The value each resident places on MR paid facilities definitely varies. All those parks, walking distance schools, and sports facilities might mean a lot to one family, nothing to another, and everything in between to others. I suppose it's nice to know the MR costs & benefits in advance to make an informed purchase.
Private school tuition varies too, as do their locations. There's some real value to a 9/10 rated IUSD in walking distance vs a $xx,xxx per year private school vs a meh/10 driving distance public school vs don't care no kids in the household. Again, nice to be able to know these things ahead of time to tailor a house purchase decision.
If you compare the size of, for example, the Orchard Hills fire station vs the OH K-8 school vs the non existing OH PD station, I think it's clear that yes CFDs may pay for police/fire but the vast majority of MR, at least in Irvine, pays for parks, schools, and infrastructure.