Trooper...did you vote for Obama, despite Rev. Wright, Ayers, etc? If so, you can't turn around and hold Warren "guilty by association" either. I don't know who this guy is, but I imagine he isn't all bad and probably does a lot of good. Warren believes in abstinence. I agree with you in that, IMHO, it's a misguided approach in some ways (not all), but that's what he believes in, he preaches, and he promotes. Who are we to turn around and judge him or condemn him or be intolerant or insensitive to his belief system? Other people are free to go promote their ideals and the equally stupid idea of free love if they want.
If what you say is correct, a gay person can't join his church. Big deal. There's a million clubs you and I can't join for a million different reasons. From gender, to medical history, to skin color...things that are completely out of our control exclude us from things all the time, whether or not we think it's fair. So what? There's a thousand other groups we can join. That's what's awesome about living in the US.
I get why you don't like this man and don't appreciate what he has to say. But you're trying to nail this guy for saying "When we fail to treat our fellow human beings and all the earth with the respect that they deserve, forgive us." The man has a right to exist...
The key is to learn to live each other, is it not?
As always, Trooper, thanks for the discussion. I appreciate it.