Selfish much?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I know of someone who came back from a 2 week trip to Italy in March, and returned to work right away.  She worked for nearly a week before being escorted out of the building by security, while showing obvious signs of being sick.  I'm not clear on when she started showing symptoms; I hope she wasn't coughing that entire time she was working.  In any case, she didn't think enough of any of her coworkers to either take PTO or unpaid leave to keep them safe from whatever she brought back with her.  Due to privacy rules I haven't confirmed she had COVID, but she was out for a while.
daedalus said:
I know of someone who came back from a 2 week trip to Italy in March, and returned to work right away.  She worked for nearly a week before being escorted out of the building by security, while showing obvious signs of being sick.  I'm not clear on when she started showing symptoms; I hope she wasn't coughing that entire time she was working.  In any case, she didn't think enough of any of her coworkers to either take PTO or unpaid leave to keep them safe from whatever she brought back with her.  Due to privacy rules I haven't confirmed she had COVID, but she was out for a while.

As I previously mentioned almost same situation without the travel, and I heard the company did nothing pre quarantine. (heard the story from a friend)
You should get a clue.  Upstate NY is pretty much GOP land.  And this level of selfishness suggests to me more 'entitled republican'

StarmanMBA said:
"New Yorker" screams out:
1.  Democrat
2.  Hillary supporter
3.  Smarter than anybody else
Let me help you learn.  You've heard your Democrat Party's Talking Points so often that you now hold  them as gospel.

Former liberal professor, Arthur C. Brooks , wrote the book Who Really Cares.  This statistician set out to PROVE that you Leftists are so much more kind and giving than Republicans that you despise.  Oops!  His data proved exactly the opposite!  Brooks checked over and over.  There must be some MISTAKE!  No, Democrats give far less to church, to family, to neighborhood, to blood banks and they give much less of their time as volunteers.

I took notes on this book, as is my practice.  Here's a sample, Mister Democrat.  If you wish, I can provide more:

Page 21 In 2000, households headed by a conservative gave, on average, 30% more money to charity than households headed by a liberal ($1,600 to $1,227)
... liberal families earned an average of 6% more per year than conservative families, and conservative families gave more than liberal families within every income class, from poor to middle class to rich.
P 22 If liberals and moderates gave blood at the same rate as conservatives, the blood supply in the United States would jump by about 45 percent.*
But young liberals... are one of the least generous demographic groups out there.
Liberal young Americans in 2004 were also significantly less likely than the young conservatives to express a willingness to sacrifice for their loved ones.
P 23 ... we can see that the red states are more charitable than the blue states. For instance, of the twenty-five states that donated a portion of household income above the national income, twenty-four gave a majority of their popular votes to George W Bush for president; only one gave the election to John F. Kerry. Of twenty-five states below the national average, seventeen went for Kerry, but just seven for Bush.
P 24 Among the states in which 60 percent or more voted for Bush, the average portion of income donated to charity was 3.5 percent. For states giving Mr. Bush less than 40 percent of the vote, the average was 1.9 percent.

freedomcm said:
You should get a clue.  Upstate NY is pretty much GOP land.  And this level of selfishness suggests to me more 'entitled republican'

StarmanMBA said:
"New Yorker" screams out:
1.  Democrat
2.  Hillary supporter
3.  Smarter than anybody else
HMart said:
Why did you have to take this thread and shit it up with partisan politics?

Politics is part of everyday life.  The thread begins with a husband who very selfishly exposes his wife and newborn son, together with hospital staff, to a disease which currently has the world in quarantine.  Democrats are using this to smear President Trump daily.  Don't you even know that?  There is a saying farmers have.  "When you throw a corncob into a pig sty, the one who squeals is the one you hit."  You're squealing like a little Democrat does so often and so loudly.  When Leftists spout partisan politics, it's all fun and games. But let their hated enemies express counterpoint, and there's always hell to pay. 
I didn't say that republicans were not generous with their time and money, but suspect if you looked at the democrats in that study broken down into active participants in religious or similar groups, you would find the same degree of generosity.

I was remarking on the frequency of self-importance inspired personal selfishness displayed, by for instance the number of luxury vehicles cutting one off, or the frequency of insider trading charges.
freedomcm said:
I didn't say that republicans were not generous with their time and money, but suspect if you looked at the democrats in that study broken down into active participants in religious or similar groups, you would find the same degree of generosity.

I was remarking on the frequency of self-importance inspired personal selfishness displayed, by for instance the number of luxury vehicles cutting one off, or the frequency of insider trading charges.
Your story has changed substantially from this:

"You should get a clue."

Beginning with a brash insult at how stupid I am, you state:

"Upstate NY is pretty much GOP land.  And this level of selfishness suggests to me more 'entitled republican (sic) ' "

I don't see insider trading or luxury vehicles mentioned anywhere.
You're a Democrat.  Admit it.  The phrase "It's nothing to be ashamed of" doesn't apply.  It really is something to be ashamed of.  Your level of spin and hubris suggests to the world more "pontificating, pretentious Democrat." 