As there are more options to buy with Tustin/GP, renting existing place sounds tempting, so to recap
Assuming there is equity on the property and potential rent will be cash flow break even
Pros/Benefits would be renter paying equity (principal portion of amort table), tax deduction on the building depreciation (amort at 27.5 year), deduction on expenses and improvements, if needed and equity available, can take out heloc, also tax deductible
Cons would be the tax deduction on the building need to be paid back when selling it @ 25% rate, vacancy, repairs, maintenance, potential bad tenants, not able to pay rent/squat, tenant friendly laws in calif, cap rate not appealing to investors
And the only way to not pay back the building depreciation is either find another rental equal or larger in size, or not sell ever, beneficiary will inherit without capital tax gain and building depreciation will reset?