Has your wife considered going to private companies? I did right after my maternity leave <!-- s


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-->. My hours after that have been very reasonable, and I didn't sacrifice on pay

To me the problem of doing part time is that upon deadlines, nobody cares whether you are FT or PT, you are expected to get whatever done anyway. So a lot of PT people end up working more than they are supposed to.
Wow, glad to see so many people in the same field.
[quote author="ck"]
[quote author="purpletulip"]I am an ex K and P <!-- s


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-->, both in LA downtown.
They became no option after we had our first born <!-- s


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Good for you. My wife also works at k. After trying to juggle it for the first 5 years of parenthood we recently gave up and she went half-time. The pay cut stings, but you can't put a price tag on time with your child. [/quote]