1) - your home school for 2015-2016 will be Veeh, however, because the new home School wont open until 2016-2017 (Heritage Elementary, a magnet school with a STEM emphasis), you will pretty much be guaranteed a transfer spot into one of the tustin ranch/irvine TUSD elementaries. Columbus Square has first priority and im sure Greenwood will as well. But dont take my word for it, call the school district. there are plenty of kids in the neighborhood who attend TUSD elementaries in in Tustin Ranch/Irvine. Heritage is pretty much guaranteed to open, that is one of the conditions for the city of tustin to approve the second mello roos for Greenwood. If they dont happen to have the kindergarden open like PS9 said, im guessing the transfer option will remain since they dont offer the grade at your home school. Every school district has its issues, on this board IUSD can do no wrong and TUSD is garbage.