Signal Hill

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I guess there isn't a dedicated Signal Hill thread; alright all you LBZ peeps out there, let's hear it for Signal Hill... Thoughts, feedback and comments!

Very long ago, I used to live in the Marbrisa Apartment homes off the traffic circle. It wasn't that bad, was on the "good" side of the hill. I know parts of Signal can get fairly shady fast; but what about all that new construction during the boom? In my mind, it's a good compromise; the newness of Irvine in Long Beach, city/ocean views; reasonable prices. It's the poor man's newport coast! Youre not too far away from the Snoop Dog hood to remember your roots... but you are at least high enough to feel safe and the nearby Costco feels just right at home. How are the schools in Signal? I remember some plans to build new ones there... Isn't it known that any child can attend any LBC school? I know Wilson is nice...

These are a couple of recent finds...

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price? $1.2 mil? nah, just $749.. why live in Irvine?

For the price of this in Irvine

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I can get this in Signal Hill...

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I am sorry Roundcorner the Signal Hills homes are hideously ugly. Do you know about the activities on PCH and Anaheim streets?
FWIW, there's a new middle school under construction at Cherry St. and 20th. It should open for the 2011-12 school year. It will have a music building, library, soccer field, lots of basketball courts. Hope they have the funds to staff the amenities. A library without books and a music building without instruments and instructor would be a big waste of construction dollars.

But I'm with BK -- those houses are UGLY!
But BK,, there are arches!! doesn't that account for something!?! For $649, the square footage and "newness"; private elevator, I can look at this <a href="">monstrosity </a>all day... looks like the developers are getting fairly desperate, being on the market for 443+ days... I'll be at the driving range every afternoon, and I'll pick up stray range balls on the walks at night, just be sure to say hello to the <a href="">sublime </a>people of the LBC and no harm no foul...
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1256517503]I am sorry Roundcorner the Signal Hills homes are hideously ugly. Do you know about the activities on PCH and Anaheim streets?</blockquote>

what LBC street action are you referring to? which part of town? The cambodian, vietnamese side or the black, hispanic side...?
wait... what??? where am I? Is this Irvine?

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NO,, Signal Hill baby... welcome to the LBZ...!
[quote author="roundcorners" date=1256527015]wait... what??? where am I? Is this Irvine?

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NO,, Signal Hill baby... welcome to the LBZ...!</blockquote>

I have seen that protrusion design element somewhere before...

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That is just too funny Nude.


Arches on a structure does not make a house pretty. It is like putting lip stick on a pig.

First of all arches should touch the ground. When used on the second floor the load should transfer to other connecting piers or columns that touch the ground.

PCH and Cherry in notorious for $20 hookers and Anaheim Street is where the hookers trade favor for drugs.

The zone is between Atlantic Blvd and the Alamito circle so beware.

LB is too tricky of an area. In just one block it could be heaven or hell.
Well, you would be near the killer wine shop on Redondo(?), as well as the awesome pastry shop next door to it (Rossmoor Pastries).

For SH, that's all I got. Sorry.
[quote author="Nude" date=1256535678][quote author="roundcorners" date=1256527015]wait... what??? where am I? Is this Irvine?

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Really? The protrusion on the house above could actually pop in and out like an RV? Wow...I am so over the California room.
[quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1256560581]Well, you would be near the killer wine shop on Redondo(?), as well as the awesome pastry shop next door to it (Rossmoor Pastries).

For SH, that's all I got. Sorry.</blockquote>

Yep, it is on Redondo. The killer wine shop is called The Wine Country.
California room is one of the new marketing buzz word for a covered patio. It was previously called loggia. Many may have a room stacked on top of the California room.

My car also come with a rotational vehicular maneuvering control instrument previously called the steering wheel.

[quote author="Matchbox" date=1256565481][quote author="Nude" date=1256535678][quote author="roundcorners" date=1256527015]wait... what??? where am I? Is this Irvine?

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Really? The protrusion on the house above could actually pop in and out like an RV? Wow...I am so over the California room.</blockquote>