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<p>Hi NIR,</p>

<p>I came from CT to CA....and can't wait to get back ! I love the weather, but wouldn't want to live here.... ;)</p>

<p>So yes, I believe that one's home roots have an almost irresistable draw. Now to winter here is my plan....and spend the bulk of time on the East Coast.</p>

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<p>I love the way people drive in Boston they all drive like me. Just a wierd statement I had to add. Any of you east coasters i.e. CalGal do you do a clam bake? I so wish I had family back east because that looks like such a great family and friends experience. One of my goals is to go to the cape and spend some time there. As an OC native I do not know if I could live on the east coast though. The summers in the NYC area can be brutal. I was there in 99 when the worst heat wave since the "Summer of Sam" and ironically we saw the movie because that is when it came out. The fall is by far my favorite and I haven't had the privilige of experiencing winter there though. I do think having family here in OC also prevents the urge to move to far.</p>

<p>Yes I ramble when I am tired from a long day.</p>

<p>I can understand about going back to your root as I can not imagine me leaving the OC.</p>

<p>I have heard wise saying as "Leaves always fall back down to their roots" or "Water return to its source".</p>

<p>Graphrix, I visited Boston in January, it was sooooooooo cold I thought I would die there!</p>
<p>NIR - You're just like me. I was in Chicago during x-mas time and I thought it was cold. I was one of five people in the whole city wearing a beanie with everyone looking at me like he must be from California. They said it wasn't bad yet. "What you mean it gets even colder?"</p>

<p>I will say I would like to experience a winter back east to see if I can handle it. I will admit that I am spoiled but the fall back there is so awesome in my head I think that alone could make up for it. There are people and many other things you just don't find here.</p>

<p>Plus I have family roots back there. They just kept moving west though and maybe that is a sign.</p>
My kids are fourth generation So Cal, so our family is here. We aren't going anyplace, and my favorite asset class is still So Cal RE.
Hmm... I'm from Vegas and I have no intention of going back. I love SoCal, and as much as I miss my friends and some aspects of Vegas (including the price), I just can't take the heat anymore. And it's not like I hated Vegas when I was growing up there, I actually loved it and still like it very much. But for some, it is about the weather.
<p>CalGal, we are indeed kindred spirits. Nothing replaces New England neighbors... I love the Cape ! Agreed, every family has a least 1 clam bake during the summer, and attends about 30 others. We don't really need much else but each other's company....that's enough.</p>

<p>I always take my vacation in October, to GUESSED IT ! Go back and see the leaves. gotta go. It's stunning.</p>
<p>gepetoh - I completely understand about the cold or the heat. Southern Cal does have some great weather. You are fortunate that you are only one state away and in driving distance to your friends and family. </p>
<p>Trooper - I have been back there in the fall twice now. It is absolutely the best. The last time I was there was October 2001 because flights were dirt cheap. I went to go visit a friend who was attending the Culinary Institute and if you have ever been there it is right on the Hudson. Just gorgeous! The time before that I was visiting a friend in DC and took the bus up to NYC. While the passengers were an experience in itself the slow ride up made up for it as the colors just kept getting better and better. </p>

<p>As for the clam bake you guys need to let me know when you are going! By next summer I should have some more freedom and I have a credit card ready for a JetBlue ticket to Logan. We can call it the IHB summer vacation.</p>

<p>How is the city of Hartford? I need to take a field trip there. </p>
I've been to Hartford a couple of times circa 1999. It was fun, and there are some very good restaurants. You don't quite get the city life of LA, but some of the "good" 'burbs are a lot closer to downtown than the "good" 'burbs are for LA. IIRC, public transit was better, too. If you're thinking of moving permanently, <em>please</em> learn how to drive in the snow. I went in August once, and, damn, it was uncomfortably humid.

So.... who has been to wine country in upstate NY, and what did you think?

<p>If I remember correctly, the C.I. of A. is in New Hyde Park. Yes, I've been to the area...but to West Point....same idea. Gorgeous country. I used to work in Hartford. Very clean, lots of Italians and like Eva said, great restaurants. The city kind of rolls up and shuts down at night though. It's been 10 yrs since I've been there, but I hope they worked on the nightlife a bit. Lots of history and beautiful achitecture. </p>

<p>You would fly into Bradley International (Hartford/Springfield), not Logan though. Sure, let's take a then, r.e. will be so cheap we can just pick a few investment properties out ..."I'll take one of those, and two of these". </p>

<p>I also don't miss the humidity, nor do I miss the mosquitoes.....or deer (Lyme Disease) ticks. </p>
<p>Here's the view from my little house.</p>

<p><img alt="" src="file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Stacey/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/Chester%20August%2020%202006/Chester%20August%2020%202006%20021.jpg" /></p>
<p>Trooper - Go to <a href=""></a> and upload your picture. When you do it will be the "link" at the bottom, copy and paste it to the url box of the insert image option on the forum and it should work. If that is too much at this time of night you can email it to me and I will upload it. </p>

<p>Yes C.I.A. is across the river from West Point and Marist is just up the way too. It is awesome up there. The best part about Hyde Park is the food. The teachers are the restaurant owners and they go to the farmers market for their menu. As the season changes so does the menu. Only place around OC that trys to do that is Black Sheep Bistro. It's linda hard when the seasons really don't change. The other interesting fact of Hyde Park is there is an Inn there where George Washington stayed at.</p>

<p>The reason why I want to visit Hartford is my family is one of the <a href="">founders of Hartford</a>. The link is a monument that has my family name. I just found this out a little over a year ago and had I known about it the three times I have been back east I would have gone there.</p>

<p>Eval - I am probably not your typical brain dead socal driver who slams on the brakes when they see a puddle but if I ever did move back there my car or truck would be all wheel drive. Plus I would take some sort of driving in the snow for socal dummies if I ever did. </p>

<p>I haven't been to wine country there but what I have seen it is nothing like Paso or Napa. Should I start a wine thread? I'm a big wine fan and have some good stories from Paso and Sonoma to share if the readers are interested. </p>
<em>"Should I start a wine thread?"</em>

By all means, yes!

I think we should resurrect the restaurant thread, too. I suspect the new folks would have plenty to add.

<p><em>"Should I start a wine thread?"

</em>Great one to have. About time we take a little break from housing crash babbles. </p>

<p>Does anyone want a thread for "life passions"?</p>