Rob's Fat Loss/Maintenance 101

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Hello, today i will be covering the topic fat loss and everything related

What is a Calorie?
the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water through 1 ?C, equal to one thousand small calories(kcal) and often used to measure the energy value of foods.

All of out Bodies burn a certain amount of calories per day without having to do anything.(at rest) This is referred to as your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and it is governed by the amount of Lean Body Mass you have(Muscle). When you multiply your RMR by your activity levels you get your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).

"conventional wisdom states that reducing your intake (or increasing your expenditure) by 500 calories a day should lead to about 1 pound of fat loss per week (500 calories a day x 7 days = 3500 calories a week = 1 pound). But that conventional wisdom is wrong.. the metabolism is adaptive. As you eat less, your metabolism slows, throwing off common assumptions about calorie balance." Dr. John Berardi.  Below is a link to a very nice calculator to get a good idea of how many calories you will need to eat per day to reach your fat loss goal and how many calories to eat after you reach your goal to maintain your bodyweight!

Once you have your Calorie Goal you should input the information to a calorie counting app such as fatsecret or myfitnesspal, they are both free and easy to use.

Calorie Counter App

*One of the biggest mistakes people make with their diets is decreasing the calories TOO fast, when you begin dieting you should slowly decrease your caloric intake by 100-200kcal per week until you are at approximately at the recommended calorie amount.

*Once you have reached your desired weight goal you will slowly start to increase the calories each week until you reach the calculators recommended calorie amount while monitoring bodyweight to ensure accuracy.

*track your weight 3x/week first thing in the morning, make sure its the same weigh in conditions. take the 3 days weight per week and average them. You will be comparing your weekly average

*the body can fluctuate up to 7 pounds of water weight per day, taking the weekly average will increase weight loss accuracy

**make sure you ingest 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight to mitigate muscle loss. ex. 220lbs = 220g protein/day

**strive to eat at least 85-90% of your meals from whole foods

***when in doubt, eat more veggies

****strength train to increase: muscle mass, TDEE, bone density, strength, mobility, brain function, HDL
decrease: blood pressure, LDL, stress, blood sugars, inflammation, muscle loss, celullar aging

If anyone is having a hard time losing weight, gaining muscle, or if you just want to be overall healthier i offer one complimentary training session at my facility in Irvine by John Wayne Airport

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