The Investigation

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morekaos said:
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
America has always been is just getting Greater!!!

Great with a drug problem and gun problem?

They have always been there in one form or another. If its not fentanyl, its heroin or crack or coke or shrooms or barbiturates or ice or bath salts or ciggeretes or vapors or alcohol (which kills the most people) blah blah blah...we are an addictive, weak species, there is no fixing that.

Michigan has more annual opioid prescriptions than people
Around 28,000 deaths from Fentanyl in 2017.  You know how many died from alcohol abuse?...88,000!!!  Auto deaths?...40,000!! Just another stat, if they didn't die from that drug it would have been another.
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
America has always been is just getting Greater!!!

Great with a drug problem and gun problem?

They have always been there in one form or another. If its not fentanyl, its heroin or crack or coke or shrooms or barbiturates or ice or bath salts or ciggeretes or vapors or alcohol (which kills the most people) blah blah blah...we are an addictive, weak species, there is no fixing that.

Michigan has more annual opioid prescriptions than people

When I was on a drug case and served on a jury recently. The consensus was that there is a big drug problem in the US. (Some of us walked back to the parking garage after the trial and we were talking the drug problem.)
morekaos said:
America has always been is just getting Greater!!!

Great sounds good when your running. But you set a high expectation that America will be great when it?s not. Bad move in my opinion.
There is a drug problem, an alcohol problem a car accident problem. There was yesterday, today, there will be one tomorrow. That really is a constant not a trend. You think America is lame , that?s your opinion. I think it?s pretty great. Was yesterday, is today and will be tomorrow. Another constant.
morekaos said:
There is a drug problem, an alcohol problem a car accident problem. There was yesterday, today, there will be one tomorrow. That really is a constant not a trend. You think America is lame , that?s your opinion. I think it?s pretty great. Was yesterday, is today and will be tomorrow. Another constant.

1. Sorry the Opiod crisis peaked during Trump. But we all know he has done nothing.
2. Here we go again with your misinformation. The great slogan is not a good in a marketing sense. Because the expectations are high.
3. Roads are falling apart, bridges are falling down under Trump. (He didn?t fix infrastructure in America like he promised. I didn?t make the promise he did.)
4. Trump made a promise to help curb gun violence in a room with Republicans and Democrats congressman that was shown on CNN and other networks. But what has Trump done? Nothing

Trump is playing golf more than Obama. Trump is like a pro playing golf with the problems of America unsolved.

I can complain just like Trump. But I do it better of course.
I?m a pro at this. Try a little bit harder. But you can always cry to mommy. Because it seems like you need help.
Brilliant picks, Dream Team is in the house....

Trump impeachment defense team will include Clinton prosecutor Ken Starr and Jeffrey Epstein lawyer Alan Dershowitz

President Trump?s impeachment defense team will include Ken Starr, whose investigation led to President Bill Clinton?s impeachment and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz.
Also on the team is ex-Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.
Former Whitewater prosecutor Robert Ray is expected to join the team.
We are waiting for Rudy to be included.  ;)
Didn?t I tell you Rudy would be a wild card? Morekas totally disagreed. Low and behold we are talking about Rudyyyyyy.

Quote of the day by Trump referring to Lev:
I never met the guy. I may have taken pictures with him, but I take pictures with a lot of people.
Rebuttal: there are too many pictures and videos that show it?s more than a selfie photo relationship. (Excuse me can I take a photo with you.)

morekaos said:
Brilliant picks, Dream Team is in the house....

Trump impeachment defense team will include Clinton prosecutor Ken Starr and Jeffrey Epstein lawyer Alan Dershowitz

President Trump?s impeachment defense team will include Ken Starr, whose investigation led to President Bill Clinton?s impeachment and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz.
Also on the team is ex-Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.
Former Whitewater prosecutor Robert Ray is expected to join the team.
We all know he knows him. Rofl

eyephone said:
We are waiting for Rudy to be included.  ;)
Didn?t I tell you Rudy would be a wild card? Morekas totally disagreed. Low and behold we are talking about Rudyyyyyy.

Quote of the day by Trump referring to Lev:
I never met the guy. I may have taken pictures with him, but I take pictures with a lot of people.
Rebuttal: there are too many pictures and videos that show it?s more than a selfie photo relationship. (Excuse me can I take a photo with you.)

morekaos said:
Brilliant picks, Dream Team is in the house....

Trump impeachment defense team will include Clinton prosecutor Ken Starr and Jeffrey Epstein lawyer Alan Dershowitz

President Trump?s impeachment defense team will include Ken Starr, whose investigation led to President Bill Clinton?s impeachment and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz.
Also on the team is ex-Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.
Former Whitewater prosecutor Robert Ray is expected to join the team.
From never Trumper Jake Tapper....

?We can?t ignore Parnas has a serious credibility problem,? Tapper said during a panel discussion on Parnas. ?He?s under indictment for campaign finance charges. The foreign minister of Ukraine told CNN?s Christiane Amanpour that he doesn?t trust a word Parnas is saying. And yet I see people out there on social media ? Democrats ? acting as if this guy is the second coming of Theodore Roosevelt or something.?
Pictures, text messages, call logs

Apparently now a US Congressman from the great state of California is confirming his aid had conversations with the Lev.

I love it! Let?s go
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
They want no witness. It?s not a trial.
Even the GAO says it?s illegal.
Letlevspeak lol

I'm not arguing the merits of his acquittal, just how long it will much?

Short enough to please Rumplethinskin, meaningless enough to please the rabid base, quick enough to prevent the running mouths from sinking the whole show but long enough not to alienate the everyone else.
nosuchreality said:
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
They want no witness. It%u2019s not a trial.
Even the GAO says it%u2019s illegal.
Letlevspeak lol

I'm not arguing the merits of his acquittal, just how long it will much?

Short enough to please Rumplethinskin, meaningless enough to please the rabid base, quick enough to prevent the running mouths from sinking the whole show but long enough not to alienate the everyone else.
Little Morekas: I told you I%u2019m like belly times 10.

Maybe the US NCIs should investigate your son application for the naval academy due to your deep ties to the Phil government and your offshore investments for your clients.

(You said it not me. Correct me if I%u2019m wrong)
For once I agree with Chuckie....

Charles Schumer?s 1999 letter about impeachment comes back to bite him

It has shaken me that we stand at the brink of removing a President ? not because of a popular groundswell to remove him and not because of the magnitude of the wrongs he?s committed ? but because conditions in late 20th century America has made it possible for a small group of people who hate Bill Clinton and hate his policies to very cleverly and very doggedly exploit the institutions of freedom that we hold dear and almost succeed in undoing him.