Soylent Green Is People said:
3) Having a limited scientific background, are we talking parts per billion, trillion or quadrillion? If it's PPT, it's a worry only a NIMBY could take seriously. I'd sooner live in an area that has DDT or Benzine in parts per billion coming out of my tap water than 1 mile away from the I-5 which is spewing both engine exhaust and road noise 24/7.
The clean-up goal, according to IRWD, is 5 PPB in groundwater.
LINK In the link I provided earlier, it says "Since the water treatment began in early 2007, nearly 3.5 billion gallons of water have been extracted and 97.1 pounds of TCE have been removed. The overall process of pumping and treating to rid the water of contaminants could take 40 years, Hills said." Filtration began in 2006 / 2007 depending on which source you go with.
Ok, so, 3.5B gallons of water @ 8.34 lbs. per gallon = 29.19B lbs. of water
97 lbs. of TCE / 29.2B lbs. = 3.32 PPB and that's only what they were able to filter out. We do not know how much they can't catch.
... They do not tell us what is remaining. I haven't been able to find one document yet that says what the testing results originally show. The only mention was in that first link I posted to IRWD where they report: "... the precise origin, nature, use, and
quantities of TCE at Site 24 are not documented."
As for drinking water, IRWD only provides an outdated report, 5 years old on their webpage.
LINK The test is as sensitive as 0.5 PPB. From 2006 - 2008, they say no TCE was detected at those levels at the 7 testing sites. However, we don't get our drinking water from Irvine ground water. Some comes from wells in Santa Ana. TCE was detected at one well there. It was shut down.
As for the filtered water, a portion of it is dumped into the ocean and the rest is used for landscape irrigation. Which one is more of a concern - consuming TCE at levels up to <0.5PPB or kids & pets coming into contact with it at unspecified amounts everywhere there is a municipal sprinkler spraying non-potable water (at 5 PPB if you believe they meet the cleanup goals for that)? I hope everyone will review all of the information and decide for themselves.