Quinterra at Portola Springs

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program

Think they relisted this property, was at


Now it includes the loft (good bye high ceiling) and conservatory to bump the sq ft to 3011 and only a $10,000 increase in price?  Hmmm.... I sense some weakness here. 
We went and looked at Quinterra today...I actually really liked the floor plans, and loved the isolated feel of that neighborhood. I know some of you have said that it feels like a ghost town...but I just think it felt more private. However, it's way too close to the toll road and landfill, so we ruled it out. But, I was wondering...what are those huge towers atop the right hill behind it? Are they water reservoirs? Anyone know?
ilovecheese said:
We went and looked at Quinterra today...I actually really liked the floor plans, and loved the isolated feel of that neighborhood. I know some of you have said that it feels like a ghost town...but I just think it felt more private. However, it's way too close to the toll road and landfill, so we ruled it out. But, I was wondering...what are those huge towers atop the right hill behind it? Are they water reservoirs? Anyone know?

Are you talking about the cell phone towel disguise as a water towel located in the Lambert Ranch? 

I remember during the Lambert Ranch discussion, close proximity to landfill, toll road, and cell phone towel are the major negatives for that community.  Come think of it, that cell towel is very close to Quinterra.
lnc said:
ilovecheese said:
We went and looked at Quinterra today...I actually really liked the floor plans, and loved the isolated feel of that neighborhood. I know some of you have said that it feels like a ghost town...but I just think it felt more private. However, it's way too close to the toll road and landfill, so we ruled it out. But, I was wondering...what are those huge towers atop the right hill behind it? Are they water reservoirs? Anyone know?

Are you talking about the cell phone towel disguise as a water towel located in the Lambert Ranch? 

I remember during the Lambert Ranch discussion, close proximity to landfill, toll road, and cell phone towel are the major negatives for that community.  Come think of it, that cell towel is very close to Quinterra.

No...these are different....they look like some sort of huge, round tanks or reservoirs. As soon you turn left into Quinterra, you can see them at the top of the hill immediately to the right. My first thought was that, if that was water, all of Quinterra would be totally flooded if those things burst open in a quake. We meant to ask the sales rep there about them, but we had to leave quickly.

But funny that you mention that about Lambert Ranch. We also looked at those, but they quickly became a definite "no" once we realized all of same things you had mentioned. Everyday, I am blown away by how all of these million dollar homes in Irvine sell SO well, given such horrible health/safety conditions.
ilovecheese said:
We went and looked at Quinterra today...I actually really liked the floor plans, and loved the isolated feel of that neighborhood. I know some of you have said that it feels like a ghost town...but I just think it felt more private. However, it's way too close to the toll road and landfill, so we ruled it out. But, I was wondering...what are those huge towers atop the right hill behind it? Are they water reservoirs? Anyone know?

That's a first - most people say the opposite.
I'm pretty sure they're water resevoirs.  We asked the sales agent and she said that land wasn't owned by Irvine Company, it's privately owned agricultural land.  She did say that the landowner could one day sell the land and anything could be built there... didn't sound good but as of now it's nice and peaceful for sure.
Hey aqua, I think they will accept your $900k offer now:


lovingit reporting a plan 1 at $950k?  Is that more reduction or just base price?
ps9 said:
Hey aqua, I think they will accept your $900k offer now:

lovingit reporting a plan 1 at $950k?  Is that more reduction or just base price?

Let's pay cash and go halfsies, if we can get address 88 Catalonia we can sell for $1.3M in 1 yr.
ps9 said:
Hey aqua, I think they will accept your $900k offer now:


lovingit reporting a plan 1 at $950k?  Is that more reduction or just base price?

That was just the base price from the price list.  Actual plan 1 are probably higher.  It is not a bad price for close to 3000 sq ft house on a 5000 sq ft lot, on average.  They are not selling well and need to push out inventory to compete with Capella.  That's what she told me.  That just means "Capella has a ton of hype and no one wants to buy these homes due to the remote location" 
We really liked the Quinterra plans.

The big detractors were the location and that you could get similar sized floorplans with bigger lots and a 3rd car garage at Pavilion Park for the same price (at the time).

Plan 1 at sub $1m with the Conservatory and the loft is a decent buy. I know it's funny that I think a 3rd car garage even though it doesn't add to home square footage is a strange tipping point... but it was for us (or me rather).
Also, notice how in Capella they got rid of the weird Plan 3?

While I like that they tried to make a separate dining area in the Plan 3, that galley kitchen layout was bad.
irvinehomeowner said:
We really liked the Quinterra plans.

The big detractors were the location and that you could get similar sized floorplans with bigger lots and a 3rd car garage at Pavilion Park for the same price (at the time).

Plan 1 at sub $1m with the Conservatory and the loft is a decent buy. I know it's funny that I think a 3rd car garage even though it doesn't add to home square footage is a strange tipping point... but it was for us (or me rather).

3 car garages in irvine are at least 1.2m for newer homes,  I gave up on that.
lovingit said:
irvinehomeowner said:
We really liked the Quinterra plans.

The big detractors were the location and that you could get similar sized floorplans with bigger lots and a 3rd car garage at Pavilion Park for the same price (at the time).

Plan 1 at sub $1m with the Conservatory and the loft is a decent buy. I know it's funny that I think a 3rd car garage even though it doesn't add to home square footage is a strange tipping point... but it was for us (or me rather).

3 car garages in irvine are at least 1.2m for newer homes,  I gave up on that.
If you are not tied to a specific location, there are 3CWGs in Northwood that trade in the $900ks (no Mello Roos even makes the monthly cheaper).

They are older resale, but the neighborhoods are nice (even gated ones).
irvinehomeowner said:
lovingit said:
irvinehomeowner said:
We really liked the Quinterra plans.

The big detractors were the location and that you could get similar sized floorplans with bigger lots and a 3rd car garage at Pavilion Park for the same price (at the time).

Plan 1 at sub $1m with the Conservatory and the loft is a decent buy. I know it's funny that I think a 3rd car garage even though it doesn't add to home square footage is a strange tipping point... but it was for us (or me rather).

3 car garages in irvine are at least 1.2m for newer homes,  I gave up on that.
If you are not tied to a specific location, there are 3CWGs in Northwood that trade in the $900ks (no Mello Roos even makes the monthly cheaper).

They are older resale, but the neighborhoods are nice (even gated ones).

Yup, saw 13 Saratoga before it sold.  Huge 7841 sq ft lot also.  Havent found a good floorplan.  W/D upstairs is key nowadays.  Newer floorplans have higher ceilings too.  36 Vacaville just dropped their price, but the lot feels tight.
lovingit said:
W/D upstairs is key nowadays.
Heh... another twin. I think this is one thing I can compromise on as long as the laundry room is its own separate space and not as the pass-thru to the garage or in the garage.
Newer floorplans have higher ceilings too.
Which ones? The older resale ones have the ps9-vaulted ceilings. I'm used to 20-ft not these 11ft you see at M&M in Cypress Village.
TM must be feeling nervous right now since Capella is a basically a copy of Quinterra although it has been improved. 
