Stonegate and Woodbury Elem

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I think are some members who have kids in those schools.

How are they?

How is the year-round schedule of Woodbury and do you like it?

Please PM me if you don't want the details public.
It would be nice to hear from real parents at these schools. Please post your thoughts.

Until then, here are the latest rankings from the OC Register:

Rank Medal                   School         District                     Academic rank Environment rank API 2010
21         GOLD         Stonegate Elementary Irvine Unified                 26         62           944
131       BRONZE         Woodbury Elementary Irvine Unified                 101         307      900

Here are the links to the comments at :

I have heard that many students from WB have requested to transfer to SG this year.  A mother also told me that over half of her son's first grade class this year is made up of WB transfers. 

I heard from a mom whose son transfered from WB into SG for 3rd grade.  She said that WB is not very academic (I don't know what that means). 

Finally, I have heard that the main problem is the principal.  She didn't show up at the WB kinder round-up (where new in coming kinders come in for info), etc., and that the dist had her send a letter to the parents explaining how she is going to try to keep enrollment up from now on, etc. 

Don't know what's really going on there.  But I do know several moms whose kids love it there so maybe it dep on what teacher your child gets???
Woodbury elem used to be El Camino Real Elementary.  I think all the staff moved from El Camino to Woodbury.
Even back then, it was considered an inferior school compared to most Elementary schools in Irvine.
Stonegate also used to be Westwood Basics Plus and so it figures the Basics Plus school would have higher academia scores.

A parent at my kids' swim school swears by Woodbury Elem and loves the year-round schedule because it allows them to vacation off-peak... heh.
irvinehomeowner said:
Stonegate also used to be Westwood Basics Plus and so it figures the Basics Plus school would have higher academia scores.

A parent at my kids' swim school swears by Woodbury Elem and loves the year-round schedule because it allows them to vacation off-peak... heh.
I have 2 buyers who are focusing on Woodbury partially because of that reason.  I guess some parents love the year-round schedule (I know I'd hate it if I were a kid...used to love having the summers off). 
Stonegate opened before all of the housing around it so transfers from Woodbury to SG were liberraly approved.  I assume at some point the boundaries will 'firm up' and it will be more difficult to choose.    My kids have attended Woodbury since it opened - we live a couple of blocks away so it is far far more convenient than our previous commute to ECR.  As someone mentioned above our satisfaction has been 100% dependent on the teacher.  Our son's current third grade teacher is beyond wonderful.  She came from Canyon View (widely considered the best of the Irvine elementary schools above the 5 freeway) and I would hold her up against any current teacher and SG or her former Canyon View.  There is another great teacher avaialable for him in 4th Grade if we can get into her class.    That said we have suffered through some really poor quality - especially older teachers near retirement a combination of 1) set in their old school ways and 2) checked out working as little as possible before retirement.
I noticed that at Stonegate, the student to teacher ratio is at the state's maximum allowed number which is 32:1.  Any of you a parent of Stonegate student?  Is this ratio a big problem?  Do they have teaching aid to help?  Do parents volunteer everyday to help?
Kids living in Woodbury who want traditional schedule are now being asked to go to Santiago Hills.  One of my child's classmates have been asked to transfer to Santiago Hills from Stonegate elementary (last year was her first year at SG elementary).