Irvine City council meeting July 10. be there for some great theater.
Here are some 'facts' - direct form the source (did not include his attachments)
From: <>
Subject: Councilmembers are now lying to their constituents
FIRST ATTACHMENT: I?m attaching the FivePoint Land-Swap Agreement. If you look at the very first page, paragraph B., you will see that the ARDA site is ?to become part of the ?Great Park Property.? That reference was extracted from the original agreement by which the City acquired the ARDA site from Lennar, to help save Lennar from bankruptcy during the ?great depression? of 2006-7.
The ARDA site is merely an expansion of the Great Park. Are you saying that a park can never be expanded?
THIRD ATTACHMENT: Also, look at the map, look at the ?Original Great Park Veterans Cemetery Site, and look at the Freeway site. Tell me with a straight face (or any kind of face) that the ?Original? site is not in the Great Park, and that the Freeway site is ?in? the Great Park. It?s not even close.
>>>> neither site is in great park, both are on MCAS El Toro <<<<<<<
In any case, the issue here has little to do with a Veterans Cemetery. FivePoint wants the ARDA site because its worth $0.5 billion to them. They couldn?t care less about a Veterans Cemetery. Only the residents of Irvine and of Orange County, and the Veterans care about a Veterans Cemetery.
>>>>> Harvey is not a veteran <<<<<<
SECOND ATTACHMENT: Further, the ARDA site is on the former MCAS El Toro, while the freeway site was never part of the base. I attached a USGS map showing the boundary of the airbase. The Freeway site is in the somewhat triangular area at the bottom of the map. It looks a bit like a shoe. You have to use the freeways as reference points.
We only deal in facts, not propaganda, lies, falsehoods, misinformation and misleading information that come from FivePoint, their consultants, surrogates, acolytes, corrupt officials, hoodwinked officials, misled officials and misled organizations.
>>>>>> which is why the judge ruled their ballot statement "false and misleading" <<<<
You must understand that FivePoint has launched the most massive propaganda campaign in the history of Irvine. FivePoint never wanted a Great Park. They want property to develop. And, as the saying goes, will stop at nothing to get it.
Fortunately, we have the votes, now, to stop corruption in Irvine, the giveaway of public land, and the relentless assault on our Master Plan and its concomitant, relentless increase of traffic congestion. The voters of Irvine will no longer be hoodwinked, as they have been since 2012.
If you?d like any more documents to support whatever I write, I?ve got them all (or almost all!).
Harvey H Liss, P.E., Ph.D.
Editor of Sci-Tech and Senior Life?Youthful Lifestyle pages
Irvine Community News & Views
Irvine CA