Presidential Elections

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You mean by cajoling social media platforms to censor speech and using the DOJ to prosecute his opposition? Where and how has Trumo acted like a dictator?
Even Trump said he would be a dictator (just on day 1).

See I don’t even have to defend my opinion because Trump does it for me. Hilarious.
Exactly why it really is so funny….😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Trump as Dictator Is a Classic Case of Projection

Biden and his supporters try to excuse and deflect attention from their own authoritarian actions.

If you haven’t heard, Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are planning a coup. “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable,” Robert Kagan, an editor at large at the Washington Post, writes in a recent 6,000-word essay that compares America’s fractious democracy with Weimar Germany.

Budding opinion writers are instructed not to draw inapt comparisons to Hitler, yet Mr. Trump’s opponents are casting aside such conventions in much the same way they’re jettisoning political and legal ones. Only by convincing themselves that Mr. Trump threatens the existence of the republic can they justify their own weaponization of government to stop him. “When a marauder is crashing through your house, you throw everything you can at him—pots, pans, candlesticks—in the hope of slowing him down and tripping him up,” Mr. Kagan writes.

Cynicism is one way to explain the left’s hysteria. Another is that the portrayal of Mr. Trump as a would-be dictator is a textbook case of psychological projection, the process by which people avoid confronting their own unwanted thoughts, feelings or behaviors by subconsciously ascribing them to others. Psychologists refer to this as a defense mechanism.

President Biden and his supporters project their own authoritarian impulses onto Mr. Trump because they don’t want to come to terms with their own illiberalism. The examples in the Biden presidency are rife.
You lost me at "Washington Post"...

Hmmm..... I like history too. Let's review a quick historical comparisons of 1930's Germany vs 2020 Biden Administration

Reichstag Fire cause and prosecutions- January 6th prosecutions.
Volkisher Beobachter / Der Sturmer / Der Angriff - Compliant, uniform messaging media.
Geheime Staatspolizei - FBI spying on churches, etc. Suppression of dissenting views on Social Media.
Nuremburg Race Laws - DEI, ESG requirements
Sondergericht ("Rubber stamp" courts) - DA's that won't prosecute offenders. FISA Court (a problem IMHO)
Brownshirts - ANTIFA and other radical groups.
Horst Wessell - George Floyd
Spanish Civil War (Proxy war between Fascists' and Communists) - Ukraine v Russia proxy war.
A doddering, aged President - Paul V. Hindenburg (86, at death) - Joe Biden (currently 81)

The scale of 1930's Germany is not identical to 2020 Biden America, but the tone and results from a historical perspective are near mirror like.
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You lost me at "Washington Post"...

Hmmm..... I like history too. Let's review a quick historical comparisons of 1930's Germany vs 2020 Biden Administration

Reichstag Fire cause and prosecutions- January 6th prosecutions.
Volkisher Beobachter / Der Sturmer - Compliant, uniform messaging media.
Geheime Staatspolizei - FBI spying on churches, etc. Suppression of dissenting views on Social Media.
Nuremburg Laws - DEI, ESG requirements
Sondergericht ("Rubber stamp" courts) - DA's that won't prosecute offenders. FISA Court (a problem IMHO)
Brownshirts - ANTIFA and other radical groups.
Horst Wessell - George Floyd
Spanish Civil War (Proxy war between Fascists' and Communists) - Ukraine v Russia proxy war.
A dottering, aged President - Paul V. Hindenburg (86, at death) - Joe Biden (currently 81)

The scale of 1930's Germany is not identical to 2020 Biden America, but the tone and results from a historical perspective are near mirror like.
impressive sgip - some of this I had not learned
Turnabout is Fairplay, I said it forever that They brought this upon themselves by using impeachment as a political weapon. Can’t put that genie back in the bottle. I also said Hunter would bring down his dad. I just didn’t think it would take so long….🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

House approves impeachment inquiry into Biden after Hunter dramatics

Turnabout is Fairplay, I said it forever that They brought this upon themselves by using impeachment as a political weapon. Can’t put that genie back in the bottle. I also said Hunter would bring down his dad. I just didn’t think it would take so long….🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

House approves impeachment inquiry into Biden after Hunter dramatics

Biden and his handlers are stupid and arrogant - he could have issued a mea culpa for Hunter over the laptop during the debate and chastised him publicly for trading on the Biden name to generate an income and it literaly would have gone away. Now he's going to be impeached FOREVER (quoting Pelosi from the 1st Trump impeachment) and likely be forced to resign even if acquitted. The Dems truly are a circular firing squad.
Any way this goes Hunter will not serve one day behind bars. Granpa Joe will pardon him whether he wins the election or not. The Potomac two step…😡😂😂🤷🏽‍♂️
Any way this goes Hunter will not serve one day behind bars. Granpa Joe will pardon him whether he wins the election or not. The Potomac two step…😡😂😂🤷🏽‍♂️
for sure, but the political damage is already fait accompli - as is unfortunately the human toll of bad judgement including a Biden grandchild born from a prositution encounter and funded by Biden corruption
Comedy at its finest…Hack who started the whole “Russian collusion“ farce is convicted of…”Russian collusion!”…😂😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️🇺🇸

FBI Official Who Helped Launch Trump-Russia Probe Sentenced to Four Years in Prison for Work with Russian Oligarch​

I do not think the protests rose to the point of a full scale insurrection. Frankly speaking those in the crowd were not even smart enough to spell the word. Like any riot, there are extremists who stoke things well out of control and those who are there to simply protest X, Y, or Z. In my view January 6 was a protest that unraveled by a mix of hooliganism and provocation by many factions, including FBI assets. One of them, Ray Epps, is on tape urging people to enter the Capitol and on another tape telling another hooligan he was there to overthrow the government. Those "assets" are never going to be prosecuted, investigate, or ruined, by the Justice Department as many 100 pct proven non-violent protestors have been.

The question in my mind is why do we (apparently) not have the same level of government intervention within the Portland ANTIFA hooligans and BLM rioters as we now know there were on January 6th. Will this question ever be addressed? I'm not holding my breath untill we get some answers.
You and OCtoSV brought up this FBI involvement which I actually have never heard about (or maybe cared to believe).

I was bored tonight so I looked it up... you guys need to fact check yourselves like morekaos.

I'm surprised both you and OCtoSV actually believe this. And OCtoSV is throwing the "ignorant" word around?

What does the FBI have to gain from instigating an insurrection? Just doesn't make sense. This just sounds like "rigged election" to me.
You and OCtoSV brought up this FBI involvement which I actually have never heard about (or maybe cared to believe).

I was bored tonight so I looked it up... you guys need to fact check yourselves like morekaos.

I'm surprised both you and OCtoSV actually believe this. And OCtoSV is throwing the "ignorant" word around?

What does the FBI have to gain from instigating an insurrection? Just doesn't make sense. This just sounds like "rigged election" to me.
I'm surprised that you're surprised that the Trumper OCtoSV believe it. Funny that OCtoSV's throwing the "ignorant" word around since he's literally the definition of ignorant.