StoneGate vs Eastwood

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Hey Group,
Hope someone can share some insights here. I am contemplating between StoneGate and Eastwood. Which one is better in terms for overall experience, convenience, resale values and also for toddler age kids? Thanks for all your help!
If you want a newer community, I mean like 2,3 years newer, then EW is the one. Some SG homes are actually newer so it depends which home you?re planning to live.

Overall experience will be pretty much the same in my opinion. SG has more swimming pools with playgrounds and EW has a trail from Trailhead to Alpine. Jeffrey Trail is more on the SG?s side though. EW doesn?t have an apartment complex, but I?m sure 50% of residents are renters. SG has couple apartments near Irvine Blvd. People say SG elementary school is better. It has blue ribbon thing or whatever that?s called while EW is still new. IMHO, it?s just an elementary school so who cares, but in case that matters for you, there?s that information. Kids at both villages go to the same Jr. High and High school.

Resale value wise, they?re the same. They have the same or almost identical floor plans and they go about at the same price when they sell. EW seems to have more spotlights since it?s newer, but if you look at comps, they get listed and sold at about the same per sq.

Both will be good for toddlers since most homes are with those growing families. Bigger SFR home tracts will have more like high school kids while condos have plenty of toddlers and elementary kids.

They?re about the same overall. I would personally buy where the location is better such things like corner lot, bigger yard, no one behind etc. Good luck!
I agree with most, but two counts:
1. Appreciation is more in EW, as lot lesser homes and no apartments
2. Better location; proximity to freeways. Some of the SG tracts are as close as PS
Some of Stonegate's larger homes push up against Portola Pkwy across from the landfill. Some I've spoken to have never noticed any odors or the trash trucks...but something to factor in.
EW is across the street from a trailer park.  It does not look nice to see one side of the street lined with fancy olive trees and the other with old Eucalyptus trees and manufactured home roofs.  Also not close to a good shopping center (except for the Korean Market).

Stonegate is an awesome location right next to a great shopping center and not next to a trailer park, also very convenient to get to the toll road. 

Definitely think floor plan and lot is more important than the actual neighborhood though (If given the choice i'd pick a bigger lot not backing to a busy street in EW over a small lot backing to Portola in SG for instance, even though I prefer SG the neighborhood overall). 

ThirtySomethingWEquity said:
EW is across the street from a trailer park.  It does not look nice to see one side of the street lined with fancy olive trees and the other with old Eucalyptus trees and manufactured home roofs.

Lol.  Those eucalyptus windrows are an Irvine historical landmark and are protected by city ordinance.
I think ThirtySomethingWEquity just doesn't like EW. That's fine. Everyone has different tastes and purposes to like or dislike.

Fact wise, EW so far performs very well in terms of ROI far better than PS, GP, BR, or even OH. SG also does the same or similar. I don't really see much difference when looking by the actual sold comps overall.

The proximity to the freeways that OCLuvr brought up... I mean the villages are right next to each other. I can't really say EW is better than SG for that matter. OK, maybe 30 seconds less time on the road before getting on to the 5 from EW? ;D
Isn't Stonegate the "IT" elementary school, or is it a new one now.  Stonegate also has those 3 story basement homes, which is super nice, but I'm sure after a number of years it may be more maintenance with the pumps, sunken courtyard. 
Good point? PS is another 30 secs from SG.. 😂

Mety said:
I think ThirtySomethingWEquity just doesn't like EW. That's fine. Everyone has different tastes and purposes to like or dislike.

Fact wise, EW so far performs very well in terms of ROI far better than PS, GP, BR, or even OH. SG also does the same or similar. I don't really see much difference when looking by the actual sold comps overall.

The proximity to the freeways that OCLuvr brought up... I mean the villages are right next to each other. I can't really say EW is better than SG for that matter. OK, maybe 30 seconds less time on the road before getting on to the 5 from EW? ;D
PS is actually like 5-8 minutes minimum away from SG which makes it at least 10-15 min to get on to I-5. But PS has toll road as a plus if you use that a lot.

OCLuvr said:
Good point? PS is another 30 secs from SG.. 😂

Mety said:
I think ThirtySomethingWEquity just doesn't like EW. That's fine. Everyone has different tastes and purposes to like or dislike.

Fact wise, EW so far performs very well in terms of ROI far better than PS, GP, BR, or even OH. SG also does the same or similar. I don't really see much difference when looking by the actual sold comps overall.

The proximity to the freeways that OCLuvr brought up... I mean the villages are right next to each other. I can't really say EW is better than SG for that matter. OK, maybe 30 seconds less time on the road before getting on to the 5 from EW? ;D
Mety said:
PS is actually like 5-8 minutes minimum away from SG. But PS has toll road as a plus if you use that a lot.

OCLuvr said:
Good point? PS is another 30 secs from SG.. 😂

Mety said:
I think ThirtySomethingWEquity just doesn't like EW. That's fine. Everyone has different tastes and purposes to like or dislike.

Fact wise, EW so far performs very well in terms of ROI far better than PS, GP, BR, or even OH. SG also does the same or similar. I don't really see much difference when looking by the actual sold comps overall.

The proximity to the freeways that OCLuvr brought up... I mean the villages are right next to each other. I can't really say EW is better than SG for that matter. OK, maybe 30 seconds less time on the road before getting on to the 5 from EW? ;D

5-8 minutes from Stonegate?  Maybe if you are going from the southwest corner of Stonegate by Irvine Blvd/Jeffery Rd over to the iPac new home developments or where the Elderberry homes are.  Portola Springs is actually a fairly large village.  I can get to Portola Springs from my Tustin Ranch house in 10-15 minutes going on Portola Pkwy.
USCTrojanCPA said:
Mety said:
PS is actually like 5-8 minutes minimum away from SG. But PS has toll road as a plus if you use that a lot.

OCLuvr said:
Good point? PS is another 30 secs from SG.. 😂

Mety said:
I think ThirtySomethingWEquity just doesn't like EW. That's fine. Everyone has different tastes and purposes to like or dislike.

Fact wise, EW so far performs very well in terms of ROI far better than PS, GP, BR, or even OH. SG also does the same or similar. I don't really see much difference when looking by the actual sold comps overall.

The proximity to the freeways that OCLuvr brought up... I mean the villages are right next to each other. I can't really say EW is better than SG for that matter. OK, maybe 30 seconds less time on the road before getting on to the 5 from EW? ;D

5-8 minutes from Stonegate?  Maybe if you are going from the southwest corner of Stonegate by Irvine Blvd/Jeffery Rd over to the iPac new home developments or where the Elderberry homes are.  Portola Springs is actually a fairly large village.  I can get to Portola Springs from my Tustin Ranch house in 10-15 minutes going on Portola Pkwy.

Yes, PS is a large village it depends where you go. But comparing the distance from EW to SG is pretty different from comparing from SG to PS. If you're comparing the farthest corner to the closest corner, then we're just nit picking, but in general, we all know EW and SG are right next to each other while PS is a bit farther away. I'm not saying PS is worse by any means.
Hahaha. I didn?t mean to argue. EW, SG, and PS are all good options. Seems like people like EW the most. Hey how come no one calls them YF?