Our new Democrat overlords...

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From <a href="http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=30143">http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=30143</a>

Pelosi?s rule changes -- which may be voted on today -- will reverse the fairness rules that were written around Newt Gingrich?s ?Contract with America.?

In reaction, the House Republican leadership is sending a letter today to Pelosi to object to changes to House Rules this week that would bar Republicans from offering alternative bills, amendments to Democrat bills or even the guarantee of open debate accessible by motions to recommit for any piece of legislation during the entire 111th Congress.
[quote author="WINEX" date=1231242665]From <a href="http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=30143">http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=30143</a>

Pelosi?s rule changes -- which may be voted on today -- will reverse the fairness rules that were written around Newt Gingrich?s ?Contract with America.?

In reaction, the House Republican leadership is sending a letter today to Pelosi to object to changes to House Rules this week that would bar Republicans from offering alternative bills, amendments to Democrat bills or even the guarantee of open debate accessible by motions to recommit for any piece of legislation during the entire 111th Congress.</blockquote>

The people voted for change.

They're getting what they wanted.

In two years, they may not be as enamored with it.

Frankly, I say let them run with it.

It's kind of like the California Assembly. I'm almost ready to throw in the towel and say let a simple majority set the budget. That way we can get it over with. Kind of like a root canal. Given free rein, the tax increases would be draconian and likely would devastate the economy. I'd give it six years for total revolt. Two years for implosion, two more years of misery, and two additional years to organize the revolt.
I don't think that people wanted Soviet Union style politics, but that's what they are getting. That having been said, exit polls showed that 65% of people who voted for Obama thought that the Republicans were in control of the House and Senate.

We are screwed.
[quote author="WINEX" date=1231246614]I don't think that people wanted Soviet Union style politics, but that's what they are getting. That having been said, exit polls showed that 65% of people who voted for Obama thought that the Republicans were in control of the House and Senate.

We are screwed.</blockquote>

And the majority of people who voted for Bush thought Saddam Hussein attacked us, could we just wait a few months before making such pronouncements?
[quote author="tmare" date=1231246890][quote author="WINEX" date=1231246614]I don't think that people wanted Soviet Union style politics, but that's what they are getting. That having been said, exit polls showed that 65% of people who voted for Obama thought that the Republicans were in control of the House and Senate.

We are screwed.</blockquote>

And the majority of people who voted for Bush thought Saddam Hussein attacked us, could we just wait a few months before making such pronouncements?</blockquote>

Ummm, where have you been? Iraq (under Saddam's rule) attacked the United States thousands of times between the cease fire agreement that ended hostilities in 1991 and the resumption of the war in March 2003.
Sometimes I think that the Democrats do not realize why they win, and why they lose. In 2000 they said the election was stolen in Florida, yet Gore lost in his home state. In 2008, they ran against an extremely unpopular incumbent party, and think that they got the votes because the people really want them there. Yet Politico has reported that the DNC has sent out a fundraising letter stating that early polling shows 70 Democratic house members will be in jeopardy in 2010. Apparently the people do not have the opinion of the Democrats that Pelosi does.

I think in 2010, the GOP will have sizable gains in the House and Senate (not quite back to the majority - but close), as well as win two of three of the upper midwest governerships (MN, MI, OH). There is even an excellent chance that they will take Harry Reid's seat.
This is a classic case of over reaching by the Majority. I expect more of it under the guise of "repairing" the damage caused by the Bush administration. What I find puzzling is the number of ex-members of the Clinton administration that will be populating Obama's administration, with Leon Panetta being the latest to be called back into the Executive branch. If undoing Bush 41 is all the "change" we can "hope" for in the next four years, Obama is going to suffer the worst mid-term losses since Clinton in 1994.

After perusing the details of his upcoming "stimulus" package, I'm left wondering what happened to the candidate who was running in November. He's planning on handing out tax cuts like they are candy to the same people he promised to tax more as well as people who are already not paying a dime in taxes, he's planning on massive deficit spending to further bolster a crashing economy by signing on the Congressional plans for the remaining TARP funds (which means rescuing owners from foreclosure, and reinflating the sub-prime credit bubble for cars and colleges), and openly supports propping up the auto industry in order to keep them from closing. This is change? This is visionary leadership? This looks like panic-stricken straw clutching, like a populist version of the Bush tax cuts combined with Paulson's TARP. It does absolutely nothing to resolve the current problems or even address the underlying causes of the current mess. If this is actually "the plan" and not just a series of trial balloons being floated in the media, Obama will go down as the worst President in modern history. Given his predecessor, that's saying quite a bit.

In case you had not noticed. The Republicans were laid waste in the election

on November 4th.

Well its over. Obama is the President and the Democrat's look to have complete control.

And why did the Election go against the Republicans so badly ?

Because the ability to "Create Fear" AKA Karl Rove politics ran its course and FAILED.

Lies and fakery only go so far. Bush was completly incompetant and now we are living

with the results of his failed policy.

Look at where this country is today in its economy, wars, and international standing.

Then look at who has been the President for the last 8 Years.

I was looking at all the political threads where you mention "Obama". WOW.

This looks to be a little obsessive if you ask me.

<a href="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/search_results/33013e4646a8f5cc4ba42aa2cb960a20/">http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/search_results/33013e4646a8f5cc4ba42aa2cb960a20/</a>

Give our new President and Congress a chance before you start ranting. We put up with yours for 8 Years. And if we dared to speak against him or his policy. We were called Un Patriotic.
Pelosi is just power hungry.

Even if you are anti Republican you should see this is bad.

Stop for one moment and ask yourself if the Republicans had control of Congress during the Bush administration and wanted to pass similar rule changes what would your reaction be. Not good I suppose.

I wouldn't support this type of power grab no matter what party was in office. The reason the rules changes were approved last time is because that much power led to abuse.
[quote author="bltserv" date=1231298921]Give our new President and Congress a chance before you start ranting. We put up with yours for 8 Years. And if we dared to speak against him or his policy. We were called Un Patriotic.</blockquote>
The new Congress is being led by the same people as the last Congress. Obama has been announcing policy positions and championing various bailouts since he won the election. Even now he is lobbying Congress to get *his* plan passed so he can sign it as soon as he takes office. So far all I have seen is a return of Bill Clinton's cabinet and a pre-announcement of more tax cuts and more government spending, more bailouts and attempts to artificially sustain home prices by preventing foreclosures, more of the same actions we have been ridiculing the Bush administration for attempting over the last year. Yet, only a few are asking "WTF?" when there is still time to prevent more waste of tax payer dollars.

If this strikes you as pre-emptive or unfair, keep in mind that just yesterday Obama was meeting with Congressional leaders. Even though he has no official authority, he is actively working on putting his policies into effect. I am not condemning him for getting a head start. But he got his "chance" when he won the election and now that his policies are being pushed through Congress, he/they/them are now open to analysis and criticism. If that offends you, don't read the threads.
[quote author="Oscar" date=1231323267][quote author="bltserv" date=1231298921]Give our new President and Congress a chance before you start ranting. We put up with yours for 8 Years. And if we dared to speak against him or his policy. We were called Un Patriotic.</blockquote>
The new Congress is being led by the same people as the last Congress. Obama has been announcing policy positions and championing various bailouts since he won the election. Even now he is lobbying Congress to get *his* plan passed so he can sign it as soon as he takes office. So far all I have seen is a return of Bill Clinton's cabinet and a pre-announcement of more tax cuts and more government spending, more bailouts and attempts to artificially sustain home prices by preventing foreclosures, more of the same actions we have been ridiculing the Bush administration for attempting over the last year. Yet, only a few are asking "WTF?" when there is still time to prevent more waste of tax payer dollars.

If this strikes you as pre-emptive or unfair, keep in mind that just yesterday Obama was meeting with Congressional leaders. Even though he has no official authority, he is actively working on putting his policies into effect. I am not condemning him for getting a head start. But he got his "chance" when he won the election and now that his policies are being pushed through Congress, he/they/them are now open to analysis and criticism. If that offends you, don't read the threads.</blockquote>

Not offended in the least. But lets let him take his oath of office and begin his administration with an open mind. He is who the majority of people elected.

And he was not elected from a platform of fear as in 2004. Or in a situation where

he did not win the popular vote as in 2000. And I would welcome the Clinton Era

back with open arms. This county was in great shape during his terms compared to

what Bush has left us.

Did you see all that new Bush Presidential China ? $ 550,000 for a new China Service.

Timing is everything dont you think ?

<a href="http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Politics/story?id=6593323&page=1">http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Politics/story?id=6593323&page=1</a>
[quote author="bltserv" date=1231377793][quote author="Oscar" date=1231323267][quote author="bltserv" date=1231298921]Give our new President and Congress a chance before you start ranting. We put up with yours for 8 Years. And if we dared to speak against him or his policy. We were called Un Patriotic.</blockquote>
The new Congress is being led by the same people as the last Congress. Obama has been announcing policy positions and championing various bailouts since he won the election. Even now he is lobbying Congress to get *his* plan passed so he can sign it as soon as he takes office. So far all I have seen is a return of Bill Clinton's cabinet and a pre-announcement of more tax cuts and more government spending, more bailouts and attempts to artificially sustain home prices by preventing foreclosures, more of the same actions we have been ridiculing the Bush administration for attempting over the last year. Yet, only a few are asking "WTF?" when there is still time to prevent more waste of tax payer dollars.

If this strikes you as pre-emptive or unfair, keep in mind that just yesterday Obama was meeting with Congressional leaders. Even though he has no official authority, he is actively working on putting his policies into effect. I am not condemning him for getting a head start. But he got his "chance" when he won the election and now that his policies are being pushed through Congress, he/they/them are now open to analysis and criticism. If that offends you, don't read the threads.</blockquote>

Not offended in the least. But lets let him take his oath of office and begin his administration with an open mind. He is who the majority of people elected.

And he was not elected from a platform of fear as in 2004. Or in a situation where

he did not win the popular vote as in 2000. And I would welcome the Clinton Era

back with open arms. This county was in great shape during his terms compared to

what Bush has left us.

Did you see all that new Bush Presidential China ? $ 550,000 for a new China Service.

Timing is everything dont you think ?

<a href="http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Politics/story?id=6593323&page=1">http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Politics/story?id=6593323&page=1</a></blockquote>

I disagree, he was elected from a platform of fear. Fear that someone like Bush and a republican might get into the office again
[quote author="optimusprime" date=1231384965]I heard Keith Olbermann is the top choice for Press Secretary and Jim Cramer for SEC head :)</blockquote>

I heard they would keep Chris Cox for the SEC Head. NOT.

If you want a good laugh read this BIO.

Kind of like "Good Job Brownie"

<a href="http://404.gov/about/commissioner/cox.htm">http://404.gov/about/commissioner/cox.htm</a>

"During his tenure at the SEC, Chairman Cox has made vigorous enforcement of the securities laws the agency's top priority, bringing ground breaking cases against a variety of market abuses including hedge fund insider trading".

Guess they wrote this before Bernie got his 50 Billion.
[quote author="skek" date=1233218316]Got to admire the cojones it took to introduce this bill:

<blockquote>The Rangel Rule Act of 2009, HR 735

All U.S. taxpayers would enjoy the same immunity from IRS penalties and interest as House Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Obama Administration Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, if a bill introduced today by Congressman John Carter (R-TX) becomes law.

Carter, a former longtime Texas judge, today introduced the Rangel Rule Act of 2009, HR 735, which would prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from charging penalties and interest on back taxes against U.S. citizens. Under the proposed law, any taxpayer who wrote ?Rangel Rule? on their return when paying back taxes would be immune from penalties and interest.</blockquote></blockquote>

Now that's some world-class snark!