[quote author="Trooper" date=1216004909]awgee, I didn't think there was anything wrong with Shoob's question...I was actually saying to myself, "Yeah, I'm glad someone asked that".
I'm quite serious, and not being sarcastic here.....but I'm a touch freaked too. I have a CD in WaMu, under 100K by a long shot...but no chump change. It is up for renewal 8/24....but here's the problem.
It's in my Deferred Compensation account. I simply cannot "remove" it and buy physical gold. I can't remove it period, I can only choose from a set amount of options available to me. So it's locked in there....
I know there is something called "Options Plus" where I can pay 100 bucks a year to add it to my "list" of choices. From what I understand, it then becomes more of a "self-directed" account. I have no idea where to put this money so I feel safe. Even an MMA sounds risky to me now. Not sure if this "Options Plus" addition will add something that feels safer to me....
Anyone have any suggestions?
edit: Yes, I know I can "remove" the $$ from the deff comp acct., but at about a 40% hit.</blockquote>
I did not think there was anything wrong with Shoob's question either. It is just obvious that I am a bit opinionated on this subject and that was a warning on the diatribe to follow. For a few years I have been warning that there will be many, many bank failures, and I have felt a bit like a nutter.
It is my opinion that if your CD is insured by the FDIC, you will get paid, whether the FDIC has the money or not. The FDIC is a part of the Federal Reserve and the Fed will "give" the FDIC all the money it needs to insure depositors.
Here comes more nutter stuff: But, it is important to realize that the Fed may not have the "money" or assets or reserves either, and the Fed will print money to give to the FDIC. Realistically, the Fed will have no choice. Can you imagine if the FDIC did not pay out? As the Fed keeps printing money to bail out (take your pick here), those with dollar denominated assets will exit the dollar and the dollar will continue to devalue. So, even when you get your Federal Reserve Notes from the FDIC, what will they be worth? What will they buy?
Discounting price inflation, I would deem short term, (two month), US Treasuries to be the safest.
I do not blame you for being a touch freaked. You are just a bit early. A few more bank failures and many folks will be freaked. I think WaMu is insolvent and MMAs are very risky.