Presidential Elections

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If Trump gets re-elected, which is very possible, it will be Kaos! But the American system did not break or fail (although it bent and is still bending), and I know it will make it through another Trump presidency.

Another point: we have been in a social civil war since around 2016. If Trump wins, this civil war will become more physical, which will be pretty bad. Nevertheless, the American system of government will prevail and continue. This isn't going to reach the extent of Nazi Germany (although the social psychology is extremely similar).

Final point: you, Morekaos, are the real deal. Starman is the hotdog flavored water coming out of your chocolate starfish. And finally, OCtoSV has revealed himself to be a total moral and ethical POS (who was afraid to compete in hs and college).
As I suspected you lack critical thinking skills and likely have zero business experience. Gen Z or Millenial? Social civil war - what a kook. But I'm giving you another chance here - show us you have a brain and can identify specific policies and outcomes that were deleterious to the economy or national security. Recall Biden's first act - cancelling Keystone. You can thank him the next time you fill your Yaris at $5/gal.
I sincerely hope neither Trump nor Biden run for 2024. Politics and policies aside, Biden is barely coherent and half the country has a severe negative emotional reaction to anything attached to the Trump name. It's a no win choice.
Unfortunately the schism between anybody not Biden and not Trump currently identified as water testing, with the exception possibly of Gov. Whitmer is More toxic than Biden and Trump.

Seriously, Newsom on the national stage trying to win swing states like Arizona, Nevada (those two States were basically half of the population are people that fled here and him to go there. Michigan, PA, GA or FL? Do you see him taking CO?

Bernie, Warren, all the others washed up, retread fanboy material. Harris trots that tone deaf bussing story out and you can kiss MI, PA and FL goodbye.

On the Rep side, it’s a bunch of VP candidates and a scandaled ineffective former Governor. Most of which are more beholding than Clarence Thomas to the GoP bankroll oligarchs.

in the end, the house and senate need serious cleaning.
honestly I really think we need term limits for house and senate, and perhaps Supreme Court too....for the Presidency, regardless who wins (Biden or Trump), we can be assured there will be no 3rd term but you cannot say the same for the other two branches
As I suspected you lack critical thinking skills and likely have zero business experience. Gen Z or Millenial? Social civil war - what a kook. But I'm giving you another chance here - show us you have a brain and can identify specific policies and outcomes that were deleterious to the economy or national security. Recall Biden's first act - cancelling Keystone. You can thank him the next time you fill your Yaris at $5/gal.
Nothing personal. When I determined that you are a POS, I used science.

Let's try a metacognitive exercise that I haven't seen used around here (or anywhere on the news media). Back in Nazi Germany, a lot of smart and dumb Germans rationalized their supporting Hitler (for economic reasons and straight fear reasons). These millions of "law abiding" people swept it under the rug (as humans do) and may have even finessed the truth ("We were victimized by the Nazies, too.") to the next generation. However, the next 2 or 3 generations who were completely removed from contact look back in bewilderment and wonder how millions of Germans could be that stupid. No one today with any intelligence or sense of moral and social responsibility, no decent human or total dummy, looks back and says Nazism was justifiable because of the economic benefits (and this virtual consensus is free from physical fear).

Today, in the US, only an egocentric, morally reprehensible human shit fodder would argue that Trump is good for anything. You should change your name to OCtoPOS. You are an intellectual retard.

One more meta. Two generations after 2024, your grandkids and my grandkids will look back in disbelief at how millions of Americans could be that insanely and immorally stupid. Think about it, you shit for brains. The future generations will judge us, and it will be conclusively against Trump (as we today judge Nazism) and the insanity and all those who supported him. There is a 100% probability that the judgment will go in that direction, you decrepit fooktard.
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The argument that will be made is…”That’s exactly what was said the last time he got elected” and a legitimate counter can be made that “none of what they predicted happened.” In fact, I think quite
The opposit. The boy who cried wolf will weigh heavy on this election. They are going to lean hard that the Trump years look pretty good in retrospect. The general public will bite down hard on the premise, you can’t blame them. It worked well for Reagan (with similar Hitler/antichrist comparisons) and that turned out pretty well👍🏽
The argument that will be made is…”That’s exactly what was said the last time he got elected” and a legitimate counter can be made that “none of what they predicted happened.” In fact, I think quite
The opposit. The boy who cried wolf will weigh heavy on this election. They are going to lean hard that the Trump years look pretty good in retrospect. The general public will bite down hard on the premise, you can’t blame them. It worked well for Reagan (with similar Hitler/antichrist comparisons) and that turned out pretty well👍🏽
I respect what you say. But Reagan as extreme as Trump? And, yes, Trump is much more similar to Hitler than Reagan is to Trump (it's just that the American system will not allow Trump to go as far as he wants).
I don’t know how old you are but I voted for Reagan. He was labelled the devil incarnate by the opposition. They used to point out his name was 666…Ronald Wilson Reagan. They said he was crazy and would start WW3. It astonished me when he died all those jerks that berated him all those years suddenly loved him. 🙄🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂
I don’t know how old you are but I voted for Reagan. He was labelled the devil incarnate by the opposition. They used to point out his name was 666…Ronald Wilson Reagan. They said he was crazy and would start WW3. It astonished me when he died all those jerks that berated him all those years suddenly loved him. 🙄🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂
I understand that. But I'm talking about the reality. Unless, you (and the shithead named OCtoSV) don't think Trump is dangerous. Which he is. That's a fact. As I see it. Not my opinion. I see it as an assessment of fact. And I already know how the future generations will assess it looking back. With my background and my science, I know that will 100% happen, whereas you think it won't.

At least you say it from the heart. That bitchboy OCtoPOS is trying to intellectually rationalize to himself that the economy justifies anything Trump might do or has done, that the economy overrides societal disruption. That will go across racial minority and other minority lines. In a Trump 2nd term, there will be more physical violence (Mark it down that I said it here). But you and he don't think that will happen. Yet it's already happened and is getting worse, but that mental midget laughs at this suggestion when I made it above.

What are you guys not seeing? With my background, it's so easy to see. Can a smart person be dumb and not know it? Or is it rather can a dumb person be dumb and not know it? Not talking about you Morekaos, I'm talking about the other guy.
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But again you have a real Life segment of time vs a theoretical supposition. Trump was president for 4 years, that’s a fact and yet nothing “dangerous” seemed to happen, in fact quite the opposite. The world was more peaceful, economy and inflation stable, southern border under control. National crime was not spiking. All that happened while he was president, fact. I see nothing to prove a second term would be any different.🤷🏽‍♂️
But again you have a real Life segment of time vs a theoretical supposition. Trump was president for 4 years, that’s a fact and yet nothing “dangerous” seemed to happen, in fact quite the opposite. The world was more peaceful, economy and inflation stable, southern border under control. National crime was not spiking. All that happened while he was president, fact. I see nothing to prove a second term would be any different.🤷🏽‍♂️
Interesting take that others out there have also said. You're looking at a very generalized Gestalt (I know, you've listed a bunch of things and would argue you've been specific). I'm looking with a microscope but only specifically at social and psychological factors. For example, when was the last time the US Capitol Building was attacked by its own people? When was the last time you heard about or experienced a Democrat threatening to beat someone up after learning the other person supported Trump? They're disgusted, but they don't threaten physical harm. Yet, a LOT of stories exist about the other way around. You can't criticize Trump at all in front of these people or they will look like they want to fight. This actually happened to me with a Trump voter, yet I didn't even say anything about supporting Biden, and I acknowledged CNN is totally biased (just like Fox, I did say). When was the last time hate and violence and death threats were directed at a judge and his law clerk for dishing out justice to a defendant who was so clearly guilty BEFORE the trial such that the trial should have been a mere formality totally free of stress and chaos? When was the last time a President dished out 62 (or so) spurious lawsuits claiming election fraud and had them all thrown out for lack of evidence (except one that was about time period to provide ID in Pennsylvania but was later thrown out by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court), yet millions of people still cry election fraud?

With these and other social and psychological mediating (underlying) factors along with the internet and proliferation of propaganda and psychological manipulation on a massive scale, I have to be concerned.

All this and more has happened in the span of 7 years. Increase the time frame, and I see more hate, more intimidation, and more threats. Together with more internet propaganda, what I see is hate, intimidation, and threats put to action in a way no different than the active fueling of Jan 6.
Politics has always been a blood sport. The anti government rally’s and riots of the past have shed lots of blood and even take lives (Kent State). SLA, Black panthers even the KKK was a political force in the south. No, we just live in a hyper data driven real time mess of a world…but it’s always been a mess, you’re just more aware of it now. Again partisan wars have always had visible villains and fire starters (Nixon, Kennedy, Jackson). Your problem is you think there is a visible line of good and evil…I’m a cynic, I think they all are evil. Mine just tow my line more.🤷🏽‍♂️

Politics has always been a blood sport. The anti government rally’s and riots of the past have shed lots of blood and even take lives (Kent State). SLA, Black panthers even the KKK was a political force in the south. No, we just live in a hyper data driven real time mess of a world…but it’s always been a mess, you’re just more aware of it now. Again partisan wars have always had visible villains and fire starters (Nixon, Kennedy, Jackson). Your problem is you think there is a visible line of good and evil…I’m a cynic, I think they all are evil. Mine just tow my line more.🤷🏽‍♂️

I like what you've said. OCtoOBGYN is still a pseudo-intellectual poser. So clear.
Nothing personal. When I determined that you are a POS, I used science.

Let's try a metacognitive exercise that I haven't seen used around here (or anywhere on the news media). Back in Nazi Germany, a lot of smart and dumb Germans rationalized their supporting Hitler (for economic reasons and straight fear reasons). These millions of "law abiding" people swept it under the rug (as humans do) and may have even finessed the truth ("We were victimized by the Nazies, too.") to the next generation. However, the next 2 or 3 generations who were completely removed from contact look back in bewilderment and wonder how millions of Germans could be that stupid. No one today with any intelligence or sense of moral and social responsibility, no decent human or total dummy, looks back and says Nazism was justifiable because of the economic benefits (and this virtual consensus is free from physical fear).

Today, in the US, only an egocentric, morally reprehensible human shit fodder would argue that Trump is good for anything. You should change your name to OCtoPOS. You are an intellectual retard.

One more meta. Two generations after 2024, your grandkids and my grandkids will look back in disbelief at how millions of Americans could be that insanely and immorally stupid. Think about it, you shit for brains. The future generations will judge us, and it will be conclusively against Trump (as we today judge Nazism) and the insanity and all those who supported him. There is a 100% probability that the judgment will go in that direction, you decrepit fooktard.
You still can't engage in a policy debate, not surprising given the state of education in high schools and universities these days. The Socratic method is a foreign language to Gen Z.

You're also very ignorant of history. Jews were reviled in Germany going back to it's creation in 1871 and before - all the way back to Charlemagne. Most people were all in until they realized they were losing bad. And here in America Nazis were admired as well. Did you know Princeton freshmen in 1939 voted Hitler the Most Admired person, with Einstein coming in 2nd?

Your language is very similar to that of the Nazis - absolutist and dogwhistling just like Obama's "guns and religion" spark that launched identity politics here.

Lastly you should familiarize yourself with the writings of Ayn Rand, or for the Cliff Notes version listen to some early Rush (I recommend Anthem on Fly By Night or even Tom Sawyer on Moving Pictures). Objectivism has always appealed to me. Even Greenspan was a disciple.

As MK pointed out Dem/lib public opinion on Trump is following the same arc as Reagan. My parents are Dems and I vividly recall the venom they spewed about Reagan. My favorite Trump moment was when he shook down all the EU leaders for $100B for NATO and told them to cancel Nordstream. Talk about prescient. And no wars! 2% inflation! $2/gal gas! Hghest wage growth for blacks in history! A totally sealed southern border with Mexico forced to deplpy 50K troops at both borders!
I understand that. But I'm talking about the reality. Unless, you (and the shithead named OCtoSV) don't think Trump is dangerous. Which he is. That's a fact. As I see it. Not my opinion. I see it as an assessment of fact. And I already know how the future generations will assess it looking back. With my background and my science, I know that will 100% happen, whereas you think it won't.

At least you say it from the heart. That bitchboy OCtoPOS is trying to intellectually rationalize to himself that the economy justifies anything Trump might do or has done, that the economy overrides societal disruption. That will go across racial minority and other minority lines. In a Trump 2nd term, there will be more physical violence (Mark it down that I said it here). But you and he don't think that will happen. Yet it's already happened and is getting worse, but that mental midget laughs at this suggestion when I made it above.

What are you guys not seeing? With my background, it's so easy to see. Can a smart person be dumb and not know it? Or is it rather can a dumb person be dumb and not know it? Not talking about you Morekaos, I'm talking about the other guy.
What is your background - sociology? I play golf with a sociology professor from SJSU and you reminded me of him telling me about the Indigenous People's celebration he attended last Thursday calling it the anti-Thanksgiving. I'm very curious given your humorous mix of self aggrandizement, vile namecalling and focus on "social disruption" as the core of your thesis. I take it you're economically disadvantaged given you haven't figured out by now that everything revolves around money. Everything. And that explains the massive jump in Trump's polling with blacks and hispanics. You probably were also offended when David Brooks told that little b*&ch Jonathan Capehart on the Friday PBS News that Manchin saved the country from even worse inflation by stopping the full Biden spending spree for childcare etc.
Since when is Trump "everyone"?
The one downside to Trump from a pocketbook perspective is higher taxes. He'll eliminate all SALT deductions to screw blue states and on his way out as a lame duck he'll sign legislation to eliminate the SS income cap and means test for SS/MC.