Technical difficulties?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
[quote author="roundcorners" date=1248324969]Anyone else willing to admit IHB withdraw? My wife was so happy the site was down... we finally had a decent night without interruptions, except for the baby of course... I was really starting to worry there.. it was like the closest thing to losing a cell phone with all your phone numbers or forgetting where you lived...

wow, just realize how much the IHB is a huge part of my day... this is crazy but I wouldn't know how to get in touch with like 4-5 people without the IHB... maybe we should have backup or something... hum...</blockquote>

New poll idea for you:

"How many times did you try to access the IHB site while it was down?"

100 times

200 times


No need for any option below 100. We all know the addicts here were checking every five minutes. :)
[quote author="roundcorners" date=1248326629][quote author="SoCal78" date=1248325469][quote author="roundcorners" date=1248324969]maybe we should have backup or something... hum...</blockquote>

We do. Facebook.</blockquote>

how many of you went automatically to facebook, when the IHB was down? I resisted this long without a FB account, I don't think I'll open one despite the constant requests... just another thing to suck my time away... I remember the Friendster days,, probably never do that again...</blockquote>

With regard to my triple thanks of your post: I have tried to do the multiple thank you thing at least 10 times over the course of the last few months with no success, and this time my trigger finger was so quick that I gave you three! Anyway, my Friendster experience is why I don't have a Facebook account today. I know I have a presdisposition towards the addiction.
I feel so left out... I didn't even know it was down :( Came on tonight to see what new and interesting (or just odd things) I could find y'all been up to posting and learn that the site was down while I was away being productive :)
[quote author="Mcdonna1980" date=1248336825][quote author="roundcorners" date=1248324969]Anyone else willing to admit IHB withdraw? My wife was so happy the site was down... we finally had a decent night without interruptions, except for the baby of course... I was really starting to worry there.. it was like the closest thing to losing a cell phone with all your phone numbers or forgetting where you lived...

wow, just realize how much the IHB is a huge part of my day... this is crazy but I wouldn't know how to get in touch with like 4-5 people without the IHB... maybe we should have backup or something... hum...</blockquote>

New poll idea for you:

"How many times did you try to access the IHB site while it was down?"

100 times

200 times


No need for any option below 100. We all know the addicts here were checking every five minutes. :)</blockquote>
I gave up after the 20th "404 Error" message on my browser at work. Boy, today was such a long, long day at work. :(
Speaking of FB... where is IHB's Twitter feed?

That would be nice to have so that if the site goes down again... or if AZDavid posts a PaintShop pic of BK... we can find out.

(maybe I should set up an IHO/IHB tweet account since I'm on here every minute anyways)
[quote author="centralcoastobserver" date=1248508735]I can't find the Facebook page for "IHB on FB" either, trip.threat, so don't feel bad. Someone will help us, I'm sure...</blockquote>

Did you have any luck with the one I posted <a href="">here</a>?
[quote author="centralcoastobserver" date=1248509015]Yep, thanks, the link worked fine, once I found it earlier in the thread....</blockquote>

Oh, good. I'm glad it worked. It didn't work for Panda so I figured it could be a dud.
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1248491398]Speaking of FB... where is IHB's Twitter feed?

That would be nice to have so that if the site goes down again... or if AZDavid posts a PaintShop pic of BK... we can find out.

(maybe I should set up an IHO/IHB tweet account since I'm on here every minute anyways)</blockquote>

irvine_home_owner -

You need to get over your obsession with me. Everybody has moved on except you. I don't know if you have real life psychological problems or not, but your fixation is a little on the serial killer side.
[quote author="AZDavid" date=1248646024][quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1248491398]Speaking of FB... where is IHB Twitter feed?

That would be nice to have so that if the site goes down again... or if AZDavid posts a PaintShop pic of BK... we can find out.

(maybe I should set up an IHO/IHB tweet account since I'm on here every minute anyways)</blockquote>

irvine_home_owner -

You need to get over your obsession with me. Everybody has moved on except you. I don't know if you have real life psychological problems or not, but your fixation is a little on the serial killer side.</blockquote>

David it is pretty typically to find arch enemy rhetoric here on the forums. Most do it two make fun of themselves and/or their IHB comrades. There are many long standing jokes going around, too many to list off the top of my head, such as IHO's poor taste in 3 car garages. I personally enjoy the banter because it gives character to the postings. On the main blog posters tend to stay on the topic of housing. Here posting is, should we say, loose. We are more G8 summit meets Spanish novella. Irvine Renter is several classes above us and will be remember as the Walter Cronkite of blogs.

I welcome any shots you want to take at IHO. It's about time for new soap storyline.
[quote author="Mcdonna1980" date=1248650183] David it is pretty typically to find arch enemy rhetoric here on the forums. Most do it two make fun of themselves and/or their IHB comrades. There are many long standing jokes going around, too many to list off the top of my head, such as IHO's poor taste in 3 car garages. I personally enjoy the banter because it gives character to the postings. On the main blog posters tend to stay on the topic of housing. Here posting is, should we say, loose. <strong>We are more G8 summit meets Spanish novella</strong>. Irvine Renter is several classes above us and will be remember as the Walter Cronkite of blogs. I welcome any shots you want to take at IHO. It's about time for new soap storyline.</blockquote>

Oh, Destinos...
I'm not interested in arch enemy rhetoric. It reminds me of a politically incorrect quote that I once heard:

"Fighting on the internet is like the Special Olympics - Even when you win, you are still retarded."

Get over it.
[quote author="AZDavidPhx" date=1248653711]I'm not interested in arch enemy rhetoric. It reminds me of a politically incorrect quote that I once heard:

"Fighting on the internet is like the Special Olympics - Even when you win, you are still retarded."

Get over it.</blockquote>

Her point is that it isn't really fighting. It's all in good fun, and makes for a light-hearted atmosphere.
[quote author="AZDavidPhx" date=1248653711]I'm not interested in arch enemy rhetoric. It reminds me of a politically incorrect quote that I once heard:

"Fighting on the internet is like the Special Olympics - Even when you win, you are still retarded."</blockquote>

<img src="" alt="" />

<blockquote>Get over it.</blockquote>

Here, catch, QUICK!

<img src="" alt="" />
[quote author="AZDavidPhx" date=1248653711]I'm not interested in arch enemy rhetoric. It reminds me of a politically incorrect quote that I once heard:

"Fighting on the internet is like the Special Olympics - Even when you win, you are still retarded."

Get over it.</blockquote>

Good job, AZ takes the gold in IHB Special Olympics. Seriously! You are a retard if you can't see the contradiction in what you just wrote. You are the number one fight picker on the main blog and clearly looking to pick a fight here.
Hold... is this irony or hypocrisy I'm witnessing here?

Relax AZDave... you should be happy you get referenced in the forums... isn't that why you post so much in the main blog... to boost your Internet street cred?


(Maybe I should ask my lawyer and/or psychologist if I have "serial killer" tendencies before I take the stand)
Yeah... AZ, you need to chill out and think if we are talking about you in the forums it is a good thing, and if we are picking on you... it means we like you. Well... sorta, some people I make fun, I do it because they need to made fun of because they are just stupid, but you are not one of them. Go read through some of the back and forth's between me and IHO. Seriously, you would think if I could reach through the computer screen I would drag his a$$ through it and bury him under my 3 car garage if he mentions FCBers one more time. The same could be said for him, when I mention how the API scores for Irvine don't mean sh*t, and if he was a good parent his kids would get a full ride into Harvard even if they went to high school in Santa Ana. Only difference is... he only has a 2 car garage. At the end of the day, when I buy my house or when IHO buys his, each of us will invite the other to their first house party. Well... IHO will be there at mine as long as I hire a valet, since in his mind where I want to live has zero parking.

So I will be blunt... quit being such a whiner, start dishing back, and start having some fun with it. No one is obsessed with you, so get over it, otherwise we will find a way to make fun of you for being such an attention whore. If I came back with a response like yours to all the Kaitlyn the spider monkey who is obsessed with Justin Timberlake and the pictures of my hairy back, then I would either be 1. in therapy or 2. or constantly be made fun of as someone without a sense of humor, which would lead back to #1. Relax... if you knew how funny looking IHO is in real life... then you wouldn't possibly take anything he has to say as serious. You never know, it is the intarwebs, and you might actually like IHO in real life. Judging from the posts between me and him you would never think that he and I like each other, but really he is a good guy, and he likes to have fun on the intarwebs by pushing buttons. It works, he got a reaction out of you, and most of the time he gets a reaction out of me. He annoyingly brings up FCBers almost everyday, and I have never though that he was obsessed with me. But... for as much as I have posted, I really am not that much of an attention whore to think that would be the case.