Springbrook Elementary Opinions?

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I'm not looking for test scores... I'm just looking for opinions from parents on how the school and teachers are.

I realize I can look at GreatSchools but I was wondering if any of the posters (or lurkers) here could give me some insight into how the school is from first-hand experience.

My 1st grader is currently in a private school and I'm not really happy with it (see my Homework thread on the old IHB forums). I think the teachers are okay and the system is great but I think it's a bit pushy and overwhelming for my daughter because as much as we want them to do well in school... she's only six years old. I appreciate the advanced work her current school is giving her but I don't want to put too much pressure on her at such an early age... I want her to enjoy being a kid... not wish that every day was a "stay home day". I am a bit worried about moving her to another school but I'm just not sure where she is at is right for her.

Anyways... even if you don't have any experience with Springbrook... some posts about the IUSD and TUSD (CK props) would still be helpful.

(I'm also looking into private Christian/Catholic schools like St. Jeanne's in Tustin)

I really don't think you can go wrong with any of the Irvine schools. In ANY of them, you will find motivated parents (and generally happy and stable homes) --- which translates to happy and motivated children. And happy and motivated children generally = happy and motivated teachers.

Have you targeted which neighborhood you will ultimately land for the 3CWG home? If you have narrowed, maybe consider open enrollment to that school if other than your current assigned school. The fewer school changes, the better, IMO. That's what's hard for guys like us who like to consider all the possibilities for homes....I always come back to the fact I do not want to move my girl out of Myford attendance area, so that severly limits the options.

Good luck. BTW, does your 6 year old daughter have a "boyfriend" at school? I just learned of that over the weekend. "I think I know who I am going to marry, daddy". Oy vey.
Hehe... I think the boyfriends and girlfriends rotate weekly (or daily).

Since hers is much smaller... there are only a few to choose from and of course the most popular boy/girl is the one everyone wants to "marry".

Yeah... I wish we could determine where we were going to live and then just let them stay there for a while... but we haven't narrowed down a place at all. That's also why we chose the private school so that no matter where we lived, even if not in Irvine, they could still attend there. One of the big reasons why we have been looking at Woodbury was we were impressed by the campus... but no 3WCG there... hehe.

It's funny... I'm more concerned about my daughter because she still misses her "BFF" from pre-K while my son really has no "favorite" friend. He even says "I don't need friends... because then I don't get to do what I want to do... I have to do what they want to do". Hilarious.