The IHB Singles Club

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
You guys got it all wrong. You should TiVO "The Pickup Artist" and learn a lesson or two. Even better, contact a real estate agent and let THEM write your profile.
<p class="MsoNormal">Great show and a must see for guys everywhere.</p>

<p class="MsoNormal">I found it especially useful when interacting with women here in the OC. </p>

<p class="MsoNormal">Mystery and the guys understand women and teach average guys the difference between DLV and DHV.</p>

<p class="MsoNormal">Helped me break thru the how much you make, what do you drive probing.</p>

<p>Congrats on your romance. You are smart to leave the money out of the relationship equation and have fun</p>

<p>Hey, since you are a math guy, could you come up with a mathematical model for happiness? I am sure bloggers here can supply all the variables and factors for you. Why not, I have not seen one</p>

<p><em>But I think you will know when you meet the right girl/guy</em>. So right, it's like buying a house. It's like meeting of the minds between 2 parties.</p>
<p>As requested:</p>

<p><img alt="" src="" /></p>

<bt></bt>Oh wait.... You wanted <em>happiness</em>. Never mind.
<p>Eff, </p>

<p><strong>Ways women are like logistical differential equations:</strong></p>


They are very sensitive to starter data

Most of them are impossible to figure out

While there are some rules for how to deal with them, they are generally inadequate and don't make a lot of sense

They're all about relationships

You invest a good bit of time trying to figure them out, only to get the Error function

Limits, they all need limits

There are guidelines which can help in certain situations, but the hard part is figuring out which situation you are in.

People who are good with them are usually really bad at teaching you how to deal with them yourself

If you can understand one, it means NOTHING! The next one can easily be the most confusing thing you've ever seen

If you actually do figure them out, you can do some really interesting things in life

The linear ones are easiest to deal with

You have to deal with a lot of arbitrary constants

Even the so-called ordinary ones are hard to understand

Instead of trying to find a general solution, for a specific instance it's better to use a step-by-step approach

Those pesky boundry value problems!

It's not so bad to try and solve either one with an infinite series

Solutions are easier to find if you can seperate the variables

Simpler problems can be solved with the juicious application of a series expansion

There are infinitely many solutions

They form a family of curves

They usually yield to skilled manipulation

Your TI-89 knows more about them than you

The best ones have some really interesting curves

Only a few special cases are marginally comprehendable

Some say the only way to understand either of them is to go to a foreign place and consult someone with very poor english skills

Just when you tink you've figured one out, you realize there are more unknowns that there is information

You can write about them for hours and be further from the solution than when you started

Experts try to pretend they know what they're doing by throwing big words around

A little mistake early on can screw up everything you hoped to accomplish with one.

A small complication can make one infinitely harder to understand that it was thought previously

Contrary to popular belief, sleeping with them doesn't really improve your standing with them

Trying to analyze one will make your mind burn

For reasons unknown, the guy sitting next to you is better than you with them, and it doesn't seem like he actually knows anything more than you

If you mess up with one, you'll feel bad about it later

Trying hard is good, but sometimes they're unfathomable

The quadratic equation seemed like a good idea at the time, but it doesn't seem to be helping anything now

The few easy ones have been done by someone else and probably shown to you in a book

They're all evil in some way, or else taken by somebody else

Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em

You've got to play with them for a while before you can really get going

You can think about them all day long without getting satisfied by one, no matter how badly you want it.

Ones in a family tend to be very similar...

...but with subtle differences which will mess things up for you.

They all seem alike to the uninitiated

The guys who appreciate them the most are least likely to be noticed

To the insensitive, they're all about rates

The ones with visibly rounded curves tend to be simpler

When you're drunk, you think you can deal with them better

A stripped-down one is easier to appreciate

Some solutions are purely imaginary

Some have misguided direction

They tend to stay in groups

Great list, sums it up nicely. I failed math but at least now I understand women better. How about some pointers on staying away from/avoiding the "Let's just be friends" zone. I didn't see it on the list.
I'm not sure what a PDE is, but hopefully it can help me next time I go to Fleming's in Newport. Everytime, without fail, I get hit with "I only date rich guys, you're rich right?"

<p>Logistic is a noun, logistical is an adjective. Where is the grammar police?</p>

<p>Ten, </p>

<p><em>How about some pointers on staying away from/avoiding the "Let's just be friends" zone. I didn't see it on the list</em>. I believe number 4 applied. </p>
I'm thinking about ordering the IHB T-shirt and wearing it when I go out, but I'm not sure how to properly accesorize it. Don't want to overthink it though

Thankfully, I tend to frequent the cougar den know as Opah restaurant in Irvine.

Since most of the cougars there aren't as superficial, I'll be making a statement but looking cool as well. Do you think the IHB T-Shirt works under a blazer?
PDE=partial differential equations. The "lets be friends zone" works. It always seems it is just a rule that gets broken later on. Look at # 14. "The step by step approach." Patience has its rewards.
ten, your IHB shirt might work better if you shift to <a target="_blank" href="">new hunting grounds</a>. Different species, etc.
<p>Eff That hunting grounds list is awesome. I was in Opah`s in Aliso a couple weeks ago. It was unreal how much predation was taking place. Its just not safe to go out to some of these places. You get a few drinks in you and can get eaten alive. </p>