Obama Regime believes it is above the law. Eric Holder went off to Disney World the day the House voted on holding him in contempt.
Doesn't that send a message? The only thing missing was Holder's extended middle finger pointed towards Congress and Darryl Issa. Holder should be jailed for contempt. He is not simply disagreeing with Congress. He is acting in defiance of the law.
morekaos said:
Supoena away. The precedent has been set, ignore them.

Eric Holder Is Defying the Law by Resisting Subpoena

When someone receives a subpoena, they can either comply or challenge the subpoena on certain legal grounds or claim the documents are privileged. What they cannot do is ignore the subpoena and that is what Holder did. For months, Holder has ignored the subpoena. When Darryl Issa asked if the documents had been assembled within the Justice Department, Holder refused to answer. In short, he was thumbing his nose at the committee.
[Check out our editorial cartoons on President Obama.]
Contempt is what is called a remedial power. If you fail to comply with a subpoena, you can be jailed until you do comply. You can also be jailed for contempt as a separate offense. Not shockingly, the most corrupt administration since the Nixon administration quickly announced after the contempt vote that it would not prosecute Eric Holder for contempt.
The problem here is that the Obama Regime believes it is above the law. Eric Holder went off to Disney World the day the House voted on holding him in contempt.
Doesn't that send a message? The only thing missing was Holder's extended middle finger pointed towards Congress and Darryl Issa. Holder should be jailed for contempt. He is not simply disagreeing with Congress. He is acting in defiance of the law.

LOL:  Judson Phillips, Contributor Founder of Tea Party Nation 

udson Phillips is a former controversial attorney who organized (and whose family profits from) the for-profit corporation Tea Party Nation, which organized the first national Tea Party convention in February 2010. Phillips was disbarred on August 24, 2018.[1] In the decade prior to this money-making enterprise, Phillips had filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the federal code and had no less than three liens against him (Phillips claims the liens are now paid off)


A federal judge has declined a House committee's bid to have Attorney General Eric Holder held in contempt of court ? and perhaps even jailed ? for failing to turn over documents related to the Justice Department' s response to Operation Fast and Furious.

However, in a ruling Monday, U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson also denied Holder's request for an indefinite stay of her prior order that the attorney general must turn over any "non-privileged" documents the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee subpoenaed as part of an investigation into the botched gunrunning investigation. The judge previously ruled that Holder must give the panel any documents that are not both predecisional and deliberative in nature.

Jackson called the House contempt motion "entirely unnecessary" and said it was evident that she was considering the government's motion to lift her prior order. "Under those circumstances, the Court finds no basis to hold defendant in contempt," she wrote.

Well then:

The top White House lawyer on Tuesday said the Trump administration will refuse to provide Congress with information about senior adviser Jared Kushner?s security clearance, slamming House Democrats for ?overly intrusive document requests.?

White House Counsel Pat Cipollone said the administration would brief the House Oversight Committee about the White House?s process for granting security clearances, but he balked at the committee?s demand for information specific to Kushner, setting up a potential subpoena fight between the powerful House panel and the White House.