Presidential Elections

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gloves off, this is going to be so fun! I will be watching the debate on the stern of my boat in Avalon, beer and one hand popcorn in the other👍🏽😂😂😂😂🇺🇸
I predict a blue wave in NOV.
If I'm wrong I will give up my fortune teller pic.
and go back to sexual batman water pistol.
I predict a blue wave in NOV.
If I'm wrong I will give up my fortune teller pic.
and go back to sexual batman water pistol.
Trumpers don't care that they support a convicted felon. It's not like they didn't already know that he was a criminal before this verdict. They're already calling for riots and violent retribution after the verdict. What do you expect from ignorant morons?
What does that have to do with the judge himself? It's like Kellyanne Conway was Trump's senior advisor and her husband George Conway was one of Trump's most vocal critics.

On the other hand, Cannon was nominated by Trump. Isn't that more relevant?
That judge is a partisan douche bag…payback gonna be a bitch…😂😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Attorneys Rip Judge Merchan on CNN for Throwing the Constitution “Out a Window” With His Ludicrous Jury Instructions

Merchan instructed the jury that it is not a requirement for them to be in unanimous agreement about what “other crime” Trump committed, instead receiving a choice of three separate crimes they can select to convict the former president. The two attorneys on “CNN Special Report” said Merchan’s jury instructions were flawed to the point that an appeals court could conceivably overturn the conviction.
It’ll be overturned in appeal…easily because of the partisan D-bag Judge so, no one really cares….🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Defense Attorney Tells CNN There’s a “Great Likelihood” of Trump Overturning the Verdict on Numerous “Issues”

“So I think the top grounds for appeal is the fact that we had a state court here, a state prosecutor, enforcing in part a federal election crime for the first time actually in U.S. history,” Honig said. “We’ve never before seen a case where any state or county level prosecutor has charged, as part of their case, or as a sub-part of their case as a violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act. So this is the first time that’s happened. It was briefed to Judge Merchan. Judge Merchan said, ‘I find it okay, I find it acceptable under New York state law.’ But that‘s going to be issue 1A on the appeal. We don’t know what the answer will be. It’s unprecedented.”
Trump fucked around while his wife just had his new son and exposed himself while tried to cover it up with political donation money. He deserved what he got.

Accept the facts and move on. He can still run and be elected. What i find comical is that people blame his conviction on politics. Remember he was convicted by 12 jurors who are ordinary citizens just like all of us. They were selected by both prosecutors and Trump’s attorneys. Should all the murderers and rapists convicted by panel of jury be let go if the judicial system is so flaw?
Trump fucked around while his wife just had his new son and exposed himself while tried to cover it up with political donation money. He deserved what he got.

Accept the facts and move on. He can still run and be elected. What i find comical is that people blame his conviction on politics. Remember he was convicted by 12 jurors who are ordinary citizens just like all of us. They were selected by both prosecutors and Trump’s attorneys. Should all the murderers and rapists convicted by panel of jury be let go if the judicial system is so flaw?
you do know that a judge can influence the jury by choosing what witnesses the defense or the prosecution can bring right?
you do know that a judge can influence the jury by choosing what witnesses the defense or the prosecution can bring right?
That didn't happen in this case, so, like Danimal said, just accept the fact that Trump is a convicted felon and move on. This case has NOTHING to do with politics. You know, everyone knows, even Trumpers know, that Trump has been a lying criminal all his life. He only got away with it because he was rich.