bones said:Irvinecommuter said:ak said:IMHO, I think WB is still the best village so far in Irvine's newer northern sphere in terms of location and overall amenities that it provides. It is better located and has a lot more amenities than SG, PS, PP, CV, LR, PA5.
WB is definitely the best location and the shopping center is great. Only issue is the school zoning...still zones into Irvine High.
I agree having lived in both WB and in PS. Wish the town center had better restaurants though. The chinese place is beyond yuck. The fish place is meh. The japanese place is also meh. The burger joint doesn't agree with my stomach for some reason. The pizza place is only ok and is kinda pricey. Chipotle/CFA/S-Bux/Panera are pretty generic to most neighborhood centers so nothing special there. The new Med place is promising and pretty cheap.
Irvinecommuter said:bones said:Irvinecommuter said:ak said:IMHO, I think WB is still the best village so far in Irvine's newer northern sphere in terms of location and overall amenities that it provides. It is better located and has a lot more amenities than SG, PS, PP, CV, LR, PA5.
WB is definitely the best location and the shopping center is great. Only issue is the school zoning...still zones into Irvine High.
I agree having lived in both WB and in PS. Wish the town center had better restaurants though. The chinese place is beyond yuck. The fish place is meh. The japanese place is also meh. The burger joint doesn't agree with my stomach for some reason. The pizza place is only ok and is kinda pricey. Chipotle/CFA/S-Bux/Panera are pretty generic to most neighborhood centers so nothing special there. The new Med place is promising and pretty cheap.
Agreed on the restaurants...I actually like the Chinese place and the Japanese place is decent as a local option...everything does not appear to be that great. OH has much better dining options.
paperboyNC said:GH said:Irvinecommuter said:ak said:IMHO, I think WB is still the best village so far in Irvine's newer northern sphere in terms of location and overall amenities that it provides. It is better located and has a lot more amenities than SG, PS, PP, CV, LR, PA5.
WB is definitely the best location and the shopping center is great. Only issue is the school zoning...still zones into Irvine High.
Another concern I have with WB is few years down the road, when all of Irvine empty lots are converted to residential, it is basically "sandwiched" by the other villages on all 4 sides, thus the traffic to just get out of the villages to the freeway or toll road or wherever.... Also, if say the major roads are getting full, people might start using the inner streets of Woodbury as alternative routes to go from one village to another ..
Woodbury has this tackled by not having thru streets. Cypress Village on the other hand has Roosevelt that goes straight all the way through.
bones said:Irvinecommuter said:ak said:IMHO, I think WB is still the best village so far in Irvine's newer northern sphere in terms of location and overall amenities that it provides. It is better located and has a lot more amenities than SG, PS, PP, CV, LR, PA5.
WB is definitely the best location and the shopping center is great. Only issue is the school zoning...still zones into Irvine High.
I agree having lived in both WB and in PS. Wish the town center had better restaurants though. The chinese place is beyond yuck. The fish place is meh. The japanese place is also meh. The burger joint doesn't agree with my stomach for some reason. The pizza place is only ok and is kinda pricey. Chipotle/CFA/S-Bux/Panera are pretty generic to most neighborhood centers so nothing special there. The new Med place is promising and pretty cheap.
ak said:bones said:Irvinecommuter said:ak said:IMHO, I think WB is still the best village so far in Irvine's newer northern sphere in terms of location and overall amenities that it provides. It is better located and has a lot more amenities than SG, PS, PP, CV, LR, PA5.
WB is definitely the best location and the shopping center is great. Only issue is the school zoning...still zones into Irvine High.
I agree having lived in both WB and in PS. Wish the town center had better restaurants though. The chinese place is beyond yuck. The fish place is meh. The japanese place is also meh. The burger joint doesn't agree with my stomach for some reason. The pizza place is only ok and is kinda pricey. Chipotle/CFA/S-Bux/Panera are pretty generic to most neighborhood centers so nothing special there. The new Med place is promising and pretty cheap.
Sadly it think Irvine will mostly only have "generic" type of eating places. In regards to WB being zoned to Irvine High School as a negative, we have to remember that Irvine High is a GREAT school. In the end, there is really no material difference between any of the 4 high schools in Irvine. If your kid is a bright, well rounded student it doesn't matter if he/she gets a 4.0 GPA from Irvine High or Northwood High or any other high school in Irvine. Your child will likely get into the college that is within those guidelines. Remember that colleges like to have diversity....they will not accept all of the 4.0's from just one high school. They want a little from here a little from there and so on and so on.
Have you looked at your tax bill? Usually the land value is higher than the improvements (which usually means the house)... and the improvements value decreases while land value rises. Or do I have that wrong?Irvinecommuter said:paperboyNC said:In the long run land is more valuable than the house so I'd prefer PP due to the larger lot sizes. At the moment Stonegate is more centrally located but once the whole Great Park retail and schools are built they might be more tied in that regard.
slightly flawed in that developed land is more valuable. The majority of the value of the home comes from the enclosed structure.
So what benefit were you pointing out here? You say it's a plus but then you take that all away so how am I to believe that you actually can see the benefit of a larger lot size?The bigger yard is a plus but it's not super significant. Factoring in the extra cost of landscaping and maintenance, I think it's a wash.
herefortheschools said:PP is hands down the better of the two! Bigger lots, 3 car garage, the look and feel. When you drive thru PP it doesn't feel like you are in Irvine. I love it and in the long run the pricing of these homes will skyrocket! Oh and don't forget its so diverse: Asians, Indians, Persians, and Americans. I've seen a good mix of all these nationalities!!!!!
herefortheschools said:in the long run the pricing of these homes will skyrocket!
jmoney74 said:I have white neighbors.. that's already pretty diverse for new builds. 1 white family = Diversity. There are at least 2 on my street.. so now it's ultra diverse.![]()
Homie said:jmoney74 said:I have white neighbors.. that's already pretty diverse for new builds. 1 white family = Diversity. There are at least 2 on my street.. so now it's ultra diverse.![]()
The 2 you saw were the general contractors bud... nice try!
Homie said:jmoney74 said:I have white neighbors.. that's already pretty diverse for new builds. 1 white family = Diversity. There are at least 2 on my street.. so now it's ultra diverse.![]()
The 2 you saw were the general contractors bud... nice try!
SoCal said:Homie said:jmoney74 said:I have white neighbors.. that's already pretty diverse for new builds. 1 white family = Diversity. There are at least 2 on my street.. so now it's ultra diverse.![]()
The 2 you saw were the general contractors bud... nice try!
Hehehe. You know what, incidentally, when I stopped by the park there to plant that Valentine's Day treasure hunt item where you found it, I noticed a white guy from afar doing some kind of tour of the grounds but his eyes were fixed on me the entire time. Finally, after a while, he made his way closer did a little greeting / acknowledgement. He had a real wide smile, head nod. I had a feeling he might be mistaking me for a new neighbor just like what you describe even if that was jokingly. I wanted to tell him I was just dropping by briefly to let my kids run wild at their park, then leaving, but I didn't. lol. Never know, could be somebody just swinging by.