Prop Tax

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


New member
On our bill, the current owner is still listed as the Builder.  Is that normal?  We closed escrow in July.  This is for new home construction
hmm.. isnt oc run a fiscal year ending june? look at your closing stmt to see when prop tax was paid through... 

regardless u should be expecting a supp tax bill from the county.  also dont forget to file your homestead exemption
annabanana said:
On our bill, the current owner is still listed as the Builder.  Is that normal?  We closed escrow in July.  This is for new home construction

Mine was the same.

I called OC Tax Collector's office and they sent me a new bill with my name on it.
I think this is fine because the county had not yet finished the tax bill segregation. They are still working on it. You will be mailed your individual tax bill once the segregation is complete. You will also be given additional time to pay your taxes.

annabanana said:
On our bill, the current owner is still listed as the Builder.  Is that normal?  We closed escrow in July.  This is for new home construction