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I'm shopping for a refrigerator. I haven't a clue who makes a good quality product. I went to Pacific Sales and found this one by Fisher and Paykel. I like this one for the finger print proof stainless steel, the interior of the frige is the most functional design I've seen, and three it is a counter depth frige. My two concerns are 1. I don't know if this a good quality product and 2. The modern exterior might not go in my 20's style kitchen.


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I'll have to look for you later, but there are a few companies that make refrigerators with a more vintage style.

Kenmore, from Sears, has always been a good brand for me. Basically, they take another manufacturer's product, make some cosmetic tweaks, and brand it Kenmore. They used to be all Whirlpool, but now include LG and others.

I love my bottom freezer refrigerator, but they are considered the SUVs of refrigerators.
I can't help with style but in terms of a good quality product, I'd recommend checking out the Full Report here:

<a href=""></a>
[quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1258676286]I'll have to look for you later, but there are a few companies that make refrigerators with a more vintage style.

Kenmore, from Sears, has always been a good brand for me. Basically, they take another manufacturer's product, make some cosmetic tweaks, and brand it Kenmore. They used to be all Whirlpool, but now include LG and others.

I love my bottom freezer refrigerator, but they are considered the SUVs of refrigerators.</blockquote>

I like a nice blend of the old and new. I like this kitchen and think the refrigerator goes well with the more vintage cabinets and light fixtures. I don't know what it is about the Paykel design. It feels ultra sleek to me. I think with a a little bit a curve it would go. I drive myself crazy with details. [sigh]

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We have <a href="">this one.</a> It has water, but not ice, in the door. I would have lost door buckets on one side if we got ice through the door. I preferred space for beverages and condiments.

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It isn't counter-depth, which I actually like better because it holds more. I don't know how often you go shopping, but if it is only once a week, you might consider space and depth if you buy a lot all at once or do Costco runs.

Also, google a bit and find out who makes F&P, as I believe they are a high end name brand for somebody more Main Street.
So how hard is it to keep it clean? Are you polishing it nightly along with the kitchen sink? :)

When I went to Pacific Sales the only refrigerator not riddle with finger prints was the Paykel. Why haven't more brand jump on this type of stainless?
[quote author="MojoJD" date=1258680510]

Evil - have you seen the ABA member discount rate for appliances? (fridges, washers, etc.). Its cheaper than costco!</blockquote>

<strong><a href="">Pacific Sales</a></strong> is also less-expensive, with better selection, than Costco. You might be pleasantly surprised.

I have a KitchenAid stainless (purchased from Pacific Sales).

We worried about fingerprints too but it's actually not that bad... our kids have pretty much learned not to touch the fridge. There is some stainless steel polish that you can use once every 3 months (or more often depending) and it's shiny again.

Fisher/Paykel is a very high end product so you should be okay with it but you might save money going with a more common brand and still get the same functionality (and maybe look).
So when it comes to refrigerators, is it really a decision of preference? Are the manufacturers mostly the same in terms of quality?... Samsung, Kenmore, LG, etc.?
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1258681654]

We worried about fingerprints too but it's actually not that bad... our kids have pretty much learned not to touch the fridge. There is some stainless steel polish that you can use once every 3 months (or more often depending) and it's shiny again.


I use a stainless steel polish once a month. Removes all the finger prints. McD, let me know which one you decide on. I need to upgrade mine to a French door model too- it helps to have a pull out freezer than the side-by-side.
We have a KitchenAid with what they call "Contour" doors, but it doesn't look like they offer them any more. Amana does, but they don't look as cool as the KitchenAid. If you really want something that looks "retro", I'd suggest the <a href="">Elmira Stove Works "Northstar"</a> line-up as they are all <a href="">state-of-the-art</a> but built to order and I believe they can color match, too.
<a href="">Go here for your fridge, especially vintage appliances</a>. Cayci got her fridge there and it was about $300 less than Pacific Sales. This is where good contractors go because nobody beats their prices even with a contractor's discount. Best price on Totos too.
Might be worth checking to see what's out on craigslist too. You might be able to find a gem from someone who is losing their home and looking to sell their appliances.
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1258681654]I have a KitchenAid stainless (purchased from Pacific Sales).

We worried about fingerprints too but it's actually not that bad... our kids have pretty much learned not to touch the fridge. There is some stainless steel polish that you can use once every 3 months (or more often depending) and it's shiny again.

Fisher/Paykel is a very high end product so you should be okay with it but you might save money going with a more common brand and still get the same functionality (and maybe look).</blockquote>

I'm the same as IHO--got my KitchenAid from Pacific Sales as well (plus my LG Washer/Dryer). It's a stainless steel side by side model with standard ice/water dispenser in the door.

I have been very happy with the unit so far. My toddler loves to touch the water dispenser but luckily there is a kid lockout function. Fingerprints clean off easily and are not that noticeable on a daily basis.

The only caveat that I didn't think about before purchasing a beautiful stainless type model--no place to put those magnets! No one, including the sales guy mentioned it to me. I love placing notes or family photos on the fridge. Now they are relegated to the family bulletin board. I guess a worthy sacrifice in the name of kitchen beauty.
Since mine isn't counter depth, it sticks out a bit, and a small area of one side of it is exposed.

Guess where those magnets stick? Yep... on the black sides of most stainless fridges (unless you got the full stainless model).
[quote author="Mcdonna1980" date=1258680419]So how hard is it to keep it clean? Are you polishing it nightly along with the kitchen sink? :)

When I went to Pacific Sales the only refrigerator not riddle with finger prints was the Paykel. Why haven't more brand jump on this type of stainless?</blockquote>

Not very. The handles are a brushed metal, so they don't get fingerprints, and as much as I like my refrigerator, I don't lovingly stroke it, so no fingerprints on the doors. The few times that there are and it bugs me enough to not wait for the housekeepers to come, I rub it with a microfiber cloth. Problem solved. But... you have children, so that may alter the equation some.
[quote author="MojoJD" date=1258680510]Evil - have you seen the ABA member discount rate for appliances? (fridges, washers, etc.). Its cheaper than costco!</blockquote>

I have not. I have not been a member of the ABA since I worked for a firm that paid the dues as part of our employment. Yeah, I'm a cheapskate on some stuff.
If you have a clever dog, and wooden floors, ice maker in door not so great ...

<A href="">You Tube: Dog Getting Ice Cube from Refrigerator Ice maker</a>