Should I give landlord my SSN?

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I found a private rental in Irvine. This property has been a rental property for several years and it was purchased in 2000. So financially, the owner should be in good shape. However, the application form requires my SSN. I am not sure that I should give it to my landlord who is an old lady.

Need your help!!!!
Yes, any landlord who has half a brain will want to run a credit check on you. This requires your SS #. It's almost standard these days.
Like Trooper said, running a credit report is protocol with landlords. You may ask the landlord about if they "file away" the rental application and if it's secured properly or do they destroy the application once the lease agreement is signed. If they do "file it away", you could ask them if they can black out the SSN if you don't feel comfortable with their secured storage methods. At the end of the day, it's your identity to protect and it doesn't hurt to ask these questions - yes the worst that can happen is the landlord may think you are too much of a "worry wart" and not give you the rental.
I think it is fairly standard to give the prospective landlord your SSN so they can run a credit check, although some may ask you to bring them a current credit report, negating the need for your SSN.
Trooper is right. It is common practice and they will need to run a credit check and a rental history check. If you are really concerned, you can always ask if you can provide your social directly to the company doing the back ground check vs. providing it to the landlord.