<p>I dealt with that issue over a year ago.</p>
<p>I was set to buy at Los Colinas.</p>
<p>At first, I researched the landfill issue, but could not determine the exact distance from PS. I somehow came to the conculsion that it was several miles away, and felt better.</p>
<p>Later, however, I found out that it was considerably less than 1 mile from the Los Colinas neighborhood.</p>
<p>That changed my mind, and I did not buy there.</p>
<p>My reasoning:</p>
<p>1. Fear (rational or not) of contaminants shifting with groud water deep below the land, and</p>
<p>2. Fear of future bad publicity, or worse, lawsuits.</p>
<p>3. I worried that under the right weather conditions, the odor might travel.</p>
<p>I honestly think it's safe, but it is still percieved as a negative.</p>
<p>I've compromised on homes before (too close to busy street, no view when competition has, etc.) and have vowed to avoid potential negatives in any property I purchase again. There are too many other choices out there.</p>
<p>Look at all the homes in Ladera either under, or in full view of high-voltage power lines. When the buyer pool contracts, and that buyer has 20 other homes to choose from that are not under the lines, chances are that home will sit.</p>
<p>You admitted to worry - that should tell you everything you need to know!</p>
<p>Having said that, I think Sendero is slightly less affected, because it's on the other side of Portola.</p>
<p>You have many good options now - if you buy with your head, as well as your heart!</p>