Putting on ?The Quartine 15?

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Anyone else feel like they?ve gained 5 pounds since Wednesday?  Chinese food to go, Pizza, In-N-Out, combined with less walking/running and more Netflix binging.

I know, I know, I can still walk outside, do lunges in the garage, buy some kettle bells at Target, but it just feels like I?m a college kid back at mom and dads house for winter break, eating junk food and sleeping in while it?s rainy out.

Gotta get out of this funk before I gain my Quarantine 15!
I think some of the best "Corona" safe way to stay fit not get the Quarantine 15 is play to tennis and run. I used to hit the gym first thing to swim, but I try to play a lot more tennis and run around the neighborhood early in the morning.  Luckily Ms Panda likes to cook healthy for the family.

Try to pick up a tennis partner in Irvine as singles tennis does wonders for burning fat (700 plus calories per hour).
Tennis is not my thing due to bad knees, but looks like I wouldn?t be able to play anyhow.  Mrs. Aquabliss also cooks healthy most of the time but we both have junk food cravings now and again.

Please note: By emergency declaration, City of Irvine community centers and indoor facilities, as well as athletic facilities such as tennis courts, pickleball courts, athletic fields, basketball courts, and stadiums are closed until further notice. This includes the Great Park Balloon, Carousel, Visitors Center, Great Park Gallery, Artist Studios, and Sports Complex (including all fields, courts, and stadiums). This preventative measure is in response to mitigating the spread of COVID-19. The Irvine City Council and City staff offer our sincere apologies for this inconvenience. Please visit cityofirvine.org for updates.
Santa Ana river trail has no more tents.  Just ride your bike for 1-2 hours a day.
Yesterday I ran up and down the sloped street in front of my house next to my 4 year old on her bike, making sure she didn't wobble into a parked car.  That was a pretty good workout.
This a good reason to have a pool at home.  Intermittent fasting has kept me from gaining weight (I lost 40lbs with all diet and almost no exercise) and if need be I can easily do a 3-5 extended fast to drop any excess weight.
With the limited trips to the grocery store these days, I've exercised portion-control on my meals and actually lost 3 pounds last week.  My problem is going to be the full head of uncontrollable hair that's going to keep growing until I feel safe getting a haircut.
paydawg said:
With the limited trips to the grocery store these days, I've exercised portion-control on my meals and actually lost 3 pounds last week.  My problem is going to be the full head of uncontrollable hair that's going to keep growing until I feel safe getting a haircut.

This is a funny quarantine reprocussion I didn?t think about.  Can?t wait to see all my friends in a few weeks with either crazy long hair or a bad cut they did themselves.
Day 13 today since I am homebound. Weight gain zero.

Today is my day 13 of doing daily sit-ups without fail until it hurts. Every now and then I throw in lunges, squats, treadmill etc. depending on the day and the mood. Today was a specially good day as the weather allowed for a nice hour-long hike with my daughter.
I'm gaining because I eat more at home then when I'm out and I eat more junk because that's readily available.

Also... no sports on the weekend really cuts into my calorie burning. :(
I agree with IHO, definitely snacking more at home then at work, eat bigger lunches too, when at work it's mostly what I bring in and if I finish it, too bad nothing left.  With the kids home all day I don't get my workouts in either.
My gym is closed.  I am losing mass.  No real change to my diet, just my schedule.  Still getting my cardio in with a once daily bike ride around the neighborhood with my daughter.
paydawg said:
With the limited trips to the grocery store these days, I've exercised portion-control on my meals and actually lost 3 pounds last week.  My problem is going to be the full head of uncontrollable hair that's going to keep growing until I feel safe getting a haircut.

It's always been 80-90% diet so I'm maintaining my weight with IF and lower carb eating.
Maintaining muscle mass is crucial to keeping weight off, unless you're opting for intermittent fasting (which has many medical detractors). I've found it easy to do 20 push-up and 10 crunches every couple hours, supplemented with a 30-60 min walk and 10 mins or so on the stand up speed bag. Just got my new powerflex swing trainer delivered to tune up the golf swing, which is an upper body workout in and of itself.