The anti-PC movement is starting to resemble the PC movement - "Happy Holidays" Poll

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Check out the following poll and results from another OC:

<a href=",0,130991,post.poll">Orlando_Sentinel_poll</a>

Over half of the respondents were "offended" because someone who might not know their religious specifics wishes them a happy season?
No, I'm not offended, I'm supposed to be "Protestant" Christened Church of England and all that but I've never been to Church in my life..

However, Christmas is my fave holiday and I always greet everyone with "Merry Christmas"...

Two years ago, 12 of us took a G4 from John Wayne to Vegas, when we Boarded, the Trolly Dolly greeted us with "Happy Holidays" and forgetting that as a general rule, you never let fellow Brits know that something pisses you off because you'll never, and I mean <strong>never</strong> hear the last of it, I unwittingly said "I hate that, it's <strong>Christmas</strong> should be <strong>Merry Christmas!!</strong>"

So for the next 3 months I was getting emails from them titled "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" and vocemails that simply said "HAPPY F'IN HOLIDAYS" except it wasn't F'IN if you know what I mean, plus all the way over, everyone was singing "Happy holiaaaaaaayyyyssss...Merry Christmaaaassssss..."

Hahhaaha, Merry F'ing Christmas, Petah!

I can understand prefering "Merry Christmas". I celebrate Christmas but grew up in areas where a lot of people didn't... But being "offended", not even annoyed - but "offended", at Happy Holidays seems pretty thin-skinned to me.
I am not offended about 'Happy Holidays'. I just think its stupid, dumb and it sucks the culture from the country. If everything has to be politically correct it just becomes bland. Where has the fun gone?
[quote author="PeterUK" date=1229859415]No, I'm not offended, I'm supposed to be "Protestant" Christened Church of England and all that but I've never been to Church in my life..

However, Christmas is my fave holiday and I always greet everyone with "Merry Christmas"...

Two years ago, 12 of us took a G4 from John Wayne to Vegas, when we Boarded, the Trolly Dolly greeted us with "Happy Holidays" and forgetting that as a general rule, you never let fellow Brits know that something pisses you off because you'll never, and I mean <strong>never</strong> hear the last of it, I unwittingly said "I hate that, it's <strong>Christmas</strong> should be <strong>Merry Christmas!!</strong>"

So for the next 3 months I was getting emails from them titled "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" and vocemails that simply said "HAPPY F'IN HOLIDAYS" except it wasn't F'IN if you know what I mean, plus all the way over, everyone was singing "Happy holiaaaaaaayyyyssss...Merry Christmaaaassssss..."


'Trolly Dolly'? That's not PC at all. You should use their real title - Tart with the cart
[quote author="Stuff It" date=1230000660]I am not offended about 'Happy Holidays'. I just think its stupid, dumb and it sucks the culture from the country. If everything has to be politically correct it just becomes bland. Where has the fun gone?</blockquote>


[quote author="PeterUK" date=1230001604][quote author="Stuff It" date=1230000660]I am not offended about 'Happy Holidays'. I just think its stupid, dumb and it sucks the culture from the country. If everything has to be politically correct it just becomes bland. Where has the fun gone?</blockquote>



Remind me, whats the correct response? Oh yeah. F U :-)
The word "Holidays" is a shortened version of "Holy Days." So in an attempt to subvert the possible "religious" meaning of Merry Christmas, they in fact do no such thing. Good job!

Merry Christmas!
<a href=""></a>


Silent Night in Saudi Arabia

Christmas is a noisy holiday and a Christmas night is anything but silent. The only silent night was probably that of the original Christmas Eve. Since then, most Christmases have been uproarious celebrations.

In the US Christmas preparations start after Thanksgiving, and Christmas carols begin reverberating throughout the country at that time saying to us- ?it is December, what have you done with your life this year?? In Catholic countries, the advent of the Holiday Season starts even earlier and you hear Jingle Bells or their local equivalent starting as far ahead as late September. For three months thereafter you are reminded every day of the fact that the year is almost over, the year is coming to an end. And you then ask yourself: What have I accomplished? Have I achieved that I had set out to do?

No matter how hard I have been working, I always feel frustrated- I feel that this Christmas, someone is having a better time than me, is with a better family with more money, or with a new girlfriend, a new job, and is now sitting somewhere at a Christmas table with a big smile on his face while I stand there holding a bag with nothing going for me. I am the only one who has accomplished very little, a loser, someone who, during this holiday season, will only be counting losses and dreams that have not been realized.

A few days after a clamorous and depressing Christmas, the New Year celebrations begin. Crowds cheering, ushering the prosperous new 2000 something-something again, but I am again sitting here sucking on my thumb and wondering ?what have I done??.

Enter Saudi Arabia. One of the very few countries where public celebrations of Christmas are not allowed. There are no carols, no trees, no? magic?, no Santa. And no

New Year celebrations, either. No crowds cheering and chanting. No giant balls falling down. Just silence. No reminders that I have not attained anything- well, actually I have- I have saved more money during a year in Saudi Arabia that I did in a decade of Christmases in other places.

Restaurants are quiet and empty on the New Years? Eve because their calendar is not Gregorian, December 31st is not in any way special to them. NO people waiting for the clock to strike 12 midnight.

Western employees are usually allowed to take the Christmas and the New Year days off, but they not celebrate those days in a noisy and rambunctious fashion, or even let anyone know that they are celebrating it, lest they offend the locals.

So, one invites some friends to a buffet at a local hotel, the dining room is empty, no one is having a good time except us and the city is dead silent. I am the only one throwing a party and I feel great. Christmas in Saudi Arabia is a tranquil and silent night.</em>
[quote author="acpme" date=1230010983]i celebrate Festivus. we are holding feats of strength at woodbury town center tomorrow.</blockquote>

I will bring my Man Bra. Manzere
[quote author="OCCOBRA" date=1230012648][quote author="acpme" date=1230010983]i celebrate Festivus. we are holding feats of strength at woodbury town center tomorrow.</blockquote>

I will bring my Man Bra. Manzere</blockquote>
Ahem... I believe it was officially branded as "The Bro".