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Ready2Downsize said:eddieuclabruin said:Burn That Belly said:eddieuclabruin said:I'll be honest, most of it had to do with a lot of the stuff I read on here about it not being a great idea to live so close to a landfill. When we visited Celeste we couldn't smell anything, but me being the worrier I am I knew that it would always be in the back of my head. In terms of location, that whole development is about as close as you can get to the landfill - it's pretty much literally right below it.Burn That Belly said:eddieuclabruin said:I am not sure if we were being overly paranoid, but we decided against Celeste because of it's proximity to the landfill.
Were you able to smell it or just a 6th sense?
With that being said, I am sure things would've been fine. It was just a personal decision not to pull the trigger.
Thanks for your thoughts. Did you end up at Baker Ranch?
Nope!We pulled out of Baker Ranch because the track we were going to purchase ended up being literally on the land of the old Ordnance Explosive Device site from the military base. :
Again, more overly-paranoid decisions (or lack thereof). We had put our search for a home off for a months, but now that our apartment lease is almost over (early August), we've resumed our search in the Irvine/Tustin Ranch/Aliso Viejo areas.
So your problem is this:
You want a newer home in the center of the county. But the only land left either has issues (near landfill, cemetery, road noise), small close lots and/or is expensive and has high taxes.
It will only get worse, there is a finite amount of land left.
You needed to buy something 50 years ago.
I was in a similar situation as Eddie. Almost pulled the trigger on Brisa, and then later Baker Ranch. Ended up compromising by going for a two bedroom and tandem garage, but in Quail Hill which is newish and great location. I feel pretty good about that decision so far, location is tantamount in real estate for a reason.
The hard part is actually getting an offer accepted in the 500-800k price range. We put in an offer the same day the place was listed for 5k over list without even seeing the place. Went up against 9 other offers and got ours accepted a few days later. 9 offers same day as listing and not even an open house. I imagine that is part of the reason Eddie and others are looking at new construction.