Saratoga's Electric Ovens

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Been in our Saratoga home for nigh on 5 1/2 months now. One of the big things that was important to us in buying the home was that we have gas appliances, where applicable (by that I mean we didn't want a gas refrigerator, but a gas stove was essential).

Of course, all modern builds tend to come with a gas stove standard, which we expected and got, but where IP is really sneaky is they provide a separate oven which is ELECTRIC!

I know I probably sound like an idiot for not researching or finding it out before buying, but we just used our oven for the first time the other night and that's when I discovered this surprise. Had I known that, I probably would have upgraded, but I am still in disbelief that they would even provide an electric oven as the standard.

Anyway, just thought I'd share my dismay with anyone looking to buy who didn't previously consider that the gas stove may be included with an electric oven. And I'm also curious if anyone else was shocked by this or a similar revelation in their new home.
Tyler Durden said:
is the oven a convection oven?

No, it is not. That's another thing that surprised us, just how low-grade the oven and microwave are.

The microwave is tiny and the face has started to bubble and peel in several places (and no, it isn't the protective shipping sticker, it's the actual console interface liner), and the oven is very basic.

These were really not the kinds of things we expected in such an expensive home built by the *Irvine* company themselves, nonetheless.

lucky said:
Been in our Saratoga home for nigh on 5 1/2 months now. One of the big things that was important to us in buying the home was that we have gas appliances, where applicable (by that I mean we didn't want a gas refrigerator, but a gas stove was essential).

Of course, all modern builds tend to come with a gas stove standard, which we expected and got, but where IP is really sneaky is they provide a separate oven which is ELECTRIC!

I know I probably sound like an idiot for not researching or finding it out before buying, but we just used our oven for the first time the other night and that's when I discovered this surprise. Had I known that, I probably would have upgraded, but I am still in disbelief that they would even provide an electric oven as the standard.

Anyway, just thought I'd share my dismay with anyone looking to buy who didn't previously consider that the gas stove may be included with an electric oven. And I'm also curious if anyone else was shocked by this or a similar revelation in their new home.

Did you get the upgrade?  Ours is a convection oven.
bones said:
did they not model the standard appliances in one of the plans?  did they also not provide you with a list of the standard appliances?  the new home we are buying gave us a list of the SKUs for the standard appliances as well as SKUs for all the upgrade packages so you can do your homework.

We got a list with the model number...I just can't remember what the model numbers are for the basic versus the upgrade.
Just check Marigold's standard appliance list (we don't have any upgrade available).

The oven we have is KitchenAid #KEBS109BSS, a 30" convection oven...

Microwave is KitchenAid #KCMS1655BSS which costs ~$450 from a quick google search.. if Saratoga is getting the same microwave, then I am really shocked at the quality of a $450 microwave.. my current $100 microwave has been working properly for 3 years without any obvious breakdown..
When I was going thru possible upgrades at the design center, I was going to choose the appliance upgrade, but wasn't allowed to because the oven would have required a 220v connection , which I had already ordered for the garage.  I guess I wasn't allowed to have two, so I had to go with the standard appliances.  I didn't understand it at the time, but I guess the upgraded oven was electric?  But then I thought I read for some of the home buyers , especially in nicer communities, the gas oven is an upgrade?  So weird.
Correction:  I think the oven is the one bwpunch listed.

I guess it's electric...I have used it a few times and has worked well.

Actually...I think electric ovens are preferred due to even and consistent heating.  It apparently gives off a "drier" heat but you can just put a baking dish with water to alleviate.

Wolf ovens are electric.
None of the options are gas stoves for Saratoga.  Even the Kitchen Aid free standing upgrade which was the highest upgrade comes with an electric convection oven.  From my understanding of ovens, electric is suppose to manage temperature better than the gas ovens which is probably why they did that.  Gas benefits are obviously cheaper resources and better broiler function.
I think you would want your stove to be gas because cooking with fire where you can see it is better than electric coils.

I don't really know the difference between gas and electric ovens.
Chairman said:
I think you would want your stove to be gas because cooking with fire where you can see it is better than electric coils.

I don't really know the difference between gas and electric ovens.

Stoves yes...oven not so much because you're pretty much cooking with warm air either way.  The electric oven also provides you with a better broiler.
Chairman said:
I think you would want your stove to be gas because cooking with fire where you can see it is better than electric coils.

I don't really know the difference between gas and electric ovens.

Sorry...what I meant was the oven...stove tops are all gas.  All options for the ovens are electric.
lucky said:
Been in our Saratoga home for nigh on 5 1/2 months now. One of the big things that was important to us in buying the home was that we have gas appliances, where applicable (by that I mean we didn't want a gas refrigerator, but a gas stove was essential).

Of course, all modern builds tend to come with a gas stove standard, which we expected and got, but where IP is really sneaky is they provide a separate oven which is ELECTRIC!

I know I probably sound like an idiot for not researching or finding it out before buying, but we just used our oven for the first time the other night and that's when I discovered this surprise. Had I known that, I probably would have upgraded, but I am still in disbelief that they would even provide an electric oven as the standard.

Anyway, just thought I'd share my dismay with anyone looking to buy who didn't previously consider that the gas stove may be included with an electric oven. And I'm also curious if anyone else was shocked by this or a similar revelation in their new home.

Almost all ovens are electric.

We wanted to change out our appliances before deciding to buy a new home and I wanted Blue Star cooking appliances but one of the downsides was the ovens are gas and I wasn't sure we could use gas since our current ovens are electric.