Should our military (taxpayers) pay for gender reassignment of service members?

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A lot of US soldiers in Vietnam got free gender reassignment after they stepped on a bouncing betty (otherwise known as an S mine, which after being stepped on, pops 3 ft in the air and blows your dick off).
I agree with this view...

While trans activists, including Caitlyn Jenner, are understandably upset about the ban, many members of the military who have seen active combat both support transgenders and agree with Trump's decision, not because they are mean, old-fashioned bigots but because they view the active recognition of transgenders in the military as more of a petri dish of social experiments, wrapped in a progressive agenda.

There may be a place for that -- the military is not that place.

War is no place for people who are mentally, emotionally, or physically confused or in turmoil. You have your shit together, or you don't.