Poll: Have you been asked to help out financially?

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With the state of our economy, I suspect that many of us know someone who is in a tough situation financially. I am wondering how many of us have been asked to help out a friend or family member.
I was actually paid back recently from one of the many borrowers at Bank of Mcdonna. I was in shock because it had been years and I had forgot all about the money I gave them. I just put the money right back into "their savings account" where they will surely borrow from in due time.
Recently, I was asked in a round about way to help fund a family members divorce but there is no way I'm getting involved in that drama.
we made several offers to former church staffers that got laid-off, we offer to pay bills and part of the rent, but none has taken us up... most people we know are fortunate to have their parents still... thanks Socal for picking up on the threads this week...
One thing I learned in life is that if someone i know asks me to borrow money because they are struggling financially, I usually lend him or her the money without ever expecting it back. I've seen too many friendships and families torn apart because they borrowed money and decided not to pay it back.

Question: If you or your wife's parents are stuggling financially, how do you go about deciding the amount to help out your in-laws between your spouse? Have any of you faced a situation where your in-laws have come to directly to you for financial help? Has it caused tension between you and your spouse? Has any of you experienced this and found an amicable solution?
I've been asked by someone to help with a down payment on a house. I said no to that one. I did offer my advice that this was not a wise time to purchase but it fell on deaf ears. Even did a cash flow forecast including comparable rents that were available (and much cheaper). This was Fall 08. They still bought the fricking house and took a cash advance on credit cards! As you can guess, this was a FHA loan.

I've been asked by someone with credit card debt to let them borrow some money to consolidate the high interest rate cards. I gave them an amount that I was comfortable with never getting back, but luckily they paid me back within 4 or 5 months.
I'm getting so many requests for help from family I ready to write a bank charter & get in line for capital from the fed. Or maybe I should become a 501 (c)3, because I doubt most of those funds will ever be seen again. :smirk:
[quote author="gypsyuma" date=1248958341]A friend asked and I contributed funds to help buy her special needs child a new stroller.</blockquote>
+ Karma points for you!
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1248959472][quote author="gypsyuma" date=1248958341]A friend asked and I contributed funds to help buy her special needs child a new stroller.</blockquote>
+ Karma points for you!</blockquote>

Scman <---- smart dude, he clips coupons. By the way, I asked him for a La Salsa coupon and he told me "screw you."
I have always bailed my sister out when she needed it. She has had the worst luck in life.

Both husbands died. One was shot and died years later. The other was a Lawyer who died

on the operating table getting cosmetic surgery. She rasied 2 kids alone and she only asked

when she really needed it. And as others have mentioned. The money was a gift every time.

I dont expect to ever see it paid back.

Now on the other hand. I have some rather intersting friends from my past. And we are all getting older. Some are really hurting. A friend I had not heard from in years called out of the blue. In the second sentence he asked for cash. I haven`t bothered to get back to him.

I have no problem handing out small amounts as gifts. But when you get those 5 figured requests. No Bueno.