Orchard Hills - The Groves - Keystone Pacific & HOA

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Interesting because the enrollment of the other TUSD middle schools are all below or around 1000. Internet says OH school has 1400 kids? I think that living near a school comes with some unspoken inconveniences but I also think parents should respect whatever the rules are as outlined. I also agree this is the wrong forum to voice your concerns. No one here will be sympathetic to your situation - it’s a forum that likes piling on :) But I do think there is a legitimate gripe here if the original design of the school (drop offs, etc) did not account for this many kids.

Good luck to you. Maybe you’ll get a fix before someguy gets a brand new lake forest elementary school ✌🏻
Orchard Hills was always intended as K-8.
No it wasn’t. And it was never presented as anything other than a middle school to prospective home buyers.
No, it was always intended to eventually be a K-8. Residents had to fight for it to open the K-5 portion in the early days of OH. Either the builders pulled a fast one on you, or you didn't do your due diligence. Most people consider it a good thing to have a continuous K-8 in the neighborhood.
"Either the builders pulled a fast one on you, or you didn't do your due diligence."

Neither happened.

"Most people consider it a good thing to have a continuous K-8 in the neighborhood."

Irrelevant to the issue.
No, it was always intended to eventually be a K-8. Residents had to fight for it to open the K-5 portion in the early days of OH. Either the builders pulled a fast one on you, or you didn't do your due diligence. Most people consider it a good thing to have a continuous K-8 in the neighborhood.
I concur. I always have known Orchard Hills will be K to 8 but in the early days they didn’t have enough enrollment so they started with lowee grades only and added a grade every year as students age. Settlers Park is one of the parks I visited often before the school or the Groves even broke ground…
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No, it was always intended to eventually be a K-8. Residents had to fight for it to open the K-5 portion in the early days of OH. Either the builders pulled a fast one on you, or you didn't do your due diligence. Most people consider it a good thing to have a continuous K-8 in the neighborhood.
Yep. You’re right. Was always planned as a k-8 school. But didn’t have enough K-4 to fill seats so it operated as a 5-8 for many years.

Yep. You’re right. Was always planned as a k-8 school. But didn’t have enough K-4 to fill seats so it operated as a 5-8 for many years.

Another part of the traffic problem is, imho, School hardening. The first year we attended summer academy, the restrictive gates we not present, the back parking lot was open and access from it was easy. The following year, the steel choke point and access restriction surrounded the school and drop off was restricted to two points, either the front double lane but nearly single point drop off or the side loop. Both get bottlenecked by the slowest kid each drop.
This chatgpt didn't work as well:

Write a letter regarding traffic Complaints about Keystone Pacific HOA and Orchard Hills School and the excessive traffic buildup due to parents picking up and dropping off their kids

Dear [Recipient],

I am writing to express my concern about the excessive traffic buildup that has been caused by parents picking up and dropping off their children at Keystone Pacific HOA and Orchard Hills School. This issue has become a major inconvenience for the community, and I believe that action needs to be taken to address the problem.

As a resident of the area, I have witnessed firsthand the chaos that ensues during school hours when parents arrive to pick up their children. The streets become congested, making it difficult for other residents to get around, and there is a significant increase in the risk of accidents due to the sheer number of vehicles on the road.

I understand that Keystone Pacific HOA and Orchard Hills School are important institutions in the community, and that parents need to be able to pick up and drop off their children safely. However, I believe that the current situation is not sustainable, and that alternative solutions need to be explored.

One possible solution could be to introduce a system of staggered pickup and drop-off times, which would reduce the number of vehicles on the road at any given time. Another option could be to encourage parents to use alternative modes of transportation, such as walking or cycling, to get their children to and from school.

I urge you to take action on this issue as soon as possible, before the situation becomes even more problematic. I believe that by working together, we can find a solution that benefits everyone in the community.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my concerns.


[Your Name]

Or staggered start times. Separate each grade by 10 min.
Such f'ing lame parenting. Why aren't these kids walking/riding bikes to school? Problem solved. I did growing up and our kid did, with anywhere from a 10-30 min walk/bike ride year to year, across busy streets and through neighborhoods in morning rush hour. Are distances farther for these kids? WTF???
Such f'ing lame parenting. Why aren't these kids walking/riding bikes to school? Problem solved. I did growing up and our kid did, with anywhere from a 10-30 min walk/bike ride year to year, across busy streets and through neighborhoods in morning rush hour. Are distances farther for these kids? WTF???
This. Most kids in Irvine are babied from the day they are born.
I love it being K-8, it's very convenient to the families that live in the area to have such a close school to their home. The traffic is bad in the mornings, but that's like all school systems.
Impressive vocab!


You should write a strongly worded letter to all of the parties you mention!
since when was "encroaching" an impressive vocabulary word? 🙃 Not sure if I can say the same about whatever "milquetoast" is however