Peggy Tanous of "Real Housewives" in Foreclosure, Sues Bank. Read the Court Doc.

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Did anyone catch that lecture from Micah (Peggy's husband) in the last episode? He was going on and on in a condescending way to a group of friends about how people shouldn't try to live beyond their means and how he's learned how fake people are here in O.C. and don't have the wealth they portray. (He seemed to be directing his criticisms towards the Bellinos who lost their Newport home.) The mister (who I force to sit and watch the show with me much to his protest) had to pause the DVR to catch our breath after all the "Oh my God"s and "WHAT?!"s. We couldn't believe HE, of all people, was giving a lecture on this topic!! Very ironic, Mr. Tanous! Then again, he is speaking from experience, but I hope he includes that part... if he did, they did not air it.