Thanks Trojan,
I am no health expert by any means, but I think my ability to lose 40 lbs was 70% change in diet and 30% working out. It feels good mentally to be at my ideal weight. I still love to eat. Matter or fact I had Korean BBQ tonight with a good friend of mine today, however I don't do this on a regular basis.
These are Panda's STAR foods you should try to incorporate in your diet on a regular basis every week: Blueberries, Salmon, Trout, Tuna, Oatmeal, Dark Chocolate, Citrus fruits, Cantaloupes, Honey Dew Papaya, Soy, Tofu, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Red Peppers, Beets.Tomatoes, Nuts, Extra Virgin Oil, Red Wine, Green Tea, Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, Cabbage, Coffee, Avocado, Pomegrade, Dark Beans, Apples, Peaches, Watermelon, Red Grapes, Eggs, Garlic and onion.
I have a goal sheet in my health area as well. Just like finding a vocation of your passion, you should find a sport or exercise you really enjoy. For me it is playing tennis, swimming, volleyball, roller blading, and rock climbing. Two sports that I am horrible at are golf and basketball. I pretty much suck in any sport where one needs to either hit or throw a ball in a small hole with very little variance which is basketball and golf.
therefore you will not see playing golf or basketball in my health goal list, but if you love to play basketball and golf... you should try to play once or twice a week with your friends. Revive a sport that you were passionate about when you were in your teenage years and it will make weight loss experience a lot more enjoyable.
Here are my Health and Fitness Goal sheet written in my journal (50-59).
Health and Fitness
50. Play tennis twice a week.
51. Reach Ideal Weight of 151.2 lbs
52. Swim 5 days a week
53. Play Men's Volleyball League in Alpharetta twice a month
54. Rock Climbing to tone shoulder, chest, tricep and bicep muscles
55. Snowboard - Activity I enjoy
56. Rollerblading on Golf Course Trail twice a week with my boys.
57. Learn to Hover board on Water
58. Aerobics exercise once a week.
59. Live until age 100.
Hope this information helps.
USCTrojanCPA said:
Wow, congrats Panda. I too took the initiative to drop weight back around Memorial Day weekend when I found out my dad was diagnosed pre-diabetic. I dropped 80-90% of the carbs out of my diet (all liquid sugars) and use Intermittent Fasting where I now eat 2x day within a 4 hour period. I now do a 24-27 hour fast once a week and will probably try a 3-5 day fast once a month with the goal of getting back to under 200lbs by next spring.