It's good to hear what other people are buying/selling. It shouldn't be investment advice.
I am not going to post what I buy or sell in real time because I have a heavy base in the chart and look more to swing trades that cover a few weeks/months and I don't want other people to buy or sell something that I have a tight stop on in case things don't go my way and I really would be sad to find out someone lost money on something but seeing what others buy or sell, makes me thing hmmm....... lets look at that.
When Zubs wanted to know about deep ITM options, I went to youtube to see if there was any good videos on looking at trends and came upon some ameritrade videos (u can see them on Thinkorswim too if you have an account) that were posted months ago and spent a couple days watching their series to see how they worked out. Most were pretty good trades but being months from them, it was interesting to see where they were now. One of them was DXCM. When I pulled up the chart, I was amazed to see a perfect head and shoulders and I couldn't believe what an awesome trade that would be if it broke. Glory be, one day it broke and I made a couple hundred K on the downside. Kicked myself for not loading up again when it ramped back over $500 but I was in AZ and not paying attention, oh well.
Would I post that? No, it's a speculative play. I'm looking at going long if it breaks down to the low $300ish area.
Someone posted about buying NVDA near the top. Would I say, I don't want to mess with that? It's run too far, it's too far from trendlines, there is something going on because it's like it's having a seizure with the large up and down moves at the top that were not there on the way up and that is how things looked in 2000? No because price is always best indicator and they probably are long term, I'm short term and it just didn't look like a "good set up" to me for my purposes.
Did I short it? No, I left it alone. I'm looking for a swing move up, but without a superb very low risk move, I'm just leaving it alone.
FB. I don't really like the company. If talent is the reason to buy, talent can be poached, retire, open their own company with their stock option money and poof it's gone. I can say on a weekly or monthly basis it's the most oversold it's ever been. Not enough of a reason to buy it for me but it could be near a tradeable bottom. Maybe 160- 170 is a better spot? Could be or it could just keep dropping like in 2019. Could I miss a great trade? Yeah, but there is lots of fish in the sea.
I've been eyeing Goog. But something seems off to me. It ran to a new high after earnings and it's just dropping. I'm not touching it because the set up is not good enough to me. It could just go sideways (dead money for me) or it could drop to $2000. But again, that doesn't mean it's bad or someone shouldn't buy it because nearly everyone has a longer term view than me. Could it turn, more like AXP and head up to 4000 from here, Absolutely, but I'll just wait a while. Imo, it should not have traded down like this after earnings. Look at AXP, not all stocks have traded down.
ENR is interesting. Going to keep my eye on that one. I know exactly where to sell it. (Do they have issues getting supplies with Ukraine? I don't know, just asking). Could be a great place to buy and would have never seen it without Momopi's comment). Trading ranges are great swing trades...... long as they hold.
AMD, no opinion but MRNA (also no opinion for my trading plan) but it makes me want to look at PFE for what MIGHT happen to it. PFE ran up years ago with Viagra and then spent years trending lower. Just something to consider in the back of my mind.