Shoes Hurled at Bush

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[quote author="Stuff It" date=1229390508]Got to admit he has quite quick reactions. I'm just disappointed that the shoes missed.</blockquote>

I too was impressed by that. Sort of matrix like in his ability to dodge those things. He also had his patented smirk after the first one. It will make a killer SNL skit.
[quote author="NewToOC" date=1229392253][quote author="Stuff It" date=1229390508]Got to admit he has quite quick reactions. I'm just disappointed that the shoes missed.</blockquote>

I too was impressed by that. Sort of matrix like in his ability to dodge those things. He also had his patented smirk after the first one. It will make a killer SNL skit.</blockquote>

At 62 years old he has shown lightning quick reflexes. Perhaps David Icke was right and our world leaders are really shape-shifting Alien Lizards in disguise.

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Bush is crazy athletic. I heard a secret service agent say that they had a hard time finding agents that could keep up with his daily jog - 3 6 minute miles.
<span style="font-size: 13px;">I was also surprised how quickly he reacted with that angular dodge....I'm sure the guy that threw the shoes got a nice Secret Service and Iraqi Police beat-down.</span>
[quote author="mediaboyz" date=1229437413]<span style="font-size: 13px;">I was also surprised how quickly he reacted with that angular dodge....I'm sure the guy that threw the shoes got a nice Secret Service and Iraqi Police beat-down.</span></blockquote>

Possibly. But whatever happened was mild compared to what have happened if the regime he idolized was still in power.
I find it odd that it took the secret service long to react. I thought they are suppose to throw themselves in front of the President? I mean I will give then the first shoe, but not the second.
First of all the guy who threw the shoe did not idolize Saddam. He is just angry that US policy has killed many innocent Iraqi's, and made his country worse. He is Shiite, so he probably hates Saddam.

Second, Bush waved the secret service away when the 2nd shoe was thrown. The shoe thrower was actually tackled by another reporter.
<blockquote>First of all the guy who threw the shoe did not idolize Saddam. He is just angry that US policy has killed many innocent Iraqi?s, and made his country worse. He is Shiite, so he probably hates Saddam.</blockquote>

I imagine that if Saddam were still in power today killing innocent Iraqi's this reporter would have done the same? Probably not. I guess for Bush his policy had a downside. The same people that are no longer in fear for their lives are brave enough to hurl shoes without fear of being tortured and then killed. With the same treatment being extended to their loved ones as well.

I bet that reporter is longing for the good old days.
That guy is lucky he didn't get shot from the secret service before getting off the second throw. All of those Secret Service agents should get canned - their reaction time was a joke. I hope that guy gets a beating - don't really care who does it either.
[quote author="trrenter" date=1229490470]I imagine that if Saddam were still in power today killing innocent Iraqi's this reporter would have done the same?</blockquote>
If Saddam were in power the guy would have gotten a medal.

<blockquote> Probably not. I guess for Bush his policy had a downside. The same people that are no longer in fear for their lives are brave enough to hurl shoes without fear of being tortured and then killed. With the same treatment being extended to their loved ones as well.

I bet that reporter is longing for the good old days.</blockquote>

Well, for those tens of thousands that have been killed in the war, the war did not make things better. It is almost certain that this guy has had someone close to him killed. He should be angry. I'm angry and I don't know anyone killed. He was probably angry at Saddam, also, but couldn't express it. So, sure, that is better. That doesn't mean he should not express his anger. [Note that he didn't try to kill Bush.] Maybe this wasn't the best way to express himself. Maybe it was. How many Iraqiis get to tell Bush that they are unhappy with the way things have been going for the past 5 years? With the positive spin that Bush puts on the war, it seems like he doesn't get it. The newness of having Saddam gone probably wore off 4 years ago. Fatigue has set in. How happy would you be if your country was a war zone for years and the occupying force's leader kept talking about how good things were?
[quote author="zubs" date=1229484858]First of all the guy who threw the shoe did not idolize Saddam. He is just angry that US policy has killed many innocent Iraqi's, and made his country worse. He is Shiite, so he probably hates Saddam.

Second, Bush waved the secret service away when the 2nd shoe was thrown. The shoe thrower was actually tackled by another reporter.</blockquote>

I actually liked Bush's reaction to this incident. He waved off the second secret serviceman, and judging by the body language, Bush probably wanted to go over and kick the guy's ass himself. I like a President who isn't a wimp, I just wish he would have been competent.
[quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1229565442][quote author="zubs" date=1229484858]First of all the guy who threw the shoe did not idolize Saddam. He is just angry that US policy has killed many innocent Iraqi's, and made his country worse. He is Shiite, so he probably hates Saddam.

Second, Bush waved the secret service away when the 2nd shoe was thrown. The shoe thrower was actually tackled by another reporter.</blockquote>

I actually liked Bush's reaction to this incident. He waved off the second secret serviceman, and judging by the body language, Bush probably wanted to go over and kick the guy's ass himself. I like a President who isn't a wimp, I just wish he would have been competent.</blockquote>

Yeah, it seemed like everyone understood it was a shoe and not an actual dangerous situation. I was actually impressed that people (incl Bush and the SS) didn't overreact.
Bush had a good comeback when asked about it by a reporter soon after: "All I can tell you is, Size 10."

Agree Secret Service blew it on this one.
According to political blogger Ana Marie Cox on today's Washpost chat the secret service did their job.

"Ana Marie Cox: Hold on. The Sec Service has a limited brief when working on the foreign territory. (Imagine if the Iraqi secret service came in and started pushing the DC press corps around.) They were NOT the problem there. They flagged the guy, they suggested that the Iraqis put someone behind him and the Iraqis didn't. AND THEN, when the guy made his move and Bush was clearly unharmed, BUSH waved them off.

There is nothing about those facts that is an "excuse," let's simmer down and maybe start asking why the Iraqi security guys didn't do as our guys suggested. That would be worth some press attention, I think. (I got to know a few Sec Service guys when covering McCain and Palin and they were pretty amazing people and very much all about responsibility, so, you know, go put your own body on the line if you think that's the problem...)"

<a href="">Washington Post politics chat</a>