Presidential Elections

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So do you think the Russia story is smoke?

Trump Is Vindicated As Far As Russia Is Concerned, He Had It Right From The Beginning​

Many of the findings in Durham’s report echo the conclusions of a report issued in 2019 by the Justice Department’s inspector general, which found the FBI badly botched its handling of secret surveillance applications for Carter Page, an energy analyst who served for a time on a Trump campaign advisory board.

“The objective facts show that the FBI’s handling of important aspects of the Crossfire Hurricane matter were seriously deficient,” Durham wrote, referring to the code name for the counterintelligence probe of links between Russian officials and Trump associates.

Durham’s report also bemoaned investigators’ “disparate treatment” of the Trump and Clinton campaigns. The report describes various alleged efforts by foreign governments or individuals to influence Clinton through campaign donations and notes that the Clinton campaign was briefed on some such efforts, while Trump and his aides were not briefed about the FBI’s suspicions regarding his bid.

…there was evidence of strong political views on the part of some investigators, the FBI’s handling of the Trump probe exhibited clear “confirmation bias” in favor of a likely plot by the Russians.
Considering all the disproved lies told about him… that narrative is also in question.🤷🏽‍♂️😆😆😆
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Not really interested in looking up the details, but why not indict Pence and Biden?

I get the whole "declassify with my mind" stupidity but fair is fair.

I'm with @morekaos (gasp!) that on this alone I don't think will go very far. Throw in some Jan 6 stuff and I'll be more invested.
Not really interested in looking up the details, but why not indict Pence and Biden?

I get the whole "declassify with my mind" stupidity but fair is fair.

I'm with @morekaos (gasp!) that on this alone I don't think will go very far. Throw in some Jan 6 stuff and I'll be more invested.
Did you really just say that, IHO? You can't understand why Trump is indicted while Pence and Biden are not?

"Prosecutors led by special counsel Jack Smith allege that Trump arranged to remove a massive collection of highly sensitive classified material — much of which consists of intelligence about the “defense and weapons capabilities” of the United States and foreign countries — to his private residence as he left the White House in January 2021.

He had aides stash those records in boxes that also included personal items and ordered them shipped to his estate in Mar-a-Lago at the end of his tenure, according to the indictment. The charging document also says that on at least two occasions, Trump showed classified records to visitors without security clearances at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey — including the map of a military operation to a representative of his political committee.

As the Justice Department began inquiring about the records stashed at Trump’s home, the indictment alleges, Trump ordered an aide — Walt Nauta — to begin moving boxes with classified records to obscure them from investigators.
Trump did this without informing his attorney, who was preparing to search Trump’s property in compliance with court-authorized subpoenas to recover the records."
Like I said... not interested enough to Google the details... so I wanted the TI hot take summary.

Is what Trump did different from Biden (I think that was in an office and not his house) or Pence.

I also vaguely recollect it was the way it was reported but from what I remember from the Biden incident, it was known before the mid-term elections and was suppressed until after, which is a bit shady to me.

I'm not taking any political stance... just wondering.
Like I said... not interested enough to Google the details... so I wanted the TI hot take summary.

Is what Trump did different from Biden (I think that was in an office and not his house) or Pence.

I also vaguely recollect it was the way it was reported but from what I remember from the Biden incident, it was known before the mid-term elections and was suppressed until after, which is a bit shady to me.

I'm not taking any political stance... just wondering.
The difference between Trump and Biden/Pence is that Trump INTENTIONALLY removed highly classified documents from the White House. He also showed those classified documents to visitors without security clearances. And when the DoJ began inquiring about the documents, he ordered his aide to obscure them from the investigators.

Whether you believe it or not, Biden/Pence did not knowingly remove classified documents and they both fully cooperated with the investigators when the documents were found.
Like I said... not interested enough to Google the details... so I wanted the TI hot take summary.

Is what Trump did different from Biden (I think that was in an office and not his house) or Pence.

I also vaguely recollect it was the way it was reported but from what I remember from the Biden incident, it was known before the mid-term elections and was suppressed until after, which is a bit shady to me.

I'm not taking any political stance... just wondering.
The ultra short take is Pence and Biden RETURNED them and cooperated when it was discovered. Trump did the opposite.
I like this…lets dispel that nasty myth right now..😂😂😂

The disqualification of Donald Trump and other legal urban legends

This 14th Amendment theory is something that good liberals will read to their children at night. It goes something like this: Donald Trump can never be president again, because the 14th Amendment bars those who previously took federal oaths from assuming office if they engaged in insurrection or rebellion. With that, and a kiss on the forehead, a progressive’s child can sleep peacefully through the night.

But don’t look under the bed. For as scary as it might sound to some, Trump can indeed take office if he is elected…even if he is convicted. Indeed, he can serve as president even in the unlikely scenario that he is sentenced to jail.

Democrats have long pushed this theory about the 14th Amendment as a way of disqualifying not only Trump but also dozens of Republican members of Congress. From some, it is the ultimate Hail Mary pass if four indictments, roughly 100 criminal charges and more than a dozen opposing candidates fail to get the job done.

I have strongly rejected this interpretation for years, so it is too late to pretend that I view this as a plausible argument. However, some serious and smart people take an equally strong position in support of the theory. Indeed, conservative scholars William Baude and Michael Stokes Paulsen have argued for the interpretation and insist in a recent law review article that “the case is not even close. All who are committed to the Constitution should take note and say so.”

But some of us like to believe that we are committed to the Constitution and, for that same reason, we say no.

Despite my respect for these academics, I simply fail to see how the text, history or purpose of the 14th Amendment even remotely favors this view. Despite the extensive research of Baude and Paulsen, their analysis ends where it began: Was January 6 an insurrection or rebellion?
Meh, Trumpers going vote Trump.

They and their 60 lawsuits just need to lose AGAIN next fall.

Poll: Trump has sizable lead in Iowa, though many voters could change minds​

Former president Donald Trump holds a sizable advantage over his closest rival in the first-in-the-nation state of Iowa, though a majority of likely Republican caucus-goers say they have not made a final decision, according to a poll released Monday.

ROFLMAO, there isn't any one saying Trump is their first choice going to change their mind.