No offense taken! In fact, I appreciate your rather candid, well thought out and kind response. I only wish both sides of most arguments could be so grown up these days you know! Regardless, I'm happiest having government leave all adults alone so long as they don't directly affect each other.
I think that would solve this issue and a lot of other issues too!
[quote author="Trooper" date=1239098872]Hi Stryprod and welcome to the forums. Your .02 cents are always considered, no worries.
I will briefly try and respond to your post, since it appears I'm the only homosexual on here ( I the only one?)
<em>I can see why the government would want to support this and clearly a homosexual couple could never produce offspring</em> wrong. We lesbians are quite fertile, and produce more offspring than you can shake a stick at. Think: Sperm bank.
<em>Sometimes I wonder though if people want to be associated with a WORD because it?s perceived as normal or something worth obtaining. In my opinion, whats the big deal about being able to say you are ?married? versus a civil union or domestic partnership.
</em> Valid question...but just stop for a second, and think if a gay majority ruled out your possibility of a marriage (even though u might not want one)... wouldn't that just piss you right the f*ck off?
<em>HOW I SEE IT/ EXAMPLE: I know several African Americans who in the past had been treated unequally vs. a White American, and rightfully so, wanted equal treatment. But would they want to be White? NO! They are proud of their differences and celebrate them. </em> Oh honey, I don't want to be straight..... I just want to be equal and enjoy the same rights you do. I mean, I pay all the taxes.....and I want all the benefits.
<em>Is it worth being able to say your ?married? if a majority of the population doesn?t think you really are?</em> Well, I hope you are just speaking for yourself there. I have plenty of married friends (Connecticut and Massachusetts).....and they don't put "quotations" around the word married. They really ARE married. Really. Not kidding.
<em>Isn?t it more worth it to fight for REAL equal rights like visitation of partners in the hospital, etc?</em> Marriage would afford all of these rights. Why not go for the whole ball of wax?
We really just want to be equal to everyone else. Or don't have us pay as many taxes.... you pick.
No snark intended, just frustration ! Thanks for the comments.</blockquote>