Reasons to buy a detached property

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
bones said:
LookieLucy said:
After being indecisive about buying a resale property versus new and a condo versus a detached home.

We have made up our mind! :)

We just had a slab leak.  :'(  A portion of our walls and carpet are wet. We live in a condo and luckily it didn't leak to our two neighbors! But thinking of the potential damage to the neighbors was nerve racking.

So I think we are going to buy NEW and detached for sure.  :D

Now which one? Casero? San Mateo? San Marcos? Las Ventanas? Primrose? Price range is ~600.

Can I ask:  how old is the home and who was the builder?  Thanks.

Not sure the builder but it's in Orange and  built in 1984.

I have been monitoring every stage of the building process at stonegate east and noticed that the slabs for Capistrano are completely detached independent slabs of concrete with the orange tensioners in them. In fact the frames are also not touching each other and have insulation between them, it is the stucco that runs over both the walls.
The piping used is also not copper but a new poly material that is not prone to the cracking at least from the testing and 5 years of use that it has been in the market for.