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Initial thoughts:
Plan 2's the only one I like. For my personal reasons, I'd rule out plan 3 immediately because of a pass-thru laundry room from the garage. Plan 1 doesn't have a downstairs powder room (just a full bathroom), which is something I really prefer. Plan 2 looks attractive enough without having any deal-breakers due to personal preferences. Of course, a nice floor plan does not equal good home once it's actually built.
Initial thoughts:
Plan 2's the only one I like. For my personal reasons, I'd rule out plan 3 immediately because of a pass-thru laundry room from the garage. Plan 1 doesn't have a downstairs powder room (just a full bathroom), which is something I really prefer. Plan 2 looks attractive enough without having any deal-breakers due to personal preferences. Of course, a nice floor plan does not equal good home once it's actually built.