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Kings said:
it's about time we start burning movies and books!

[size=14pt]Gone with the Wind removed from HBO Max[/size]

Gone with the Wind has been taken off HBO Max following calls for it to be removed from the US streaming service.

HBO Max said the 1939 film was "a product of its time" and depicted "ethnic and racial prejudices" that "were wrong then and are wrong today".

It said the film would return to the platform at an unspecified date with a "discussion of its historical context".

Set during and after the American Civil War, Gone with the Wind has long been attacked for its depiction of slavery.

Based on the novel by Margaret Mitchell, it features slave characters who seem contented with their lot and who remain loyal to their former owners after slavery's abolition.

Gone with the Wind received 10 Oscars and remains the highest-grossing movie of all time when its takings are adjusted for inflation.

Hattie McDaniel became the first black actress to be nominated for, and win, an Academy Award for her role as domestic servant Mammy.

I recommend visiting Splash Mountain when Disney reopens because in this climate, there is no way Disney will continue to allow their guests to have a zip-a-dee-doo-dah-day.
More virtue signalling cancel culture cyber burning...denile really is not a just a river in Egypt...

HBO Max Pulls ?Gone With the Wind,? While ?Cops? Gets Canceled
Moves come as entertainment companies reassess their content amid nationwide protests over racial injustice and police brutality
?Gone with the Wind? was pulled from HBO Max while the long-running TV show ?Cops? was outright canceled, a sign that entertainment companies are re-examining the content they offer in the wake of nationwide protests for racial justice and against police brutality.
Prospector Pete and now this?  And Wilson was a Dem...Snowflakes will eat their own...

Is it time to change the name of Woodrow Wilson High School?

A petition is circulating on right now, with the title ?Woodrow Wilson was a racist?Let?s find a better person to name a Long Beach school after.?

As of Tuesday afternoon, more than 1,000 people had signed the petition, addressed to the Long Beach Unified School District Board of Education and Wilson principal Kim Holland.

The reason for wanting to lose the name? Wilson was a racist. And not your basic disgruntled neighbor sort of racist but, rather, ?extremely racist?even by the standards of his time,? according to a 2015 article in Vox, which was written in favor of a drive spearheaded by students at Princeton University who were demanding that Wilson?s name be removed from all programs and buildings at the university, including the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and Wilson College, a residential college for undergrads.
that's right folks, splash mountain is racist

Petition calls for Disney Parks to change theme of Splash Mountain

There are growing calls for Walt Disney World to change the theme of its popular log flume ride Splash Mountain.

The attraction is based on the 1946 Disney film ?Song of the South," which has been criticized for its stereotypes of black people.

If you haven?t heard of the film, you?re not alone. The movie has been removed from all viewing platforms and was not included on Disney+.

Splash Mountain follows happy-go-lucky Br?er Rabbit as he looks for his ?laughing place.? All the while, Br?er Bear and Br?er Fox are in hot pursuit Br?er Rabbit. The cruise ends with a 5-story splashdown into a thorny Briar Patch.

The film features Disney?s iconic tune ?Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah?.

Numerous petitions have popped up online recently, CNN reports, calling for Disney to remove all mentions of the movie from the attraction.

One idea bouncing around social media is a total theme change to the ride -- and fans are looking to Disney?s film ?The Princess and the Frog?.

Disney?s 2009 film about a frog prince wanting to be human again was the first Disney film to feature a black princess and the last to feature traditional hand-drawn animation.

One Disney fan went to Twitter to exhibit his concept for a ?Princess and the Frog? themed ride.

As of Thursday, over 8,000 people signed a petition to retheme the attraction.

The attraction is located at both Disney?s Magic Kingdom and Disneyland in California.
Could it go the way of Sambo's?  I used to love breakfast at Sambos!!..

Cracker Barrel under attack because it ?feels? like a racist place, with a racist name

First they came for ?Cops? and ?Gone With The Wind,? and now they appear to be gunning for Cracker Barrel. Sort of.

Amid the Maoist-like cultural revolution currently happening across the states, there seems to be an emerging movement to smear (and eventually possibly cancel) the iconic Southern restaurant chain Cracker Barrel.

It reportedly began with April Reign, the far-left activist reportedly responsible for launching the stunningly racist #OscarsSoWhite hashtag.

Responding to a Twitter user who?d asked if people have ?ever walk[ed] into a place that just FEELS racist,? Reign responded by citing Cracker Barrel.


Open the door to a Cracker Barrel and you get a whiff of Jim Crow. And biscuits.

? April (@ReignOfApril) June 10, 2020
Black or African American race constitutes 13.4% of the U.S. population today while whites are 76.5%, or 5.7 times as many. 

The U.S. Department of Justice reports that in 2018, 6,380 blacks were arrested for murder or manslaughter compared with 5,280 whites.

DOJ statistics show that in 1986, the admission of black prisoners was 342 per 100,000 inmates compared with 63 white prisoners per 100,000 inmates.  If the incarceration rate were proportional to population, the number of black prisoners would be 11 per 100,000 instead of 342.  It has increased for over a century. 

These horrific statistics continue to be excused and in fact promoted by liberals consumed with their misplaced sense of moral superiority and posturing.

Don't listen to me.  Listen to Malcolm X and Frederick Douglass.

That white person that you see calling himself a liberal is the most dangerous person in the western hemisphere. He's the most deceitful, he's like a fox. - Malcolm X (1925 - 1965) 

I am a Republican, a black dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress." - Frederick Douglass (1818 - 1895)

White lives matter too, and many more whites are murdered by blacks than blacks by whites.  Blacks kill ten times more black murder victims than whites do.  Until the Left stops pandering to black Americans, and inciting divisiveness, there can be no improvement. 
Kings said:
that's right folks, splash mountain is racist

Petition calls for Disney Parks to change theme of Splash Mountain

There are growing calls for Walt Disney World to change the theme of its popular log flume ride Splash Mountain.

The attraction is based on the 1946 Disney film ?Song of the South," which has been criticized for its stereotypes of black people.

If you haven?t heard of the film, you?re not alone. The movie has been removed from all viewing platforms and was not included on Disney+.

Splash Mountain follows happy-go-lucky Br?er Rabbit as he looks for his ?laughing place.? All the while, Br?er Bear and Br?er Fox are in hot pursuit Br?er Rabbit. The cruise ends with a 5-story splashdown into a thorny Briar Patch.

The film features Disney?s iconic tune ?Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah?.

Numerous petitions have popped up online recently, CNN reports, calling for Disney to remove all mentions of the movie from the attraction.

One idea bouncing around social media is a total theme change to the ride -- and fans are looking to Disney?s film ?The Princess and the Frog?.

Disney?s 2009 film about a frog prince wanting to be human again was the first Disney film to feature a black princess and the last to feature traditional hand-drawn animation.

One Disney fan went to Twitter to exhibit his concept for a ?Princess and the Frog? themed ride.

As of Thursday, over 8,000 people signed a petition to retheme the attraction.

The attraction is located at both Disney?s Magic Kingdom and Disneyland in California.

When Disney announced in 1987 that they were showing Song of the South for the last time, I rushed to my local theater. When it ended, there was not a dry eye in the packed theatre. In the film, Uncle Remus and the white kids showed genuine affection for each other, something that could never have happened in real life under Liberal Orthodoxy. The stories of Briar Rabbit, Fox, Bear, etc. were actually based on similar stories from West Africa that were brought over by the ancestors of today's African Americans so ironically by banning the movie they actually suppressed traditional African folklore. 
StarmanMBA said:
That white person that you see calling himself a liberal is the most dangerous person in the western hemisphere. He's the most deceitful, he's like a fox. - Malcolm X (1925 - 1965)

I am a great admirer of Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam in general. Farrakhan says the only way Black people can get true equality is to be self reliant. No point in begging for handouts from whites because they are all racists, liberals and conservatives. Malcom X was absolutely right that white liberals are far more dangerous because white liberal racism is opaque and devious whereas conservative racism is out in the open. We still don't know who assassinated Malcolm X.
Happiness said:
UCLA suspends accounting professor because he didn't move or alter final exams for Black students in the wake of George Floyd death:

At some point we start setting some crazy precedents. So if you delay exams for black students because of a Black death, will you feat exams for Asian students for an Asian death, etc.

Will the white student get the deferral?

I?m all for fairness equality, but we can?t create other inequalities in the pursuit of one equality.
The stampede to wokeness and guilt by this generation provides never ending comedy...

Ricky Gervais Shreds Celebrities Who Put Out Cringeworthy ?I Take Responsibility? Racism PSA

What is perhaps most startling about the PSA is a complete lack of insincerity coming off the screen. These sheltered Hollywood liberals are clearly acting as they deliver their pre-written lines.

This is, after all, their job.

?Black people are being slaughtered in the streets, killed in their own homes,? the video conveys. ?These are our brothers and sisters, our friends, our family. We are done watching them die. We are no longer bystanders. We will not be idle. Enough is enough.?

Or maybe there is something else about this video besides the dramatic takes that really makes it stand out?

Gervais seems to think so, eviscerating his virtue signaling colleagues in just seven words.

?Terrible lack of diversity in this video,? he tweeted.

Terrible lack of diversity in this video.
? Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) June 11, 2020
Happiness said:
After 130 years, Aunt Jemima, is no more:

Uncle Ben better start running for his life.

Now I guess I'll have to use hipster vegan sustainable artisanal syrup on my frozen waffles.

So I need some clarification here, especially because Kings and morekaos thanked you for this post (and morekaos' follow-up about being the "stupidest thing" he has seen).

This thread is for topics about people who are easily offended... hence the Snowflakes title. But I think this is an important issue.

Do you 3 think that removing branding that is based on racial stereotypes is bad? With the current events, I agree with what companies are doing and addressing the removal of racial sensitive images from their products. You three don't?

Two months ago, Land O' Lakes removed the Native American character from their products, the Cleveland Indians removed their Chief Wahoo character from their branding in 2019... do you consider that also "snowflakey"?
Kings said:
what's with the removal of all black people from product marketing?  sounds racist to me

Mrs. Butterworth isn't black, she's white but still has to go cuz some people think she's black.

If there weren't black people on products then of course we're racist cuz there aren't black people represented.

When is Fresh off the Boat going to be labelled racist and taken off the air? When is Disneyland going to be the object of protests because Merryl Streep and Walt's own family branded him a racist? When is Archie Bunker's chair going to be removed from the Smithsonian? When is John Wayne Airport going to be renamed?